81 Fast Car - Tracy Chapman

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Maybe we'll make something

Me, myself, I got nothing to prove

Unfortunately for all of us time didn't just stop when Oboro died. Well, most people weren't even that affected by it, but it was pretty tough to keep up with what was going on around us after his death. Sure, it got a little easier over time, but everything just felt off without Oboro around.

Even just going to class right after break sucked and the first few weeks I found it extremely upsetting to keep seeing Oboro's empty desk. But time went on and soon we had the last Sports Festival of our time in UA. And while the other two years we had been really determined to beat people like Sensoji and Yuki and all the other assholes that wouldn't leave us alone...

Well, this year none of us really was in the mood to even try that hard during the Sports Festival. Sure, we pretended to be enthusiastic in front of the teachers (that was Hizashi and me, Shouta just couldn't be bothered), but all we really wanted was to finally be left alone, finish high school and maybe someday have a chance of leaving all of this behind ourselves. Somehow.

"Hey, F/N! I can't believe it's almost time for this year's Sports Festival!" I suddenly heard Maiko squealing next to me. I jumped a little at my desk and forced a smile on my face, pretending to be excited for the Festival.

"Yeah, I know. Time flies, huh?" I replied, cringing at how unenthusiastic I actually sounded. But Maiko didn't seem to mind, she was truly engulfed in her anticipation for this year's Sports Festival.

"Our last big chance to stand out during high school!" Hideko agreed and the two girls giggled.

"Given all the team events, how about we come up with some plans to build teamwork?" Maiko suggested. I knew they were expecting me to join in and I honestly really wanted to be part of that whole amazing and glamorous UA experience again. But I just couldn't get excited for that.

"Sure, as long as I don't have to come up with anything..." I muttered. Maiko looked at me, a little worried.

"Why's that? Tired?" she asked. I appreciated her worrying about me, I really did, but I had no idea how to tell her what was going on. And it wasn't even a lie that I was tired. I was fucking exhausted, but it was more of an emotional exhaustion. Like I was just dragging myself through the last few months of high school, hoping to somehow make it through and get a break already.

"Yeah, kinda. I'm already stressing about the exams, I guess." I said and Maiko quickly nodded.

"Teamwork? Count me in, ladies!" Hizashi yelled from the other side of the room. I groaned, when I heard his shrill voice. Why did he always have to be so damn loud? It put me on edge every time.

"Jesus, Hizashi, you're giving me a fucking heart attack!" I muttered, but Hizashi was already getting distracted.

"Hey, Shou!" he yelled at him, turning around to him. I was almost sure he was using his Quirk. Shouta just gave him the most annoyed look ever, as he was trying to get settled in his sleeping bag.

"Go ahead and do what you want. It's my nap time." he just replied. I watched him climb into the sleeping bag and zipping it up quickly. Shouta and I still hadn't really talked. The common consensus seemed to be that we were still together, but we had never really talked about it and we also didn't really do anything together anymore. Seeing him there, unashamedly taking a nap in the middle of class... I missed him. I really, really missed him so much.

"Oh right... you're not really into this stuff, Aizawa. Sorry about the racket." Maiko replied calmly, but she had the most awkward expression on her face. She seriously looked like she wasn't sure what Shouta was even doing here anymore and if I was honest... I could understand why.

He had taken to constantly napping, always training and as soon as he knew he had a passing grade in any subject whatsoever, he just stopped making an effort. It was ridiculous and by now everyone was worried about him, but no one really knew what to do and how to help him. Not like he would accept any help, if anyone was to offer. Shouta was way too proud for that.

"No problemo! My pal's just wiped out from all his solo training, so he sleeps like nobody's business. Goodnight, bud!" Hizashi shouted at him. I gave him a dirty look, because honestly, there was no need to be this fucking loud. And it surely didn't help Shouta to fall asleep.

"You're the loudest of all, Zashi." I muttered, shaking my head and turning back to glance at Shouta who was already fast asleep. At least when he was sleeping during the daytime he looked so peaceful. Almost like the old Shouta. Maybe all of that would some day get him back to normal. That's what I was hoping for at least and I hoped it was sooner rather than later.

"Yeah, yeah, sorry, so what do we have planned?" Hizashi wanted to know while Hideko was eyeing Shouta worriedly. I knew there were going to be questions and I really wasn't in the mood for them.

"Is he okay? He seems kind of off. Like more than usual." Hideko commented quietly. I sighed.

"Yeah, he's fine, just tired." Hizashi answered.

"I'm honestly not sure if he's okay, but there's nothing we can do right now." I answered at the same time as Hizashi. Hideko and Maiko and a few of the other people that had gathered around the desk were looking at Hizashi and me, as if they had to worry about us as well now.

"Uhm, okay, anyway, let's move on. Do we have any ideas how we can work on our team building? I'm pretty sure Sensei's going to give us some of the lesson time to train for the Sports Festival, so we can use that time easily." Maiko quickly replied, before more awkward and uncomfortable questions could follow. She still looked like she was worried about Shouta and me specifically, but I was grateful that she was at least distracting everyone else from this.

I knew I'd probably have her interrogating me later on and it would be slightly annoying, but talking about these things with Maiko was one of the few things that actually preserved my sanity lately. Yes, she asked awkward questions, but at least she was understanding when I got emotional. So in a way, I was almost looking forward to talking to her later. It was a bit like therapy.

"Yeah, that sounds good! And we can meet up for some training after school, too." Hideko replied.

"Yeah, sounds good, I'm in!" Yuga - one of our classmates - answered with a big grin. He always seemed down for anything and always had this massive grin on his face. It honestly had annoyed me so much the last few years, but right now I was kind of leaning to appreciate it.

"What about you two?" Maiko wanted to know, looking at Hizashi and me. I honestly didn't even really want to be in the Sports Festival this year. It was kind of stupid. If anyone should have won this thing it was Oboro. Oboro was the most heroic out of all of us. Always being there for us, always pushing us to do better, pulling us along - and dying to protect others in the end.

"Sure, I'm in." Hizashi answered, a little less enthusiastic than one might have expected. I nodded.

"I'll see if I can make it."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now