eighty-two ~ playing the game

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"Fancy seeing you here," Frank's voice echoed as Gerard stepped out of the bar.

Gerard jumped, and Frank pressed him against the alley's wall, but Gerard pushed him off, stepping away from the wall and eyeing him.

"You knew I was going to be here," he said. It wasn't a question.

"No, I was actually just about to buy a drink," he deadpanned.

"Likely story," Gerard said, going to punch Frank, but Frank caught his wrist mid-air.

Frank exhaled. "Must we fight?"

Gerard relaxed. "Why did you actually come here?" Gerard asked, voice low, even though he knew no one could hear them.

"You know why."

"Right," Gerard spat, and Frank's eyes gleamed.

It took every ounce of strength Frank had left in him not to smile. "I wanna hear you say it."

"I won't."

Frank took a gentle step towards Gerard, testing the waters, and when he didn't move away, he took another slow step towards him, into the shadow of the building.

"You won't?"

"No," Gerard insisted, and crossed his arms, staring defiantly into Frank's eyes.

Frank let himself smile a little at the expression on Gerard's face. He paced behind him, leaning in and whispering to him so his breath tickled Gerard's neck.

"Come on, humour me," Frank whispered. He knew his cold breath unnerved Gerard as well as did... other things. "You can't have forgotten already."

When he was facing Gerard again, he was relieved to see that Gerard's cheeks were a pleasant pink.

"I haven't forgotten, obviously," Gerard whispered. "But it doesn't mean I don't want to."

"You'd rather die than forget," Frank countered quickly. "You still dream about it."

Gerard didn't respond, just tightened his crossed arms against his chest. This was getting risky. The public had no place in their personal business.

"You don't know anything about me," Gerard spat, finally locking eyes with Frank again. It hurt a little bit to say such cruel things to someone he valued so much. "You wish you knew what I dream about."

Frank was halfway through another loop around Gerard, and this time, he placed his hands on Gerard's hips, his lips at the base of his throat.

"I know exactly what you dream about, darling," he said and revelled in the way Gerard's body shivered and leant unconsciously into his touch. "Don't play pretend. It doesn't suit you to lie."

"I'm not alone then," Gerard said, regaining his composure and turning to stare lustfully back into Frank's eyes. "You want me just as much as I want you."

"No, darling, we don't just want each other, we need each other."

Gerard sighed. "Fuck. No. I can live without you."

"Oh, but that would just be so boring, wouldn't it?"

"Stop playing games with me, Frank," Gerard said, savouring the way his counterpart's name rolled off his tongue. "Either say it or don't. You're giving me whiplash."

"I like playing with you," he muttered back, stepping closer to Gerard. Gerard didn't move back, instead, he looped his arms around Frank's neck.

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?"

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