fifty-eight ~ stuck

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Gerard huffed tiredly and opened his eyes as the elevator slowed down. He hated being in elevators with other people. Time in an elevator with someone was always awkward when you didn't have earbuds in, and being Donald Way's son left him little time in public to listen to music without having to look over his shoulder every few seconds.

He wasn't very happy about being a mafia leader's son, but c'est la vie. (He liked using the French phrase because it drove his mother crazy; "just use it in Italian" she'd say.)

The elevator doors slid open, and a few people walked in. And Gerard sighed under his breath because none other than Frank Iero had walked in amongst them. Frank Iero was the son of the other biggest mafia leader in New Jersey. Being an Iero would make him Gerard's worst enemy, but try as he might, Gerard couldn't bring himself to truly hate the boy.

The boy was beautiful, he was kind, and he was very gay, and openly at that, and his parents and the whole community didn't even seem to care. The Iero family was known for being accepting and uncaring of identity. Sometimes, they'd take in strays and shelter them in exchange for their services. This was one of the reasons that the Way family mafia seemed to hate the Ieros; because of their acceptance and willingness to admit that they weren't superior because of their racial purity, which the Ways held extremely important.

But Gerard loved that attitude more than anything else. He liked the acceptance, the morality, and the kindness that was the whole Iero family mafia, and more than anything, he liked Frank.

But he also despised him, utterly despised him for being so lucky as to have been born into a family like this. When Gerard had come out to his parents, they were fine with it, but they didn't embrace it or accept it as openly as the Iero family. And sure, Gerard felt very lucky to have been accepted by his family, however, he still longed for a family that would love him and not hold back anything about him like the Ieros seemed to do.

Gerard snuck a glance at the short and extremely attractive boy and felt his cheeks turn as crimson as his hair. Frank caught his gaze, and for a fleeting moment, Gerard saw Frank's cheeks turn dark pink too, but then Gerard cut their eye contact off, and by the time the elevator stopped again, Gerard hadn't looked up once. The elevator emptied, and the eighteen-year-old sighed and relaxed.

When he looked up again, he was startled to see that Frank Iero hadn't gotten out of the elevator, and what's more, he was still looking at him. As soon as they made eye contact, Frank glanced away, but Gerard's gaze lingered. 

When he finally broke away, he was shocked to feel a sudden shake of the elevator and a little drop downwards of around two feet. The cable caught them and stopped the elevator from plummeting, however, Gerard's heart had still jumped to his throat for a few moments.

Oh, and Frank was still staring at Gerard.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Gerard sighed and locked eyes with Frank.

"Shut the fuck up and hit the call button, dumbarse," Frank snapped back, and Gerard raised an eyebrow.

"Sassy, are we, Iero?" he said while he crossed his arms.

"You love it. You're just as much of a faggot as I am," Frank replied calmly and Gerard felt a blossom of misguided hope as he leant back against the side of the metal box.

"Yeah," Gerard admitted and revelled in the shock that sprung up in Frank's eyes. "I love sucking cock. I love taking it up the arse, and I love fucking guys so hard they scream my name. But most of all, Frank Iero, I love doing the wrong thing." Gerard licked his lips and felt proud of how intense the eye contact they maintained was.

"Oh, uh, okay," Frank stuttered, taken aback, but not exactly frightened. Mostly, he looked confused.

"So, yeah, Frank Iero, I am a faggot. I'm a filthy, disgusting faggot, and my mum and dad hate it. But lemme tell you a secret," he whispered, and then leant in close, and Frank actually leant back away from him. "I hate them too."

"Way, what the fuck are you doing?" Frank questioned, and Gerard chuckled and leant away, feeling Frank ease when he did so.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or come on too strong," Gerard sighed, and Frank shook his head and laughed nervously.

"It's fine, really," he said, exhaling with obvious confusion and a bit of relief apparent in his eyes and on his face. "I mean. It's good to know you're gay too."


"Because you're kinda cute, Way."

"You're not bad yourself, Iero," Gerard said with a small smile.

"Yeah?" Frank clasped his hands together. "I've been wanting to ask you to coffee since forever but I can't do this Romeo and Juliet shit, I just..."

"Wait, you actually..." Gerard's eyes widened and he smiled a little. "You weren't joking."

"I uh... no, I wasn't," Frank confirmed. "Why?"

"Because I'm supposed to hate you because of some stupid grudge but you're the most attractive and kind-hearted person I've ever seen, and I..." Gerard debated whether he should go on, literally biting his tongue for a few seconds, but when Frank's eyes pleaded with his, he decided he would, "and I have hella feelings for you, Frank Iero."

Frank took a step closer. "Well, I have hella feelings for you too, Gerard Way," he frowned, "but that's the problem, isn't it? You're Gerard Way, and I'm Frank Iero. It just wouldn't work."

"A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet?" Gerard tried, and Frank giggled -- actually giggled -- and shook his head.

"You're sweet, Gerard Way, but I think we should press the call button on the elevator before we actually catch deeper feelings for each other. My dad would murder me if he knew I was talking to you."

"I..." Gerard was still shell-shocked that Frank legitimately returned his feelings, and after having tried and failed at numerous relationships just because he was pining too hard over Frank, he wasn't about to just let this go.

So when Frank reached behind Gerard to press the button, Gerard caught his wrist. "Lemme take you out for coffee," he pleaded with his eyes more than with his voice, and he could see how quickly Frank's will was crumbling, but the shorted boy just shook his head anyway.

"It would endanger both of us."

"Frank," Gerard breathed, and with his free hand, brought it to his face and stroked his cheek softly. "Just give me a chance. One chance."

Frank bit his lip and leant forward a little bit and Gerard found himself lost in the hazel irises that were so close to his and the warm breath he could feel on his neck.

"It's so risky, too... risky," Frank breathed, but he was also the one who initiated the kiss. He pressed his lips to Gerard's softly, and Gerard's breath caught in his throat at how gently and softly he'd kissed him, and reciprocated immediately, moving his lips in time with Frank's.

He let go of Frank's wrist, and Frank took the opportunity to wrap his arms around Gerard's neck, pulling their bodies closer together. Their lips danced slowly together and didn't part for a good two minutes, as if both boys were scared of what they'd have to face when they did. But when the precious two minutes were over, they pulled apart and both of their eyes were wide and Frank's were laced with hope and slight mistrust, but Gerard brushed it off.

He whispered, "Let me prove it to you. I'll treat you right."

"Fuck," Frank mumbled, and brought their lips together for another few seconds. "Fine. Take me out for coffee. But one move to make me suspicious of why you're doing so, and you can forget that I ever liked you."

"I wanna take you on a date because I like you, Frankie," Gerard said genuinely, and Frank's hand came up to stroke Gerard's cheek softly.

"Then prove it, and I'll believe you," he whispered and reached behind Gerard to push the call button. And then he kissed him again for just a few seconds as they waited for someone to come and take them out of their predicament.

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