day 7 ~ death of someone close

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As always this has a twist. No one actually dies, so it's not sad. If you want something sad read day 4.

"Good morning darling," I said as Gerard walked into the kitchen, looking especially nervous. It was Saturday, my turn to make breakfast.

"Thanks for breakfast," he said, rubbing his eyes sleepily. "You're the best."

"It's my turn today," I said, placing our full plates and mugs down at the table. "Besides, I love cooking for my boyfriend," I said smiling and kissed his forehead. He cringed, so I backed away, sitting across from him in my regular seat.

He looked forlorn, picking up his coffee and bringing it to his lips hesitantly. Something was wrong. Something had been wrong for a while now. I had to ask.

"Hey, Gee?"

He looked up, his eyes glossy, and I bit my lip, my brain jumping to the worst case scenarios—he didn't love me, he was going to break up with me, he was going to leave right now. I took a deep breath. "What's wrong?"

He shrugged— "I'll be right back—" and got up, walking to our bedroom. I heard him opening a closet door and felt my own eyes tearing up. He was going to break up with me. He was packing his things. I pushed my tears back though, as he came back, tugging one of my hoodies over his body. "Okay. I'm comfortable now," he said, pausing and looking at me carefully, the glossiness in his eyes still apparent.

"Baby will you tell me what's wrong?"

He nodded., taking another sip of his coffee, and then a deep breath of air. "Yes. Please, just... don't freak out okay?"

I nodded, bracing myself. He seemed to inhale the scent of my hoodie as he took another deep breath, and I comforted myself as he calmed down a bit. He was using my clothing to calm himself down so he didn't hate me. Maybe he wasn't going to break up with me...?

I was shaken out of my thoughts as he started. "I've been thinking for a while now, and I've been considering why I um..." tears spilt from his eyes and coated his cheeks, and he drew the hoodie closer to him. "Why um... why I hate my body so much."

I felt my whole body relax. This wasn't about us. This was about him. I could help him with that. I would help him with that. I nodded, smiling gently for him to continue.

"Well, I... fuck I'm so scared to tell you this, Frankie."

I bit my lip. "Why, baby? You can tell me anything you know." He nodded. "I love you," I reminded him, and he nodded, mouthing the words back, tears spilling even harder.

"B-because you might not love me anymore when I tell you," he said softly, hands coming up to wipe the tears away. I reached across the table, holding one of his hands in mine.

"I don't think I could ever not love you, Gee."

He shrugged and I bit my lip.

"Trust me," I insisted, and this time Gee nodded. "What's up?"

"I—I think I'm trans, Frankie," Gee looked up at me and I could see eyes searching mine for any semblance of rejection or confusion.

I nodded slowly, letting the information sink in. "Okay..."

"And I'd like to be called Gee, and she and her pronouns." Her voice was quivering but she was confident nonetheless.

I nodded again, this time smiling slightly, and squeezing my girlfriend's hand. "That's wonderful, baby. I'll try my very best. Please correct me if I slip up, okay?"

She nodded and I grinned. "Hey, get over here, I wanna hug my girlfriend," I murmured, standing up and she stumbled over to me, still sobbing. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close and felt her hugging back.

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