Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel hair and baby's breath
I was in a really good mood when Monday rolled around. I didn't think I had anything to fear from the guys that had attacked Aizawa, since they never actually knew it was me. And I felt genuinely good about myself, because I had actually managed to help him. Maybe I wasn't so wrong in the hero course after all.
I waved at Yuki and Hideko when I went into the classroom and sat down at my desk. Aizawa wasn't there yet and neither were Yamada or Shirakumo. But Shirakumo was known for being late and Aizawa most likely had slept in. Hopefully all his bruises wouldn't be looking too bad.
"Someone's in a good mood." Hideko commented when I turned around to them. I laughed and shrugged.
"Yeah. So what? Not like I don't deserve being in a good mood." I told her. I really felt like I was on top of the world.
"It's a bit weird when you had to stay back for school stuff all week. Come on. Spill. You're seeing someone, aren't you?" Yuki wanted to know with a wide grin on her face. I burst out laughing.
"Don't be ridiculous. We've been here for what? Two weeks now? That's dumb. I'm just in a good mood. Got some overdue sleep yesterday. My muscles don't hurt as badly anymore. Life is good, Yuki."
Yuki gave me a look that didn't seem like she was convinced by what I was saying. But then she just shrugged and smiled at me again.
"I mean, even if you're seeing someone, it's nothing to worry about. You've got a weird taste in guys." she said. I shrugged. That was a strange way to say that she didn't see me as a rival, but I honestly couldn't care less right now.
"Hey, did either of you do the English homework? I completely forgot about it. I need to copy some answers." Yuki then told us, giving both me and Hideko her puppy eyes and her best smile.
"Sure, just don't make it obvious you copied." I told her and gave her the sheet of paper that had my English homework on it. It was probably far from perfect, but at least she'd have something.
"Oh my God, thanks, (F/N), you're a lifesaver!" she exclaimed and quickly started copying the answers.
"YO (L/N)!" I heard a loud booming voice from the entrance to the classroom. It felt like my ear drums were about to burst which meant it could only be one single person. I smiled and looked over to the door to see the tall boy with the wacky smile and his tall blond hair.
"Yamada! You gotta learn to be more quiet!" I called out to him, before remembering that we weren't supposed to be friends in front of Yuki and Hideko. Yuki was too busy copying my homework to notice, however.
"He'll never learn. He's a complete dumbass." an apathetic voice said. I felt my heart beat a little bit faster, as Aizawa walked through the door right behind Yamada. His face looked bad, but not as bad as it could have looked. There was a bit of crusted blood on his lower lip and there was a bruise on his right cheek, but apart from that he looked pretty much like his normal self.
"Hey, (L/N), we missed you during detention on Saturday. And we missed Shouta here as well. What's up with that, huh?" the third person that came into the classroom asked. It was Shirakumo himself, who was surprisingly early.
And here I was starting to panic, because suddenly they hadn't only revealed that I had gotten detention, but also that we kind of had become friends. And Yuki and Hideko had no idea. And I knew that they really didn't like the three of them, so I was terrified of how they'd react.
"Detention? When were you in detention?" Yuki asked me, as she looked up. I had no idea what to tell her, I just completely froze up.
"Okay, but seriously, where the hell have you been? Teach was really mad about it. I'd say, you and Shouta are going to detention for another week now." Shirakumo said at the same time.
"Oh my God, was that school project that you were working on not even a school project? You were in detention this whole time? Was it for helping out that guy that you got detention?" Hideko wanted to know, making the connection between the two things. I felt myself blushing.
"She got detention for swearing in front of a teacher, not for helping me out." Aizawa commented and rolled his eyes.
"Oh my God, (F/N). Detention? Seriously?" I heard Yuki say behind me. The rest of the class had gotten really quiet and I could just feel them all staring at the six of us. I just wanted to die.
"What's so bad about detention? She fucked up, it's not exactly difficult to get detention, honestly." Yamada chimed into the discussion, probably completely oblivious to what was going on.
Yuki gave him the dirtiest look I had ever seen on her. I couldn't do this anymore. My first instinct was to get up and just run back home, crawl under my covers and hide away for the rest of the day, but I couldn't do that.
So I just buried my head in my arms on the table while the other five were bickering with each other. I couldn't stand it. I felt so ashamed of myself. I had been able to stand up to those bullies on Saturday, but now I couldn't even stand up to my own friends? What the hell was wrong with me?
"You gotta chill it with those evil looks, lady." I heard Shirakumo say. He obviously meant Yuki, because her glares were just evil."Don't tell me to chill." she spat back at him, while I was close to a breakdown. I felt tears welling up in my eyes as I was still burying my head in my arms. Why was this happening and why was it happening in front of everyone?
"What even happened to the emo kid? Did he get into some fight or something? He looks like shit!"
"Well, maybe it's none of your business what happened, okay?"
"(F/N), come on, you can't tell me you're actually hanging out with these guys, right? They're only acting all friendly, because you were in detention together, right? You wouldn't hang with these losers."
It was then that I felt a soft tug at my uniform jacket. I looked up a little and saw Aizawa looking at me. There was some sort of concern in his eyes, as he put his hand on my arm and gently squeezed it.
"Are you okay?" he asked. If I hadn't been close to crying I would have laughed. It was a pretty dumb question to ask, because I was obviously not okay, but I had asked the same dumb question when I had found him in that empty classroom on Saturday. It was kind of ironic.
"Hell no." I answered weakly. He looked over at the door and then got up quickly and came closer to me. I was surprised no one else noticed, but they were all probably just too busy arguing.
"Come on. Let's bail. This whole thing is bullshit." he said quietly. I lifted my head a little more.
"What? But we'll get in trouble!" I protested. He grinned and shrugged.
"We've got detention anyway. Doesn't make much difference if we skip this lesson or not. Come on, you're in no condition to sit through an entire class. Let's get you out of here." he replied and softly tugged at my arm.
And that was all the push I needed. I got up, grabbed my things, took the English homework from Yuki's desk and made my way out of the class with Aizawa following me. The class was completely quiet as we made our way outside and I felt so nervous and miserable that I thought I might be collapsing any second now.
Once we were outside and the door had fallen shut, I just broke out in tears. Aizawa seemed a little unsure of what to do, because he just stood there and looked away awkwardly. After a while, I looked up at him.
"What are we going to do now?" I asked. He shrugged.
"Let's get you to Recovery Girl or something. Tell her you weren't feeling well or something. Then we even have an excuse for skipping class."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...