Without a sound, yeah, you're calling me
And I don't think it's very fair
"It feels so weird doing this... and what the hell are you wearing, Oboro?" I asked, looking over at my friend who was dressed in a shirt with the weirdest pattern imaginable. And he was wearing crocs. Hizashi looked like he came straight out of the 80s, all leather and spikes and hairspray. Shouta was dressed as usual, black pants, black shirt and that was it, while I had gone all out with my favourite dress and some heels my mum bought me, because I wanted to look fancy when I was 13.
"I'm dressed with style." Oboro answered with a big grin, as we were on our way to the place Hizashi had found for us. Thank God, I had my illusion quirk, because if anyone saw us dressed up like this, they'd never let us in. Not even with a valid ID. But hopefully that wouldn't be a problem once I hit the bouncers with my Quirk. And once we were inside they wouldn't ask us to leave as long as we didn't make any trouble.
"Okay, let me know when we're just around the corner and once we walk up to the bouncer we have to be fast, because I can't blink and I can't keep it up for too long. I'll have to stay focussed and I'm only able to do that right now, because I had like three cups of coffee in a row. If the illusion goes away while he is checking our IDs, we're in deep shit." I briefed them quickly.
"Well, we're about to turn the corner..." Hizashi said and quickly peeked around the wall. It was still somewhat early.
"Okay, there's no queue. Tell us when you're ready." he told me then. I closed my eyes and started focussing on the mental image I wanted the bouncer to see. I took a deep breath and then nodded. I opened my eyes and went ahead of them towards the door. The bouncer just stood there and looked us up and down for a few seconds. I decided to go for it and just walk through the door. The boys followed me. We weren't even stopped. All these nerves and he didn't even check our ID.
Once we had turned around the corner, I finally thought it was safe to blink. My eyes were hurting like hell. I heard Hizashi gasping and Oboro giggling to himself. I shook my head and took a few shaky breaths.
"Oh my God. My nerves. I can't believe he didn't even check the IDs. I can't believe we made it inside. This is wild, guys." I said and opened my eyes again. The three of them were huddled around me, grinning widely.
"(F/N), you're the best. I can't believe we actually pulled it off. No matter how this night turns out, it's gonna be one hell of a story to tell our grandkids!" Oboro announced and marched into the main room. There were a good few people there and there was loud music. Some people were dancing.
"Okay, I'm gonna get drinks for everyone. Who wants something?" Hizashi announced. Oboro raised his hand and jumped up.
"Just get me something that'll take the edge off." I replied laughing.
"I don't want any-" Shouta started, but Oboro interrupted him quickly, putting his index finger over his lips.
"Nuh-uh. Shou, I know exactly what you need and I'm going to get it for you and you better knock back all of it. Because if anyone needs to loosen up, it's you." Oboro said with a big smile on his face.
"Fine, just don't get me killed." Shouta mumbled.
"You got it, Shou-bro!" Oboro replied and ran off laughing. Shouta shook his head and sighed.
"Can we please work together here and not make Shou-bro a thing?" he asked me. I laughed and nodded.
"Of course. I'm fine with that. Hey, once we get our drinks, do you wanna go and dance? The music is really good."
"I don't really dance."
"Well, then this'll be your first time dancing. I'm not taking no for an answer. It'll be fun, I promise."
"I don't know. Maybe. But only for like one song or something." Shouta answered and looked away shyly. That's when Oboro and Hizashi came back with drinks. They had actually gone out and gotten all of us really fancy cocktails.
"Okay, so we have a Cosmopolitan for the lady, because Hizashi thought it would suit your dress, a Mojito for Hizashi, a Margarita for me, because I'm classy like that and this small drink for Shou." Oboro said, handing each of us drinks. I quickly started sipping on my drink. It was sour and had a really nice, fruity taste to it. I could barely taste any alcohol, but I could feel it after the first few big gulps.
"What is that?" Shouta asked, suspiciously eyeing his drink.
"Just drink it, Shou. Knock it back and don't even think about it." Hizashi replied. Shouta raised an eyebrow and started drinking the entire glass in one single go. When he had swallowed all of it, he started coughing.
"What the hell was that?" he wanted to know.
"A Kamikaze. It's basically just alcohol with a dash of lime juice. You need that to loosen up, though. You'll be fine. Hopefully." Hizashi said. Shouta looked at him as if he had lost his mind.
"Come on, Shou, you promised me to dance with me." I replied, before he could murder poor Hizashi. I had finished my drink really quickly and grabbed Shouta's arm, dragging him away from the other two and onto the dance floor. There was mostly loud rock music playing which was alright to dance to. It was very grungy and energetic and I felt like both Shouta and I were vibing with the atmosphere and the music in this place.
I had no idea how long we had been dancing, before I spotted her. She was there on the floor, completely letting loose. I thought I'd have a heart attack when I saw her. None of the other guys noticed her, not even Oboro and Hizashi after they had joined us dancing. It was Miss Nakamura. Our English teacher at U.A.
"Shit, we have to bail!" I shouted at them over the music.
"What? Why?" Hizashi wanted to know.
"Nakamura is here. I don't think she's seen us yet, but she is here. She knows us. We're dead meat if she finds out we snuck in here using my quirk." I said to them. The three of them had quickly realized what I was saying. Shouta was looking back at her and quickly turned around, grabbing my wrist.
"Shit, she looked straight at me, let's leg it!" he exclaimed and started running, dragging me with him. I had no idea if Hizashi and Oboro were following us or not or what was happening, because everything happened so fast. Shouta and I sprinted through the room and the hallway, bolting out the door, where the bouncer almost stopped us, but we managed to get away.
We continued running through narrow alleyways and around corners. My lungs were burning. I had no idea how Shouta was still running like this, I was at the end of my strength, but he kept dragging me along. I was huffing and panting, but Shouta didn't even seem to notice.
"Shou, wait! Why are we still running?" I asked him, gasping. He stopped in his tracks and I almost ran into him.
"I don't know. I panicked. Are you okay?" he wanted to know, as he saw me leaning against the wall of a building, gasping for air, feeling dizzy from all the sudden running. I looked over at him and started laughing. I couldn't believe we managed to pull this off, only to meet our English teacher in a club, living it up in Tokyo.
"I don't know. Hopefully." I answered and we both started laughing. The night was cold and there were only a few street lanterns on the way, I was gasping, leaning against a wall and we just couldn't stop laughing. I think that was the moment when I really, really fell for Shouta Aizawa.

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...