day 16 ~ needing each other

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Frank sat on the sofa, wrapped in Gerard's favourite blanket and hoodie, sulking. Gerard had been away at a meeting with Dark Horse nearly all week, and at first, it was alright, but as the week dragged on and on, the short man grew longing and impatient for his boyfriend's eventual return.

The television played some shitty reality show that Frank wasn't paying the slightest attention to as he wallowed and stared out the window. Perhaps just sitting here wouldn't solve anything, perhaps he should get up and do something to lift his spirits, perhaps he should pick up his phone and see who was blowing it up, but he had neither the energy nor interest, and besides, it was probably just Jamia babbling on about another hot girl she met and how she was going to be alone forever.

Soon, the dinging of his phone got the better of him and Frank picked up the device just to silence it but didn't bother when he saw that all of the texts were from the man he was sulking over.

His eye lit up metaphorically and literally as the screen switched on and he began to read the texts.

Gee: Hey baby, they signed me and Shaun for the comic!!

Gee: And I finally get to fucking come home. I've missed my Frankie...

Gee: I'll be home around seven tomorrow because there are still some things I need to do before I leave, but I'll be there soon.

Gee: Do you wanna FaceTime?

Gee: I know it's late but...

Frank rolled his eyes at the texts and grinned, typing out a response and setting up his phone for a FaceTime call. He answered as soon as Gerard's call came through and smiled as the image of his boyfriend popped up on the screen.

"Hey, Frankie. Oh, it's so good to see your face again.." Gerard murmured and Frank smiled.

"You too, babe. You're coming home tomorrow?"

Gerard nodded. "Finally. I've missed you so much. All I wanna do is be able to hold you again."

Frank's cheeks burst with colour and he hugged the blanket further around himself, smiling. "I've missed you too, Gee. I wish you could be here right now."

"Awe me too, but don't worry, I will be in less than twenty-four hours." Someone shouted Gerard's name from beyond the camera and Gerard rolled his eyes, looking suddenly ten times more tired than he had moments before.

"If you have to go..."

Gerard nodded, rolling his eyes. "Ugh... Of course, I do. The one time I get to talk to my boyfriend, I'm suddenly needed again. I'll see you tomorrow, okay, baby?"

I nodded, smiling anyways. It was better than nothing. "I love you."

"I love you too," Gerard said, his eyes twinkling. "See you!"

"See you," I murmured back and he blew me a virtual kiss before hanging up. My heart swelled and I smiled, curling in on myself on the sofa again. It wasn't too late in the evening but I still wondered who needed him and why. Shrugging it off, not thinking too much about it, I decided that it'd be a good idea to at least make myself some coffee or something to distract myself from the impending sense of longing that bore itself into my skin and under my consciousness.

I boiled water for coffee. My fingers ached to feel my guitar's frets under them again so I let my legs carry me to my guitar. When I sat down, I didn't feel inspired at all, in fact, I felt tired and frustrated, but I pushed the tired-ness away and focused on my frustrated-ness, taking it out on the guitar strings and my poor, not-warmed-up vocal cords.

Soon enough, my callouses were tearing off so I put down my beloved guitar and went to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I got into bed and found it weirdly easy to fall asleep.

But I was awoken sooner than I thought, around two am in the morning by nothing other than my phone ringing and Gerard's contact glowing on the screen. 

Hesitantly, deciding that since tomorrow was a weekend and I could sleep in, I picked up my phone and accepted his call. 

"Hey, Gee, what's up? It's like three am."

"I missed hearing your voice. I need you right now, Frankie..." he trailed off, and I felt something tug on my heart. 

"In which way."

"I'm not jacking off, don't worry," he chuckled and I laughed along with him. 

"Good, because I was about to go back to sleep. Have anything in particular you wanted to talk about?"


I giggled. "You sap."

"Heyyy," he whined and laughed again. "I just wanted to talk to you about anything and nothing. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. I've literally done absolutely nothing today. I've just been sleeping and playing my guitar and watching television."

"It was Saturday. That's what's expected of a weekend, right?"

"I mean, sure. But I could've done something better with my time."

I could almost imagine the smirk on his face and the glint in his eyes. "Like what? Thought of me while you were playing with yourself or something?"

"Oh come on, you know what I meant," I said indignantly, but felt my cheeks heating up like all hell. "I mean, maybe I did, but that's for me to know, and you to not know."

"Aww, was my Frankie desperate for me?"

"Shut up."

"It's okay, it's not like I can say much for myself."

"Hah. Hypocrite."

"Guilty as charged. You're just too hot not to think about, you know? It's so easy to get off to the thought of you."

"Wow, I'm honoured."

"Nah, you should feel proud. I've never felt this way with anyone before."

"And now we're back to being a sap."

"You love it," he chuckled. 

"That, I cannot deny," I said, yawning and seeing the time, my eyes seemed to get even droopier. "Hey, Gee, I'd love to stay up all night and talk, but I'm falling asleep here, so I'm going to have to hang up, babe."

"That's okay, I'm getting sleepy too. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

"Can't--" I yawned, "--wait."

"I love youuu," he slurred, and I smiled. 

"I love you tooooo. I'll see you tomorrow."


It was indeed later in the evening when I heard the front door open. It was a little past seven o'clock, and I was making pasta when he walked in, putting his bags down and running to where I was, nearly picking me up, he was hugging me so tightly. 

And when we kissed, there was a sense of relief that washed over my head and crashed down on my senses. 

"I missed you so much, Frankie," I heard him mumble against my lips, and I smiled. 

"I missed you too," I said, pulling us apart slightly so I could see his face again. "I'm so glad you're home. Tell me about how the meetings went. When are the comics being published? Are you gonna keep working with Shaun?"

"All in good time, babe. Lemme make some coffee and then we can cuddle and talk."

I grinned. "Sounds like a good idea. Did you eat dinner?"

"No, I'll make something."

"I'm making pasta. Want some?"

"Yeah, but come here first, I wanna kiss you again."

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