day 1 ~ getting lost somewhere

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"Gonna admit that you have no idea where we are yet?"

"I... uh..."

I took my feet down from Gerard's dash and crossed my legs and arms, smirking at him as he pulled into the parking lot of a motel.

"We're lost."

"We could use Google Maps?" I offered.

His face lit up again and he nodded in relief. "That's a great idea, babe. Do you have your phone?"

"It's dead."

"So is mine."

He frowned and looked at the motel in front of us. "It's a good thing I didn't make reservations anywhere. Maybe we can spend the night here if you don't mind."

I shrugged. "Sounds good. We could charge our phones here too. Did you bring your charger?"

"Oh my fucking god," Gerard grumbled. "I'm such a dumbarse. Did you?"

"I'm sure I did," I said, rummaging around in the small backpack that I kept near my feet while Gerard was driving to what he thought was New York. No such luck.

"We're both dumbarses."

Gerard actually started to giggle, and I shook my head, laughing with him.

"Look, check us in and I'll walk across the street to that Walgreens. They must have chargers."

"Okay, I'll meet you back in the car in a few, alright? I'm not going up without you."

I nodded. "I'll be back in a few, then." I kissed him and stepped out of the car, grabbing my wallet and stretching. I waved at my boyfriend as he walked to the office and prayed that the Walgreens still had chargers at ten at night. Thankfully, they did, so I bought two chargers and a couple of other necessities, and walked back across the street, getting into the car again and grinning at Gerard.

"You got them?"

I held up the bag, and he sighed in relief. "You're a godsend, love."

I cocked my eyebrow and smirked. "Don't worry, I got a few other things that I knew you'd forget too, baby."

He scrunched his face in confusion but shrugged. We got out of the car and walked to the trunk, taking out our bags. Gerard led the way up the stairs of the small motel and then used the keycard to get in. When the door closed, he leant against it, and closed his eyes, sighing.

I reached for the light switch and illuminated the room.

There was a queen bed situated in the middle of the room, pressed against the wall. A television was propped on a desk facing the bed. Curtains covered a large window, and across the heavy front door, the bathroom door was slightly open. Of course, the room smelled of cigarettes, but I didn't really mind it much, and I don't think Gerard did either, because he reached into his bag and grabbed a pack. Pressing the keycard into his pocket, he opened the pack of cigarettes and offered me one.

"Let's go outside and I can give you a light, darling," I said, and he nodded, taking two out of the pack, shoving one in his mouth, and handing one to me. I placed mine between my lips and followed him out the door. We sat on the stairs with our legs dangling out of the rungs.

"Can I get that light?" he asked, and I nodded, pulling his face close to mine and lighting his and then mine.

"Thanks, babe," he said, smiling at me.

"No problem," I mumbled, taking a long drag and sighing out the smoke. "We should really quit."

He nodded. "We should," and then took another drag. "But we can't."

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