How does she know who I am?
And why does she give a damn about me?
"You know what I realized a while ago? We haven't gone out in ages. Like all of us. And maybe... just maybe Kayama-senpai." Oboro announced, blushing just a little bit at the final part.
We were on our way home from UA - at least the little bit of the way that we always walked together. I really missed our little room in the city that the three of us were living in during our work study. Now that we were all living back at home, we didn't spend nearly as much time together.
"What, are you actually gonna man up and ask her out without simping like crazy?" Hizashi asked with a chuckle. Now Oboro was really blushing - apparently, calling him a simp did that for him.
"I'm not simping for her! I just like her, okay? Come on, as if all of you never had a crush before..." he muttered.
"Hm, I don't know, sounds an awful lot like simping to me..." I replied. Oboro shot me a glare and sighed.
"Fine, whatever, call me a simp, if you like. See if I care." he said, trying to hide his flushed face.
"That's perfect. Embrace being a simp. I'm so proud of you, Oboro." I answered, which made Shouta chuckle quietly.
"Anyway, as I was saying, we haven't been out in ages. How about we do that Saturday? We can all stay over at my place, head out at night, have some fun and then get back and have a sleepover?"
"You know I'm always up for a party." Hizashi replied with a wide grin. Honestly, Hizashi could probably have done with partying a little less than he currently did. He was wild for parties.
"What about you guys? You wanna hang out with us or do you have... other plans?" Oboro wanted to know, wiggling his eyebrows. I looked over at Shouta who just shrugged indifferently.
"Well, it seems like Shou doesn't really care and I wouldn't mind going out again. What did you have in mind?" I said. Oboro grinned, giddy like a little child at the prospect of being able to share this with me.
"You're gonna love this. So there is this concert from this really, really good, but also really small band, which means it's super cheap and it's probably going to be loads of fun." he told me.
"Ooh, does that mean there'll be a mosh pit?" I wanted to know. There was something about mosh pits that was absolutely liberating to me. Maybe I just needed to shove people around sometimes.
"I wouldn't bet on it, but I'd say it's very likely." Oboro replied with a grin. I squealed and hugged him.
"That sounds amazing, Oboro! We're definitely going, oh my God!" I said, before letting go. Hizashi seemed to be happy with that suggestion as well, as he nodded enthusiastically and with a wide smile.
"Hell YEAH!" he exclaimed. Oboro's grin suddenly started getting smaller, as he looked to the ground nervously.
"Do you... do you think that Kayama-senpai would like to come?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
"If she doesn't have any other plans I'm sure she'd be down for this. She seems cool." I replied.
"Simp." Shouta just commented.
"Oh my God, I'm not a simp!" Oboro protested.
"I don't know, you seemed to embrace your simp-dom earlier..." Hizashi commented. I sighed dramatically.
"We had made so much progress, Oboro..."
"You're all terrible people, you know that?" he said and snickered a little to himself. Shouta gave him a shocked look.
"I didn't even say anything!" he protested.
"You called him a simp." I corrected him. Oboro nodded in agreement at that, before glancing over at the train station. We had been standing around and talking for ages now and Oboro and Hizashi actually had to get on the train at this station to get home, while Shouta and I would keep walking.
"We all call him a simp and that's because he is one." Hizashi stated matter-of-factly. Oboro sighed.
"Well, I don't care what you call me. Zashi and I will have to go now. I'll send you a text with all the details when I'm home, okay?" Oboro said. I nodded and waved at him and Hizashi, as they walked towards the station.
"Alright then, bye guys!"
"See you tomorrow!" Hizashi replied.
Shouta and I watched them walk up the stairs to the train station, starting some other discussion among themselves, which could have easily been about whether Oboro was a simp for Kayama or something completely unrelated, like the right way to pronounce the word egg.
"So. It's just us now, huh?" Shouta said to me, once they were both gone from our field of vision.
"Yup. Just us now. You sound like you have some plans or something." I replied with a small smirk.
"Do I? Really?" Shouta asked.
"Yes, very much so."
"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint, but I don't have any plans. Although I would like spending time with you." he replied.
"Well, come over to my house then. I mean, my parents are home, but we can just work on that stupid project that's due next week. We need to do that at some point, anyway." I suggested.
"Yeah, sounds good, but... I don't know, your parents don't like me." Shouta muttered, kicking a small pebble on the pavement. I sighed. It was kind of a problem that my parents didn't really agree with him, but... well, we had been doing a lot of projects for school together lately and they seemed to be warming up to him slowly. Maybe they just had to get used to him.
"They'll be fine. They don't want you staying over night, but if we're doing projects for school, they'll be okay with it. I think they might be starting to like you, because they only ever see you when we work on assignments together. They probably think you're a good influence or something." I explained and chuckled. Honestly, I wasn't even sure whether it was me or Shouta who was the bad influence here. But as long as my parents thought he made me work harder at school...
"Really? I mean, I did notice they don't watch me as closely anymore, anytime I'm over at your house..." Shouta muttered.
"Yeah, I think they're actually getting used to the idea that you might be a nice and decent person." I said. Shouta looked over at me, his eyes looking shy and insecure. I knew that he was really self-conscious about where he came from and how people (especially my parents) thought of him, but he often probably just made it out to be worse than it actually was.
"I hope they are. I really do, because... because I really like you and it would suck if your parents just hated me forever." he admitted quietly. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.
"Shou, of course they'll come around. And if they don't come around, I'll still be here. I'm not going anywhere. I'll stick with you, okay? I love you." I said to him. I felt Shouta nuzzle into my hair, as he pulled me closer and held me tightly, as if he was scared I'd disappear if he let me go.
"Thank you. That means a lot to me. I love you so much."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...