forty-three ~ frankie has a blood kink (part two)

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"Hey, babe?" Frank said quietly, looking up from his book. "I've been thinking about this for a while and I have all the necessary supplies for it to be sanitary again, but I want to... uhm..."

I looked up from my sketchbook, feeling my dick twitching in my pants. I smirked. "Yeah, baby?"

"I wanna do the thing with the switchblade again," my husband whispered, smiling a bit.

My smirk widened. "You remember how proud of us Jamia was when you showed her what I'd done?"

Frank nodded, smiling at the memory. "She... she really loves you, y'know?"

"Mhm," I hummed, trying to remember where the switchblade was. "I love her too."

"But I love you more," Frank continued.

I grinned. "I'd hope so."

"I hid it in my bedside table," he blurted out. "I know you're trying to think where it is."

I grinned. "Insightful."

"There's um..." Frank trailed off. "There's something specific I want it to say this time though, babe."

"Oh, and what's that, baby?"

"'Gee's'" he said, blushing. "I just... I'm all yours and I'd love to see that constantly. It's more personal than a tattoo."

I felt my stomach twist pleasantly and sketchbook, shutting it and placing it on the coffee table. "That sounds wonderful, baby, but are you absolutely sure you want me to hurt you like that?"

He nodded, eyes alert. "I really want this," he said. "I have bandages and disinfectant for the blade and for my leg and--"

"Your leg?" I smirked, raising an eyebrow and scooting closer to him, placing my hand on his thigh. "But I don't wanna fuck up your beautiful skin like that, Frankie."

"It's not fucking it up, Gee," he whispered. "Like... God, I'm so embarrassed," he said, blushing and putting his reddening face in his hands.

I ran my thumb soothingly over his thigh, leaning over to kiss his forehead. "Don't be embarrassed, baby, you know I like doing it too."

"You do?" he perked up, smirking a little as his hands came away from his burning face.

I nodded, feeling my own face growing red. "Well, I don't like the fact that I'm hurting you, but whenever we're rough you're really responsive... so... yeah, I like it in that way."

"Oh," he said softly, smiling.

"So what were you gonna say, baby?" I ask, deftly slipping him into my lap.

"I um... I just... I want it on my inner thigh... where you kiss me a lot," he whispered, blushing and hiding his face in my chest. I grinned, kissing his forehead softly.

"That's really sexy, baby, but that's gonna be painful to walk with."

"Bandages," he said softly, voice muffled in my chest.

"Oh," I said, putting the things together in my mind. Carving my name into my husband's inner thigh, now that would be possessiveness of the highest order. Yeah, he wanted it, but was it too much? I kissed his forehead and let my lips rest on his forehead, breathing in the scent of his hair.

"What're you thinking about, babe?" he asked, not moving his head.

I inhaled deeply, closing my eyes. "Just... that's really possessive. I knew you liked possessiveness but not..."

"You know how much I like being yours, especially in bed, Gee," he mumbled. "I like having every bit of me be yours. I like being under your control."

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