two ~ gay bar

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fun fact, the smut from this is actually from an upcoming Frerard book i have

[edit: it's called 'summertime' and it's not as shit as this book i promise. it's only 8 parts so it's quick but the chapters are on the longer side and you get a full story. it's muuch better than whatever this book is gonna be i promise]

so if in the future you read it and recognise the smut scene, it's because i just changed the names to Party Poison and Fun Ghoul.

It was a cool night in September, and the two men walked out of their apartment hand in hand, both donning black jeans, band tees, and smiles. It wasn't a far walk to the nearest (and best) gay bar in town, in fact, it was so close that the couple walked to it practically every Friday night and stayed, for the most part, pretty sober. The strobe lights were kept to a minimum, but the dance music and the atmosphere was far from "at the minimum."

The men would have worn their light jackets, but it got so hot in the bar that it would be unneeded later that night. Especially when they got home. And as the men stepped out of the lobby of the apartment complex in jeans and tee shirts, hand in hand, they were grinning. The shorter (by a lot) man who went by the name Fun Ghoul, stopped for a minute right under the shadow of the apartment, right out of the sight of the nearest street lamp.

"Party?" he took both of the other man's hands in his own and shuffled closer to him.

"Yeah, Ghoulie?" he said, knowing exactly what the younger man wanted. He grinned and leant against the wall of the building, looking down at his boyfriend.

Fun smiled back up at him and leant up, Party Poison leaning down, their lips meeting in the middle. Fun pulled away slowly smiling. "Okay, I'm alright now. You ready?"

Party smirked and put his arm around Fun's waist, pulling him closer to him as they walked the few blocks to the bar.

The sun wasn't completely down yet. A sulky orange-yellow light faded into the horizon, and a bluish colour seemed to rise from it and then get darker as it spread out across the sky, gradually being swallowed by the black of the quickly approaching night. As the sun set, the men walked towards it, smiling and talking casually of this and that and nothing at all, enjoying being in each other's presence. Their connected hands swung a little by the time they finally got to the bar.

Flashing rainbow lights of the sign outside greeted them, and they pulled out their ID's for the bouncer to see, but were granted entrance almost immediately, for they were known regulars. The bouncer, Paul grinned at the couple as he pretended to check their ID's. "Have a good week?"

"A tiring one, man. Work's been rough," Fun said as he put his ID back in his wallet and then into his pocket.

"Judy getting on your nerves again? That boss pisses me off so much, I can't imagine what working with her would be like."

"Like hell," he laughed as Party put his ID away as well. There wasn't a line so they lingered a little.

"How was yours?" Party asked, smiling up at Paul.

"Eh, all the same. Most of the people that come in here are nice enough, but there's occasionally the annoying stereotype that doesn't care who they offend, y'know?"

Party nodded, "Oh, I know," and turned his head to Fun, giving him a mockingly judgmental look.

"Hey!" Fun swatted his boyfriend's arm. "I care about people's feelings."

Paul chuckled along with the couple. "Yeah, you're not so bad, kid. But what're you doing out here? Go on inside. Plus, I see a few more coming up, so I'm gonna have to keep working."

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