98 Bang On - The Breeders

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I love no one

And no one loves me

Strangely enough there wasn't that much that was changing for me when it came to work. I guess in a way that was good, because everything didn't feel too new or too different and I could easily transition to just working every day instead of the work days and school days I had before.

Plus, I already knew all my workmates and they knew me, so I didn't have to do the whole awkward introduction thing and I didn't have to prove myself either. It made things a whole lot easier and I quickly realized that I had been worrying about way too much stupid shit all the time.

But it also made me realize how different working was from going to school. Any free time I had was pretty much reduced by work. There was overtime almost all the time and there was a constant battle around who was allowed to take vacation at which time, so everything was covered. There was paperwork and there were things to do after hours and sometimes I spent nights at a police station trying to finish up some stupid reports of some incident I was involved in.

It was really taxing and if I was being honest, my relationship with Shouta did suffer from it. Shouta had pretty much all the time in the world, since he could take whatever jobs he wanted, but then he also had to set time aside to do paperwork and to train, so he was busy as well.

Plus, it wasn't easy to find jobs, especially as long as he was still a no-name kinda hero. And the thing was that he was intending for it to stay that way, which meant he'd have a lot of hard work ahead of him to get to a point where he could afford just the basic necessities. And the few times we managed to meet during our first month, it was pretty obvious how tired he was.

And he also had a constant cold. He was coughing and had a runny nose all the time and that was all due to the fact that he was freezing his ass off in that apartment. He had no money to pay for heating just yet and he had no money for any sort of furniture, so he just slept on the floor, wrapped up in his sleeping bag, with his suitcase of things right beside him.

I had offered to give him some money so he could at least pay for heating and pay more than half a month's electricity, but he kept refusing it and at that time I really hated how stubborn he was being about this. But it wasn't like I could force him to be any less miserable.

So I just had to struggle on, hoping he wouldn't freeze to death while I sat in my cushy office that I shared with some other sidekicks at the agency doing my silly paperwork. Honestly, the irony of it all was astounding. Shouta was literally working his ass off for almost nothing and I was all comfortable, working regular hours and was getting a regular pay. Which wasn't much, but more than Shouta was making at any rate. It was pretty unfair, to be honest, but what could I do?

"Hey, F/N, wanna come out for a drink with us?" one of the other sidekicks asked. I looked up from my paperwork. A drink with them sounded good, but... I had other things to do today.

"I'd love to, but I promised my boyfriend to come and visit today. He hasn't been doing too well lately." I replied with a smile. I knew they were talking about Shouta behind my back and it sucked, but... well, what was I expecting? What he was trying to do was a pretty ambitious thing.

"Alright. Are you sure you don't wanna come? You can join later, if you want. Once you're done checking in on him." another one asked. I knew they were only trying to be nice and include me, but I had promised Shouta to be there, so I would be there, even if he was going to be sleeping all night.

"Yeah, sorry. Next time I might make it. I'll definitely be in next month." I said to them. One raised her eyebrows.

"Next month? Why? What's happening next month? Are you planning to break up or something?" she wanted to know. I really wanted to roll my eyes and give her a piece of my mind, but I was new here. It was probably best to watch what I was saying, even though they had known me for a while now.

"No, I'm planning to move in." I replied. There were dumbfounded looks all around the entire room.

"Move in? Like, move in with your boyfriend? Into the unfurnished apartment without any heating?"

"Yeah." I answered with a shrug. I was honestly sick trying to defend everything we were doing.

"Are you sure he doesn't just want you to move in to save money and so you can pay his rent and his heating bill? No offense, but it seems like you could do much better." someone else commented.

God, I hated these conversations so fucking much. Here I was, thinking I had left all the high school drama behind me and then I was stuck in an office full of people more or less fresh out of high school that apparently had peaked in third year and were trying to recreate the same atmosphere.

"I'm pretty sure, thanks for worrying." I answered, after taking a deep breath. My God, why couldn't these people just mind their own business for once? I really couldn't stand how they had to meddle in everything we did. If things continued like that, maybe I'd go independent just like Shouta.

"How long have you known this guy again?" someone wanted to know. I sighed. Why were people so weirded out that I had met him in high school and was still together with him? It wasn't that unusual, was it? Or maybe it was, who knew. I sure had no idea and I didn't care much.

"Met him on my first day in high school. We got together during summer break of first year and have been together ever since. I know him pretty well by now, so there's no need to worry." I told them.

"Damn, that is a pretty long time. Well, if you're sure you don't wanna go out for a drink..." they said.

"I'm sure, but thanks for the offer." I replied and looked back at my paperwork. I had to finish this and then I could go home. Or rather, I could go to Shouta's place. Honestly, I really wanted to get a drink with them. I felt like I was kind of isolating myself because I had to take care of Shouta, and it was really tiring to keep telling him the same stuff over and over again in the hopes that he would finally stop being stubborn and just fucking listen some day. But oh well.

I still loved him and I had promised him to be there and I knew it wasn't long now until I would move in and then I could spend way more time with him and would have enough time to go out with people from work. It would all work out in the end, I just hoped they'd still ask me to go for drinks once I had the time to do so. And I hoped Shouta was going to do better, because it was really not too easy to hear how he wasn't good enough from them every single day.

Because if there was one thing I knew then it was that Shouta was good enough. Sure, they only saw that he had a lot of free time to sit at home, no money and no aspirations to become famous, but what they didn't see was all the hard work he put into achieving his dream.

But I saw it and I knew he could make it. Maybe it would take a little longer than expected, but I knew we would manage somehow. We had managed so far, hadn't we? We just needed to go on, hold out a little longer, save a little more here and there. One day we'd be able to afford furniture. And heating. And proper food, instead of the jelly packs Shouta was living on right now. (I didn't know how he could live on them, they were fucking gross, but as much as I tried to give him some proper food, he just refused to eat anything but jelly packs all day.)

With a sigh I went back to my paperwork, quickly putting some finishing touches on it and putting it away quickly, before signing out of my work laptop and grabbing my coat and my bag. Time to head over to Shouta's place and check that he wasn't dead yet. Time to try and feed him.

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now