thirty-six ~ counter tops

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"Hey, g'morning," Gerard said, stumbling into the kitchen we shared. I looked up at him from my currently scrambling eggs and smiled.

"Morning Gee, you're up early."

"It's your birthday, Frankie... I was gonna make you breakfast, but you got up before me," Gerard pouted and shuffled over to where I was standing, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

I shrugged. "It's the thought that counts."

"It's also your goddamn birthday," he grumbled, and I felt a soft, damp kiss on the back of my neck.

"Not everything's gonna be perfect, Gerard," I laughed to myself. "Besides, it's just breakfast, and I enjoy making it anyways."

"Stop..." he whined, drawing out his 'o' and I felt another kiss on my neck.

"Stop what?" I giggled this time and felt his forehead on my shoulder.

"Stop being so goddamn perfect," he said, voice muffled. I slid the eggs onto a plate and turned off the stove.

"I'm not," I whined back, and he laughed too, weakly.

"I love you," he mumbled into my neck as I shoved bread into the toaster.

"Love you, too, idiot. Now, sit down so I can—"

"Fuck, no. You sit down," he countered. And just as I was about to come back, he cut me off. "It's your birthday."

"Fine," I huffed, sitting down. He made coffee, cut fruit, made more toast, and set out jam, butter, and cheese, all while keeping up a conversation with me, which honestly, I was astonished at.

"Fuck, Gee," I sighed when he finally sat down in front of me, placing our mugs of coffee down. "Thanks so much."

He rolled his eyes, grinning. "Now if you just hadn't woken up so early, you woulda gotten breakfast in bed."

"I much prefer eating with you, my love," I grinned at his blushing face and took a bite of my food.

"That's adorable," he mocked, but the blush on his face was obvious as ever.

"I love the fact that I can still make you blush," I commented and he hid his face behind his mug of coffee, looking away from me.

"Thanks, cutie," he finally responded, winking and I felt my cheeks glowing red too as the memories rushed in.

"My friend and I are dying, and we just need some water. No one else will give us any," the man chuckled, his friend nodding her head along with his words.

I saw his eyes roam my face and then give me a once over from in front of the counter. I felt my cheeks light up like a Christmas tree, so I reached behind the counter of the small ice cream store and pulled out two water bottles.

"That's a dollar and a half," I said, smiling as well as I could. I was still gaping at the gorgeous man when he pulled out two dollars.

"Thanks, cutie."

I smiled to myself and ignored my flaming cheeks as I rung him up and printed the exceptionally long receipt. As I handed it to him, he pulled out a pen, scribbling something down on it. He pushed it back to me over the counter and smiled.

"Call me."

He winked and walked out with his friend as they both cracked open the seal on the (unfortunately) plastic water bottles and guzzled water. I mean, could I blame them? August was pretty stinky.

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