seventy-nine ~ unprofessional relationships (part 2)

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"Hey," Frank said as he slipped into the seat in the booth across from Gerard. "I'm not late, am I?"

"Nope, I'm just early," Gerard said with a smile. "Thought I'd save a seat for us."

The sky was glowing pink and purple, and the seats in the diner were red and blue, with checkerboard floors and tabletops. Frank wanted to admire the sky, but he found himself distracted by Gerard instead.

"You're really pretty," Frank told him.

"Frank, you're giving me eyes," he mumbled, and his cheeks lit up bright red.

"Shit, sorry," Frank said, blinking, and shaking his head a little, trying to snap out of it. "You're just really pretty."

"Thanks," Gerard said, and ducked his head, looking at the menu, trying to hide his smile, but Frank caught it, and nudged his foot affectionately under the table.

"We just have to share a milkshake, Frank, I don't know what to tell you," he said after a pause as they scanned their menus. "Look at the sky, the diner... us."

"We are dressed pretty 80s, you're so right," Frank agreed, glancing down at his black jean jacket and Gerard's leather one. "I'd love a milkshake. But you better say chocolate."

Gerard put the back of his hand to his forehead and leant back in his seat. "We're made for each other."

"I'd argue that in more than just our taste for milkshakes. Tattooer and comic book artist? You kidding?"

"You're right," Gerard said, and put his elbows on the table, throwing Frank back to their first date. It had only been six days, Frank realised, shocked at how quickly time seemed to fly past him. He hummed and smiled down at the menu.

"What are you getting?"

"Burger and fries. They make a better impossible burger than a real one, so I always go for that, and you're veggie, right?"

"Mhm, I'm a vegetable," Frank teased and smiled. "I'll take your word for it."

The shake was delicious, and they sipped it double-strawed, just like in the movies. Frank said he did it to humour Gerard, but they both knew he loved it too. The fries were spectacular dipped in the milkshake as well, and they felt as though they were really back in the 80s, before their ages were double digits, and before they knew anything about themselves.

"I think the only thing I knew about myself before I turned ten was that I wanted tattoos," Frank said, and took the last bite of the impossible burger. "I don't think I knew I was queer until I was twelve. I was a late bloomer."

"Did you ever think you liked women?"

"Sure, I'm bi, but my first real crush was on a boy, and I usually go for guys, so it's not a fifty-fifty thing, really," he said, and wiped his mouth.

"That's actually so cute," Gerard said with a little smirk. "Tiny Frankie, holding hands with a boy in sixth grade."

"I didn't hold hands with a boy until my senior year of high school," Frank said, frowning a little, but he perked right back up when he saw Gerard's eyes. "It's okay though, I've got the rest of my life to hold hands with whoever I want."

"That's an admirable attitude," Gerard said, and then slid his hand over the table to Frank. "Here, hold my hand now."

Frank smiled a little, and put his hand on top of Gerard's until they both pulled away to finish their fries and their milkshake. Frank found himself asking Gerard to come to his place again, but this time, it was because they were bordering on a makeout session in the back of the parking lot, and Frank felt like instead of bothering people, they should just go to his flat. Gerard agreed right away; Frank saw something deeper in his eyes, and it made his pants feel just a little tighter than they were before.

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