82 Pure Morning - Placebo

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A friend in need's a friend indeed,

A friend who bleeds is better

I could finally lean back. My plan not to participate in the Sports Festival had worked out pretty well, since the first round was pretty dumb and easy to lose for anyone who really wanted to lose that round. So really, I just didn't put in any effort and was out after round one, together with Hizashi. And Shouta, but Shouta just hadn't even bothered to act as if he was trying.

I had no idea where the hell he was, but he was probably out cold sleeping somewhere. He didn't care about anything school-related anymore, ever since he had started training so much on his own. I had said it a million times already, but I was worried about him. I had noticed, however, that I was slowly getting used to being worried about Shouta. I always worried about him. It was almost as if it didn't even make much of a difference to me anymore.

"Man, that was unlucky, huh?" Hizashi said, as we were on our way up to the audience seats in the stadium.

"You don't have to pretend like you actually tried, Zashi. We both know that we wanted to be out after round one, because we can't be bothered to go through the entire thing again." I said, rolling my eyes.

"You got me. Exposed. I just don't see much of a point in trying when I basically got my contract already. And it's not like I'm planning to stay with an agency for a long time. I wanna go independent as soon as I can, so what's the point in spending all this energy when we don't even have anyone to impress?" he answered. I just nodded along, as we walked up the stairs.

"I know, I know. It honestly sucks that this whole thing is mandatory. I mean, it would make so much sense to let the people who already have a job after high school take the day off and give other students a chance to shine." I said while I was trying to redo my hair, so I'd look somewhat decent.

"True, especially when... when..."

"I know. He should have won the whole thing. He'd deserve that gold medal more than anyone."

"I'm glad we agree on this. I almost got into a fist fight with Sensoji over this earlier this week."

"Man, Sensoji's really being an asshole about this whole thing." I answered and rolled my eyes.

"Well, he's trying, honestly, but he really just can't read the atmosphere. Like at all. I don't think he means anything by what he says, but he just has absolutely no tact whatsoever." Hizashi explained.

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense. Still sucks that he's such a dumbass." I muttered and kicked a small pebble that was lying around, almost stubbing my foot on the next set of stairs.

"What the fuck were you even trying to do with that?" Hizashi asked, raising his eyebrows. I shrugged.

"I don't fucking know, don't ask me." I told him with a goofy grin. It was the only emotion I could muster right now.

"Well, anyway, at least Sensoji is leaving Shouta alone now." he replied and shrugged. That was true, to be honest. Sensoji was being way nicer to Shouta ever since the incident. It wasn't because Shouta had lost someone important to him, though, it was mostly because Sensoji had seen Shouta beat an entire villain on his own. Brute strength seemed to be the only thing that guy admired.

"I guess so. Not that Shouta has much of a presence lately." I answered with a sigh and rubbed the back of my neck.

"Yeah, he's really not himself anymore right now... he hasn't been since Oboro died. Any news between the two of you?" Hizashi wanted to know and even just the question made me want to cry.

"No, not really. I mean, there was one time I caught him smiling at me. You know, the weak little smile he does sometimes lately. So I hope that's a good sign, but I swear as soon as he saw me smiling back, he turned away and went back to his own business. I don't know what his problem is." I replied.

"Damn it. He really has no idea what he's doing to us. Especially to you." Hizashi said, shaking his head.

"Yeah. Which brings me to a really weird question and please don't take this as an insult or anything, but..."

"Is this about prom?" Hizashi wanted to know. I gave him a perplexed look. How the fuck did he...?

"How did you know?"

"Come on, it's obvious. It's all the other girls are ever talking about these days." Hizashi replied.

"Yeah. Well, anyway, my concern was that... well, in case Shouta isn't going to prom at all or isn't thinking of actually asking me or anything... can we go together? As friends?" I wanted to know.

"Of course! I don't know why you even need to ask this question, because thinking that we wouldn't do that is absolutely ridiculous. And I really wanna say that Shouta is of course going to ask you to prom and all, but to be honest, at this stage I don't even know what he's thinking half the time. He might just be forgetting that prom is even a thing that's happening." Hizashi answered with a sigh.

"Thanks, Zashi, you're the be-"

I got interrupted when I stumbled over something in my way. I looked down and saw a big yellow sleeping bag. The person inside it was moving and soon after I had almost stumbled over him, Shouta was poking his head out of the sleeping bag and giving us a tired and confused look.

"What... what's going on...?" he asked in a groggy voice that just reminded me so much more of how much I missed him. But it couldn't be helped. Maybe I'd have a chance to actually talk to him again now...

"Oh, hey Shou. Nothing's happening. Sorry, we woke you up, but I didn't even see you down there." I said, leaning over him a little. Shouta blinked a few times and looked at me and Hizashi again.

"Oh. Okay." he said quietly and sat up a little. He glanced down at what was going on in the stadium.

"Is it over already?" he wanted to know.

"Nah, we just dropped out early." I told him. He still seemed pretty confused. I had no idea why he was that confused. After all, he hadn't even tried to make it through round one. Why was he looking at us as if he was judging us for not getting further than that either? It was stupid.

"Huh. That's really early." he answered and then sighed, before lying back down and getting comfortable again.

I was frantically trying to think of something - anything - to say to him, before he went back to sleep, but my mind was drawing a black. But I missed him so much and I just desperately wanted to talk to him again. I reached down to shake him a little in his sleeping bag and he looked at me again.

"Shou, before you go back to sleep..." I said, not sure what I was going to follow up with. Shouta looked at me in confusion, before raising his eyebrows when he realized I still hadn't said anything.

"What is it?" he asked. I knelt down beside him and brushed a few strands of his hair out of his face and tugged them inside the sleeping bag, before looking at him with a big smile. He still seemed confused.

"I don't know. Sleep well." I answered and pressed a short kiss to his forehead, before getting up again and sitting down next to Hizashi. He was looking at me as if that was the last thing he'd have expected, but then he gave me a tiny smile, before closing his eyes again and turning back around to continue his nap. Hizashi nudged me with a big grin on his face.

"I'd say he'll be asking you to prom."

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