He said, "Son, when you grow up
Would you be the savior of the broken
The beaten and the damned?"
We were thankfully all called in around the same time, so we were waiting outside together. Shouta was currently in the office, and Hizashi was up next. After him, it would be my turn, but right now Hizashi was just freaking out. He was shivering and he looked absolutely pale. Poor guy.
"Are you sure you'll be okay, Zashi?" I asked him. He just nodded quickly. He definitely didn't look okay.
"Whatever you say, Zashi. But you look kinda nervous..." I mumbled. Kinda nervous was honestly an understatement. He was not himself anymore. Usually, Hizashi was shamelessly himself, but right now? I was pretty sure that it was the prospect of having to lie to our teacher that made him nervous. Hizashi was good at delivering a show, but he wasn't good at lying.
"Yeah, I'll be fine... Just a little nervous..." he muttered. I raised an eyebrow at him. A little nervous. Yeah, right. But honestly, he was up soon enough and until then he'd be able to survive.
I was getting nervous myself, going over the story I had thought up over and over again. It was a foolproof plan to be honest, but our homeroom teacher just had a way of getting us to tell him the truth, it was kind of scary. I had seen it a couple of times - someone was trying to tell him some bullshit and they'd have a good story and everything, but he just looked at them and they'd break immediately. I wasn't sure how exactly he did it, but I was dead afraid he'd just see through all our bullshit.
But it was too late now, anyway. I would just stick to my story and not tell him anything else and that would be the end of it. I didn't even know why he made such a big deal out of this, this was just a formality anyway. Why did he even care so much about this? It was ridiculous.
I mean, I knew that he was just worried about us and that he wanted the best for all of us. He didn't always seem like it, but the simple fact that he made such an effort with these talks was proof enough. But then again he thought there was only one way to be successful and it sucked.
It was difficult to talk to him about anything where you had a different opinion from his and that just made it really tough to even try and approach him about anything. And it had been like that from our first year on, like when I was trying to talk to him about those kids that had bullied Shouta.
Hizashi took a deep breath next to me and right away we heard the door opening. I looked up to see if there was any indication of how this whole thing went, but... well, Shouta came out with a smug grin on his face and our teacher was looking pretty annoyed. So Shouta had actually told him the full truth. And knowing Shouta, he had probably done it quite bluntly, as well.
"Yamada. Come on, let's get this over with." our teacher said, giving him an annoyed look while Shouta sauntered out of the office and sat down next to him. He looked pretty happy with himself.
All of this just seemed to make Hizashi even more nervous. He got up and wobbled into the office. I honestly felt sorry for him, because... well, our teacher didn't seem too happy after he was done with Shouta and Hizashi had to deal with that now. But it was what it was and he had to get through it on his own, as much as I wanted to be there with Hizashi. Mostly, because I didn't want to do the same thing on my own either and would have liked some emotional support.
"So, how did it go?" I asked Shouta once Hizashi was in the office with the door closed. Shouta shrugged.
"As expected."
"What the hell does that mean?"
"Well, he wasn't happy of course, but I honestly don't really care either way." Shouta answered."Yeah, but what did he say? Come on, don't make me interrogate you, Shou." I said with a chuckle.
"Maybe I like it when you interrogate me." he replied with a smug grin. I chuckled and gave him a light smack on the back of his head. Sometimes he was really just being an idiot, wasn't he?
"Shut up, Shou. Didn't you see how fucking nervous Hizashi was? He looked like he was going to black out and you made our teacher angry on top of that. I honestly can't imagine what he's going through in there right now." I answered, only half-joking. After all, it wasn't like Hizashi was actually going to die from having a talk to our teacher about his future. But still."He'll be fine. He'll come out of that and he'll be fine. Maybe a little shaken up, but he'll get over it." Shouta answered. I sighed. I mean, he was right, but I would have preferred if Hizashi didn't have to suffer. But apparently, Shouta thought a bit of suffering wouldn't harm him.
"Alright, whatever, so what did he say?" I wanted to know. Shouta leaned back and grinned widely.
"Asked why I wanted to go independent so soon, so I told him I wanted to specialize on anti-villain combat and not bother with any of the other agency things. It is the most rational thing to do, to be honest. It'll allow me to focus and do my own thing without other people butting in." he explained.
"Oh boy, I'm sure he didn't like that." I muttered, but the thought of Shouta telling him that flat out made me chuckle. It was a pretty funny to think of our stern and stoic teacher being faced with an equally stern and stoic Shouta who was telling him he wasn't going to do what he said anymore.
"No. No, he didn't." Shouta answered with a snicker.
"Alright, alright. So what did he say to that, though?" I wanted to know. This was getting funny.
"Oh, you know, he just went on about how people don't graduate from UA to become bounty hunters, blah blah blah. All that kind of 'you need to think about your future more' bullshit. You know the stuff he usually says. Went in one ear and out the other." Shouta said and rolled his eyes.
"Seriously? So what did you end up saying, though? Like don't you have to reach some sort of consensus?" I asked. Shouta nodded with a smirk and pressed a small kiss on top of my head.
"Of course. I told him I wanted to be an independent underground hero, because that's who I'm meant to be. And I just stuck to that, so at the end of our 30 minutes he just had to sign the thing. He didn't have any other choice. So basically, I've won." Shouta answered with a big smile.
"Independent underground hero? Okay, I'm not sure how to imagine that but it sounds pretty cool."
"Yeah, I mean, it's probably not going to be as exciting as it sounds, but at least I can decide over everything myself. I can decide which cases I take, how I organize my finances, when I take vacation, all kinds of things like that. I don't know why he's so against that. It's almost as if he's hellbent on us working ourselves to the bone for some agency while making close to nothing." Shouta explained. I wasn't sure what exactly it was, but something about Shouta being so defiant and him grinning with the bandages around his hands and the stubble on his chin...
"God damn it, Shouta, why are you so hot when you're breaking the rules?" I asked with a grin.
"I'm not breaking any rules..."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...