To the center of the city where all roads meet, waiting for you,
To the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank, searching for you
After what happened to Oboro, second year was passing by really quickly. Shouta, Hizashi and I spent most of our time in detention, because teachers were mad at us. Well, we also gave them kind of a hard time sometimes. It wasn't really that they were annoying us, but more that we didn't really care anymore. After all, what were they going to do? Expel us? Good, then maybe we wouldn't have to watch each other die in horrific ways while we were still young.
It probably hadn't really hit us until then that being a hero was a really dangerous job and that we all might die very young or get hurt and would be unable to do any job. And now that it was clear to us... well, we still wanted to be heroes, but everything just seemed a million times more serious.
Going to our work studies now didn't necessarily mean that we'd all make it back home anymore. And I don't think that was really clear to any of us before Oboro died. Everyone else in our class was probably more or less unaware still. After all, they hadn't been there right after it happened. It didn't really affect them as much as it affected the three (or four, with Nemuri) of us.
But Nemuri wasn't at U.A. anymore after our second year. Since she was in the year above us, she graduated with the end of that year and that meant that we didn't really see much of her anymore. She still sent us pictures of Sushi and I sometimes met up for a coffee with her.
But it just wasn't the same anymore. It felt different, it felt like we had lost someone else on top of Oboro. But throughout the year, I felt like I was doing better. I managed to sleep better after a while and that already solved a lot of problems. I did all my detention and actually did my homework or studied during detention, so I'd have something to distract myself. And slowly, I felt like I was getting better.
Hizashi was the only one who seemed to be doing well, at least looking from the outside in. He had always been somewhat of a class clown, but he had gotten much more extreme in that. That's why he seemed to be doing perfectly fine, more than fine in fact. But he had changed and it was hard to get through to the real Hizashi anymore. There was just a facade now.
And Shouta... Shouta was throwing himself into training and studying and doing everything he could to not think about Oboro anymore. He looked more and more tired with every day that went by. And he wasn't doing well, no matter how much he insisted that he was fine. But if he didn't want to talk, I didn't know what else to do. If I pushed him too much he would just shut down.
So both Hizashi and I didn't really have much of a chance to get through to him and all we could do was let him do his thing. Maybe it would all be better once we were finally done with high school. Sure, work studies during this time were really stressful and there were a lot of times when I'd just start panicking for no reason, but it was getting better and the people I worked with were far more understanding than people at school. So I almost preferred work studies.
I was still friends with some other people in my class, but it was like I couldn't really connect with them anymore. It seemed like we were leading different lives almost. But they were trying and they were really being nice to the three of us. Even Yuki and Sensoji backed off from harassing us.
When I wasn't around Shouta ot Hizashi, I usually spent a lot of time around Maiko and Hideko. I was glad when I got some time with them, even though I felt a little disconnected from them. But at least with them I was kind of distracted from constantly worrying about Shouta or thinking about Oboro or wondering whether Hizashi was really doing okay or getting myself in trouble.
"F/N, are you okay? You look kinda out of it." I heard Maiko say to me. I snapped back to reality and gave her an apologetic smile. I was out with her and Hideko, doing some shopping, even though I didn't really need anything. I had no plans for the time between second and third year, except surviving the break from school. Having no distractions was kind of worrying me.
"Yeah, yeah, sorry, just kinda lost in thought." I said with a smile. Hideko chuckled and shook her head.
"You're always lost in thought, F/N! Sometimes I wonder what's going on in that head of yours..." she replied. I glanced at her, as she looked at me with her big eyes, obviously expecting an answer.
What was going on in my head? The most obvious answer was 'death', but I couldn't just blurt that out in front of them. They were trying to have a nice day out without having to deal with my depressed and traumatized ass. Sometimes I wondered why they still put up with me.
"Oh, I don't even know. Just random things I'm thinking of, I guess." I replied and forced a smile on my lips.
"Bet she's thinking of Aizawa." Hideko said with a smirk and nudged Maiko. Maiko grinned and looked at me.
"Head full of Aizawa, F/N?"
"Sure, I guess." I replied, smirking a little. Now that they had mentioned it, I did have to think of Shouta and thankfully, my brain decided to give me all the good memories in that moment. God, I missed him so much. Maybe someday I could get him away from all his training and we could go on a date or something. Just like the old days, when things weren't looking as bleak.
"You two are literally so cute. So are you going to graduation together? Like, the dance, I mean?" Hideko wanted to know. I gave her a confused look. Graduation? But that was an entire year away!
"I don't know, that's in, like... a whole year." I replied. Who knows if we're all still alive in a year's time?
"I guess it's a bit early, but... I mean, it's never too early to look for a nice dress, right? Back me up on this, Maiko." Hideko replied. Maiko just nodded gravely, as if a prom dress was the most important thing in the world.
"Absolutely, F/N. You should definitely start looking for a prom dress or you'll get stressed by the time graduation rolls around. I swear, you'll be glad to have it sorted before the finals." Maiko agreed.
"But... it's in such a long time. What if I won't fit in it anymore, if I buy one now?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Silly, you're not going to buy one. You can just start trying on different ones, seeing which ones you like, what style you wanna go for and so on. What colour would you like?" Maiko wanted to know.
"Uhm... I don't know. Black, I guess?" I answered. I really hadn't thought about that at all. But they were probably right. They definitely knew more about dresses and dances and shit than I did.
"Yeah, I kinda figured. So would you like something really fancy, something with glitter, something simple?" Hideko asked me. It seemed like this had turned into an afternoon of me trying on dresses. I wasn't sure why that was the plan now, but I also wasn't mad about it. Maybe this would be fun.
"Uhm, definitely simple. I wanna be able to walk in it and fit through doors and all." I told them, as I followed them to the section of the store with the evening gowns. Now that they had brought up prom, I was thinking about it more and more. I wondered if I'd go there with Shouta.
He didn't strike me as the type to go dancing or to enjoy this sort of thing, but now I was kind of looking forward to it. Even if I had to talk him into it. Or maybe Hizashi would go with me, if Shouta refused...
"Look at this one! You'd look so good in that..." Maiko said and held out a long black dress in front of me. It was a slim fit and very simple and... well, it did look pretty cool, especially the low back.
"Alright then. I'll try it on, if it makes you guys happy."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...