day 27 ~ moving in together

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"God, you're so good at that," the small boy panted from my side and I chuckled, pulling his body closer to mine and breathing in his sweet scent.

"I'm glad you think so, baby," I said gently, my fingers trailing over the bruises that were already fully formed on his chest. "Because you look so hot with the evidence that you belong to me all over you."

I felt him hum and nestle his head into my chest and kiss over some of the hickeys he'd left as well. "As do you, love. It's so hot to know that tomorrow when I take you out on a date, everyone will know that you're mine."

I inhaled slowly, trying to calm down my heartbeat, and felt my arms tighten around my beautiful little boyfriend involuntarily.

"It's really hot when you talk like that, Frankie."

"It's really hot when you call me yours, too, babe. I was just trying to return the favour," his eyes gazed into mine dreamily.

I shifted so I could return his gaze, and he smiled, kissing my cheek gently and pulling back, pressing our foreheads together. The hand that rested on my neck trailed up to my shoulder where it then rested.

The silence clung to the humid summer air of the morning after, and although it was a comfortable silence, my mind raced uncomfortably around the question that I'd been meaning to ask my personal hobbit for a while. Anxiety bubbled in my stomach even though I already knew the answer I was going to receive, and I'm sure it crossed into my eyes as well because I felt the hobbit in question's hand climb to my hair where he stroked it out of my face and began to play with it calmly.

"What's wrong, my love?" He pried gently, his hand running down the side of my cheek to come to rest at my chin. "You look concerned. Did I do something wrong?"

I shook my head. "Don't—don't jump to the conclusion that you're at blame so quickly, Frankie. I'm just a bit nervous is all."

He looked up at me through his eyelashes as his thumb stroked my cheek gently. "And what're you nervous about?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

I took his hand in mine and brought it to my lips gently before tangling our fingers together lightly.

"Uhm... about a question I've been meaning to ask you for a while now. Don't worry it's not bad... it's just... would you like to move in with me?" I hesitated as I waited half a second for his answer and then added onto my question.

"It's totally okay if you say no."

He smiled then, kissing my hand as well. "Gerard..."

I inhaled, patiently waiting for his answer. "Yeah..."

"Why are you so nervous to ask that, my love?" He said, releasing our fingers to pull us closer into a kiss that lasted but moments. "I would love to move in with you, of course!"

I let out my breath and smiled then, kissing him again and letting my lips linger on his when we broke it. He kissed me again anyways, and I responded with the same lazy passion that he was absolutely full of. One of his thighs climbed further up my leg where it was draped and I felt my hand rest on his hip and then trail to his bare arse where it rested.

The morning afters that we spent together were always both of our favourites. I loved to wake up to our naked bodies tangled with each other whether it be a cold winter day under the duvet or a blasted hot summer day where the blanket was on the floor and the windows were wide open under the curtains.

His lips moved against mine slowly and I responded as such, still until I felt us slowly pull apart

"I love you, Gee," he breathed and continued stroking my cheek.

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