day 19 ~ spoiling each other

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"Wake up, Gee, it's your birthday!" Frank squealed from beside Gerard, shaking him gently, quite aware that he was currently residing in the state between sleeping and awake. 

The boy rolled away from Frank, squeezing his eyes closed tighter and groaning. "Five more minutes, Frankie, please? It's my birthday."

"That's what you said ten minutes ago, and then twenty before that, and then forty-five before that. It's nearly lunchtime, come on. It's time to get up and shower," Frank retorted gently, rolling Gerard's limp body so it would face his. Gerard's eyes were open now, and Frank could tell his body wasn't going to let him sleep anytime soon. 

"Okay, but only if you shower with me."

Frank closed his eyes, and Gerard smirked. 

"I'm not going to suck your dick, though."

Gerard pouted but got up slowly anyway, grabbing clean clothes, and then wrapping his free arm around Frank's waist, pulling him towards the bathroom. "That's alright. I'm sure I could convince you to suck my dick later on anyway."

"Maybe," Frank smirked, leaning into his boyfriend as they stepped into the bathroom together. Frank busied himself with turning the water on and getting them towels as Gerard set his clothes on the counter and brushing his teeth.  

"Water's warm," Frank said and Gerard smiled, pulling them both into the shower and pulling the curtain closed. 

"Can I wash your hair?" Gerard asked, but Frank shook his head. 

"Wash your body first."

Gerard did as he was told, washing his body hurriedly, and then turned to Frank, a bottle of shampoo in his hand. Frank just rolled his eyes, smiling, and turning around so his boyfriend could massage the shampoo into his hair. 

"You're the perfect height for this," Gerard mumbled as he took the showerhead off the wall and rinsed through Frank's dark hair. He earned a kick in the shin for the comment and laughed, putting the showerhead back and taking the conditioner in his palm, rubbing it into his hair afterwards. "Here's a hairbrush. I'm gonna wash my own hair since you're too short to wash it."

Frank took the hairbrush, and narrowed his eyes, smirking at the comment all the same. "Whatever."

When the boys were done, they towelled themselves off, getting clothes on again and made their way downstairs and into the abandoned kitchen. Their school was off today, but Gerard's parent's work wasn't, so they had the house to themselves. Frank had made sandwiches already, and Gerard took a couple, starving from not having eaten breakfast yet (unlike Frank, who had made himself an equally tasty vegetarian sandwich). 

"What're we gonna do today?" Gerard said in between bites and sips of water. 

"Go to the mall. I have a couple of things in mind."

"Oh, did you need some stuff?"

"No, dumbarse, it's your birthday, I'm going to buy you some stuff," Frank scoffed and rolled his eyes, still grinning at his oblivious boyfriend. "You're literally so dumb."

"I--" Gerard trailed off, his cheeks heating up. "Oh, that makes sense. But you don't have to spend your money on me, don't worry about me. We have the whole house to ourselves today. Mikey's with Ray doing questionable things." 

"Bruh," Frank said, rolling his eyes for the third time since Gerard had woken up. "It's your birthday and you're my fucking boyfriend. I wanna buy you stuff. Plus I have a job now, so like, I have money to spend. Don't worry about me spending money on you. I want to."

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