day 18 ~ fr0nkie's sick

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"G'morning, Frankie," I heard as I opened my eyes, and shifted towards the sound instinctually, recognising it as Gerard's voice.

"My throat hurts so bad," I croaked, sitting up, and seeing a fully dressed Gerard who was picking up his work bag. "Oh my god, I'm so late for work."

"Don't worry, I called in sick for you," he cooed, and I smiled despite the pain that now spread to my forehead and stomach. "They were good with it. I even had time to make you some soup. It's on a pot on the stovetop, though by the time you eat it, you may wanna warm it up. I'm gonna be off now, though."

"Okay," I managed, and he kissed my forehead.

"Take it easy, okay, love?"

"Thanks for everything," I said, nodding. "I love you."

"I love you too. See you in the evening. Take care, and call me if you need anything, alright?"

I nodded and laid back down when the room began to spin and my eyelids began to get heavy.


By the time Gerard got back home, I'd eaten breakfast and dinner and I'd taken Advil, and I felt much better, but as soon as the door opened, he insisted on taking my temperature and asking a million questions about how I was feeling.

He sat me on the bathroom counter and stuck a thermometer in my mouth. "You feeling any better?"

I nodded, and smiled, pulling him towards me so he leant on the counter in front of me. My legs wrapped around him, making him get even closer to me, and he smiled, pulling his face--but not his body--away from me, squealing.

"You're gonna infect me!"

I laughed, taking the thermometer out of my mouth. "No... you're fine, and so am I. I promise! I feel like ninety-nine per cent better."

"But what about that one per cent?"

"It's because you're not kissing me, dumbass!"

He rolled his eyes, but he took my chin in his hands and pulled my face towards his anyways, kissing me softly and smiling. I broke away sooner than I would have liked too, but the thermometer was beeping, and I turned it off.

"You should really not have taken that out, you know," Gerard chided softly. "You have a temperature of thirty degrees. We should get you to the hospital."

"Dumbass," I rolled my eyes, giggling. "You know that's because the air vent is right above where I put it."

"I'm really worried about you," Gerard said, his face solemn, but the laughter unhidden in his eyes. "Thirty degrees is far too low for a human."

"Maybe I'm not a human," I said, slyly, bowing my head and then looking at him through my eyelashes.

"Then what are you, my Frankie?"

"Maybe I'm a vampire." I leant in, smirking and kissing his neck softly, trailing my kisses down his neck and biting at his collar bones. He inhaled sharply, but pulled away, his hand settling on my cheek again and looking at me disapprovingly.

"Sick vampires shouldn't kiss well humans, Frankie."

"Oh, and why's that?" I smirked, playing along.

"Because... because then things could go wrong, and the venom might not work, and you might not actually be able to turn me."

"Who says I wanna turn you?"

"Me," he said, leaning in and placing his forehead on mine. I kissed him again, biting his lip this time and this time, he moaned and he let me do what I wanted to his neck. I made marks down his neck, sucking and biting relentlessly, not caring who would see or that we probably didn't have makeup left to cover it up.

But the noises he was making kept me going, my cheeks turning impossibly red, and I even began to take his shirt off when he stopped me.

"Hey, not now," he muttered, and I stopped immediately.

"I'm sorry," I said quickly, pulling my hands away from him. He took my hands and placed them back on his hips.

"It's okay," he smiled, kissing me gently. "I know I'm tired right now, and I can't imagine how exhausted you must be."

I shrugged. "You're right."

"I'm always right," he said, and I laughed. "Now, to deal with your temperature..." he put a hand up to my cheek, and I blushed even deeper as he leant in kissing my jaw softly.

"Oh, dear, Frank," he muttered. "Your temperature is way up. What happened?"

"Oh, shut up," I giggled and he smiled at me.

"Well, I'm glad you're back to normal with those cute little blushing cheeks, but I would love to know how that happened..."

"Perhaps it's because my doctor's so good at what he does," I said, and saw the sparkle in his eyes.

"Mm, perhaps. Now I suppose we should get you back in bed so you can be up to go to work tomorrow."

"Would my doctor like to accompany me?"

"As long as you promise not to start anything," Gerard smiled, kissing my forehead.

"Agreed," I smiled, kissing him properly on the lips.

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