99 Rock & Roll Queen - The Subways

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You are the sun,

You are the only one

"Shou? Are you still alive?" I called, as I entered the apartment. I didn't hear anything, just some heavy breathing. Alright. What the hell was going on? Was he just dying right about now?

I sighed and quickly made my way into the apartment, hoping that Shouta wasn't dying. I had some groceries for him and some more painkillers and medication for his cold. I had brought him some a little earlier in the week when he was in bed with a pretty bad fever. (Well, not really in bed, since all he had was a sleeping bag, but it was the same thing anyway.)

I took off my shoes quickly in the hallway and went into the one single room that the apartment consisted of. And I didn't see Shouta dying or resting because he had a fever. He was there doing push-ups with one single hand. That's what the heavy breathing was from. I had to stop for a second to take in this man right in front of me, because damn, he was jacked.

But then I quickly got back to reality. Why the hell was he not resting? He had been sick for two weeks and had a pretty bad fever just earlier this week. What was he doing working out like that? I put down the bags I was holding and walked up to him sitting down cross-legged in front of him.

"Shouta Aizawa, what the actual fuck do you think you're doing?" I asked him. Shouta looked up at me shortly, but didn't answer, he just continued his push-ups. Well, if he wasn't going to answer me, I could at least watch him and... I mean, damn. He had bulked up a lot over the last year, but not so much that it made him look weird. He was just right and it was an actual joy to watch him right now. If I hadn't been so worried about his general health, that was.

Once he was done with his set of push-ups, he sat back up and gave me a slight smile. Oh, he knew I was angry and expecting an explanation, but he didn't seem too pushed to give me one out of his own free will. I raised an eyebrow and eyed him up and down and... I would have left his ass if he hadn't been this damn hot right now. He really was one lucky bastard.

"I was working out." he just answered, wiping some sweat from his forehead. I frowned at him.

"Working out? With a fucking fever? What the fuck is wrong with you, Shouta?" I wanted to know.

"I don't have a fever anymore." he just answered with a shrug. I blinked a few times in surprise. He what now? And he decided to tell me that now and not when I was texting him about how he was?


"I don't have a fever anymore. You know how my fever started after you fed me some actual food? Well, I've been eating more actual food and was resting just like you said and after a few days it went away. I'm good now. I'm fine." he replied. Wait, was he just admitting that I was right all along? Was he telling me that he was getting better after he had done what I had said?

"You... wait. You actually listened to me?"

"Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're stubborn as fuck."

"That... is true. But since I wasn't getting better trying my own methods, I figured I'd try it for a while and while I had a fever I didn't really have the energy to go out and get more jelly pouches, so I had to eat your food and take the pain killers and then it just went away on its own."

"Wow. I wasn't actually sure if that was going to work, but here we are. I'm glad you're better, Shou." I said, my frown turning into a genuine smile. I really was glad that he was doing better, because he had been suffering a lot. Now I just needed to move in next week and we needed to get the heater up and running. Maybe we'd even have some money left to get one or two pieces of furniture. If not, we'd have to wait until my next paycheck came in or something.

"I'm glad I'm better, too. Thanks for taking care of me. I know I'm not easy, especially not when I'm sick." he replied with a lopsided grin. I chuckled, because it was so damn true. Shouta was not an easy patient. Too damn stubborn for his own good. Would rather die than accept help.

"You can say that louder for the people in the back." I muttered. Shouta laughed and got a towel to clean his face, before leaning in and finally giving me that kiss I had been waiting for so long.

"Speaking of loud, I think I got Hizashi sick with whatever it was that I have. We might have to bring him some of that stuff you gave me, too." Shouta told me. I felt a little guilty when I heard that, because I hadn't been in touch with Hizashi as much as I had promised to be. But then again, we were all busy.

"And with 'we' you mean I have to go and get him some of that stuff?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, I meant we. But you can go if you want to, I'm not stopping you. I was just thinking that whatever you brought today... maybe I can pass it on to Hizashi?" he replied. I shrugged and nodded.

"Sure, yeah. Do with it whatever you want." I told him.

"Are you staying over tonight?" he wanted to know. I honestly hadn't planned on it, because I thought he was still sick, but thankfully I already had some of my things over at his place, so it wasn't a problem.

"You're sure you're not sick anymore?" I asked.

"Absolutely sure. I'm fine."

"Then I'll stay over if you don't mind. I just don't wanna get sick." I replied. Shouta nodded and got up from the floor.

"Did you eat yet?"

"Yeah, I had something on the way. What about you?" I wanted to know. Shouta nodded quickly.

"I already had dinner, too. Just some leftovers."

"Alright. I could do with a shower, though." I suggested with a grin. Shouta smirked, knowing what I was getting at.

"Aren't you lucky, I just finished working out?" he asked. I acted as if I was completely surprised to hear that. Of course I knew that he was done. I knew his workout and training routine inside and out.

"You don't say?" I commented.

"Yeah. And you know I need to save, so... we can shower together. You know. To save water and all." he suggested. I chuckled and got up from the floor, grabbing the bag of things I brought and putting it next to the wall. It wasn't like there were any cupboards or anything to put stuff in.

"Sounds very... rational." I replied. Shouta nodded solemnly, as if I had just revealed some great mystery to him.

"I like when things are rational. Come on, let's get a shower then. Follow me." he said and walked ahead into the bathroom. I honestly wasn't sure exactly how we both fit in the shower at the same time, because the shower in this place was tiny. But we somehow managed to squeeze in there.

Thinking back, we were barely even living. No one would have called these circumstances living but we were pulling through somehow. And maybe those were some of the best times we had, because we literally had nothing and everything we managed to get we got through hard work. They were good and bad times at the same time.

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now