We can beat them, for ever and ever
Oh we can be Heroes, just for one day
"Shame, shame. Me having to give up my trademark shades. But how about this? Perfect fit, yeah?" Hizashi asked, proudly showing off the new goggles he had gotten for himself. Or maybe Oboro had gotten them for him, I wasn't sure. The more I thought about it, the more likely it seemed to have been Oboro who had gotten them for him. But it didn't matter, anyway.
We were sitting on the rooftop, having our lunch. Oboro - prepared as always - had brought an entire tea set up here, so we could relax with a nice cup of tea. It was a nice day, there were only a few clouds in the sky and the sun was shining. It was warm, too, but up here it wasn't too bad, because it was quite windy. It was the perfect temperature for a nice cup of tea.
"You're wearing goggles too now? Why?" Shouta wanted to know, as he took a bite of his lunch.
"We can sell ourselves as a team!" Oboro explained, putting an arm around Hizashi's shoulder.
"Huh? Is Yamada coming to Purple Agency? And (F/N)? That's sudden." Shouta muttered. I raised my eyebrows.
"I wouldn't know anything about that..." I replied, not sure where Oboro was really going with this.
"Nah, I'm talking about in the future. Our boss takes on newbies in the hope of steering them to go independent some day, right? So after our time there the four of us should start our own agency. That's my plan anyway." Oboro said. Shouta seemed to be surprised to hear that.
"Eh..." he said, looking taken aback and confused. He really didn't seem to know what to do with that information. I had always kind of thought of the four of us working together in some way in the future, because... well, because we were all so close and we were such good friends already.
"I think we work well together. Take you for example, Shouta. You're not the type to get the action started on your own, but you're great at sweating the small stuff. You'll add a layer of polish to everything we do. 'Cause me and Hizashi suck at that!" Oboro announced, as if he was proud of that. Shouta smirked at them and nodded along. I wasn't quite sure how I fit into these plans yet, but it would work itself out somehow, wouldn't it? It had to, there was no other way.
"Yeah, I guess so... You guys share the same two braincells." Shouta replied to them with a chuckle.
"Plus, your Erasure Quirk... is lacking in finishing power. But once you take the wind outta the bad guys' sails, it's our turn. We can finish 'em off! With some killer combo action!" Oboro added.
"Me not being able to get the action started... and lacking in finishing power... isn't that just another way of saying I can't do anything on my own?" Shouta asked, suddenly falling back into his gloomy mood.
"I'm saying you're suited to teamwork!" Oboro corrected him, giving him a beaming smile that probably could have blinded anyone. I was once again taken aback by just how precious Oboro was sometimes. He really was the glue that was holding our little group together.
"We'll raise and close the curtain on stuff..." Hizashi agreed, nodding along with what Oboro had just said.
"... and you just handle everything else!" Oboro finished the sentence for him, both of them grinning at Shouta and me.
"Where do I come into those plans?" I asked.
"Your Quirk is perfect for stealth missions and gathering intel. You do all the preparation for us - figure out villain hideouts, figure out their plans, all that stuff. You make sure we have enough information to safely attack! Plus, you'll look pretty." Oboro answered. I laughed and shook my head.
"Alright then. Sounds good to me." I muttered.
"Put that way, it sounds like I'm doing most of the work. Besides I never agreed to this team-up with you two." Shouta remarked with a smirk. Oboro and Hizashi looked utterly shocked.
"But you'll team up with me?" I asked.
"Sure, why wouldn't I?" Shouta replied, kissing my forehead quickly. Oboro was shaking his head.
"What? Got something against us?" he wanted to know, a dramatic undertone in his voice, as he crossed his arms.
"Aizawa's gotta keep up the broody act." Hizashi commented, while Oboro agreed, nodding enthusiastically.
"Yeah, Shouta's a tough nut to crack."
"Cut it out..." Shouta just muttered, when we heard the sound of the door to the roof opening. We all froze, hoping that it wasn't one of the teachers that had finally caught us sneaking up here.
"Mmm... the flavour of youth..." we heard a familiar voice saying. As we looked to the door we saw Kayama standing there, but not in her usual hero costume, but in her school uniform and a pair of big glasses. She looked so different from her usual self in the uniform and casual glasses, it was almost difficult to recognize her.
"Oh, it's Kayama! Hiya!" Oboro said, quickly composing himself and giving her a bright and warm smile.
"The banter, the bargaining, the bullshit... I love it all!" Kayama cooed and snickered to herself.
"I'm totally serious. Not messing around." Shouta muttered, trying to keep up his gloomy persona in front of her. But Kayama knew exactly how to win him over again, as she pulled out her phone.
"Wanna see some cat pics?" she asked. Shouta was pretending not to care, but he didn't last long. He quickly turned around to look at the pictures of Sushi she had on her phone and a soft smile spread on his face. I had no idea how the whole building didn't melt from that smile.
"You pushover, Aizawa!" Hizashi exclaimed and just laughed at him. I looked over to Oboro, who seemed to give himself a little pep talk in his head, as he looked more serious than usual for a second. He then started smiling again and turned around to Kayama, blushing a little.
"Kayama, we were actually just talking about starting an agency - all five of us." he said to her. Kayama gave him an apologetic smile, as she softly shook her head. Poor Oboro, getting rejected.
"Sorry, but once I go independent, I plan to have young men waiting on me hand and foot in my palace." she said. Oboro gulped and quickly recovered, smiling widely at her and nodding.
"Staying true to those desires? Nice. I wouldn't mind waiting on you..." he said, a brimming smile on his face. Hizashi didn't look too happy about that development, as he grabbed Oboro's shoulder.
"Wait, what happened to our plan?" he asked, shaking Oboro a little. Kayama chuckled to herself, watching the two of them. I was shaking my head, watching Oboro selling his soul to Kayama.
"Stop being such a simp, Oboro!" I said to him, but he skillfully ignored me. Shouta sighed and glanced at me.
"Sounds like none of our business..." he replied to me, before walking over to the edge of the building. I followed him over there, looking up into the sky and over the hills of Musutafu from the rooftop. The scenery really was beautiful. And maybe in that moment it seemed like we might have a good future, all five of us together, being heroes and sticking together until we were old and retired.

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfic[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...