Now the neighborhood's cracked and torn
The kids are grown up but their lives are worn
How can one little street
Swallow so many lives
The Sports Festival came around and I really wasn't up for it. It seemed like so much unnecessary stress and everyone was just way too tired and exhausted from all the training beforehand to really be able to do well in it. And honestly, the more people knowing our Quirks, the more disadvantages we would have later on. I was sure that it wasn't only heroes watching the Festival closely...
What I hated even more was how I had no idea what the first round would be. Sure, I could rule out a few things, but it could still be something I was completely unprepared for. And I just hated the suspense and that they wouldn't tell us ahead of time so much, that I was slightly panicking.
"It'll be fine, (F/N). Don't even worry about it that much. You'll be fine. You just need to make it into the first 40. You can basically count out the entire business course and most of General Education. I don't think the support course is too hot on winning either, they just wanna show off. So relax, alright?" Shouta told me, pressing a small kiss to my forehead, as I nodded.
"I know, I know, but what if I don't make it into the top 40? That'd be so embarrassing. I just wanna beat Sensoji. And Yuki. Or at least one of them." I said, trying to keep my heart rate from skyrocketing.
"Ssh, it'll be fine. You're good at what you're doing. We've been training a lot for this, so don't even worry about it. It'll all be alright." he replied and pulled me into a tight hug. I was so glad to have him.
I really needed this - someone to calm me down and tell me that I could do it. Because if I told myself that? I found it pretty hard to believe. And knowing that my entire extended family would be watching? Definitely didn't make it better. There was so much pressure to do well in this, it was insane.
"Okay. I think... I think I'm alright. I just hope we won't have to fight against each other." I muttered and laughed a little.
"What are you talking about? I'll see you in the finals and you better beat my ass." Shouta said with a smirk.
"Stop being ridiculous. I'll see you later, okay? Love you." I said and gave him a quick kiss. He smiled down at me.
"Love you, too. You'll do fine out there, I know it."
"You, too."
And with that I quickly made my way to the changing rooms. Most of the other girls were already in there. Some of them waved at me and said hi to me when I entered, but most simply ignored me.
"Hey, (F/N)!" I heard Maiko greeting me. I smiled at her, as she came walking up to me. I liked her, she was always doing her best to be nice to me and I knew it wasn't easy. I could be a thundering bitch sometimes.
"Hey, Maiko. You nervous?" I asked her, wondering if most other people were just as bad as me when it came to the Sports Festival. Everyone always said they loved it and they were looking forward to it, but honestly, I wasn't sure how they did it. I was convinced they were lying.
"Yeah, you?" Maiko replied with a big smile. She seemed more excited than anything and it really confused me.
"Nervous as hell. I wish we didn't have to do this..." I muttered, starting to feel a little sick from being so nervous. After all the Sports Fest was the most anxiety inducing and pressuring event in the entire year. It made no sense to me that anyone would be looking forward to it. The entire country was judging us on our performance during that one day. It was absolutely ridiculous. And apparently the second and third years were watched even more closely by agencies, since we were so close to graduating.
Just the thought of graduating U.A. was giving me mild panic attacks, so I quickly shoved it to the back of my mind. I had no time to think about the stuff that worried me right now, not when I had to be in top shape for the entire country watching me get destroyed by one of my classmates.
"Well, it's always a good chance to prove yourself to agencies. I guess you'd be stuck as a sidekick, otherwise." Maiko answered and giggled. I looked at her with wide eyes. The prospect of finding a job as a hero straight out of high school was one of the scariest things I had ever thought about.
"You could always go independent from the start..." I muttered, the thought of that scaring the living daylights out of me. I wasn't super confident. I wasn't good at putting myself out there. Going independent seemed like my worst possible nightmare, if I was being honest. All the hassle that was involved in it...
"Yeah, but isn't that really difficult? Like, I don't think I've heard of anyone who has actually successfully managed to do that..." Maiko said, seemingly thinking about it. Honestly, it wasn't my plan at all to go independent right from the start. Owning a business - even just a small one - meant so much work and such a high risk, it was scary. All of it was scary. Life was scary.
"Out of my way, you pathetic losers." we heard a voice behind us. I rolled my eyes. Of course it was Yuki, in all her glory, strutting through the changing rooms. As if she couldn't walk around us.
"Fucking chill, Yuki. There's plenty of room to pass us. Stop being a bitch." I replied. She glared at me.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"That you need to stop being a bitch. Everyone's annoyed by it. No one likes it. It's ridiculous. So... just stop, alright?" I said to her again, as she came closer and towered over me.
Honestly, I knew how much Yuki's ice shards could hurt, but I had gotten injuries from them over and over, so if she chose to attack I knew what was expecting me. I was less afraid of her than of the Sports Festival. Or the rest of my life. So if she was going to end me right now... well, good for her.
"You better watch what you're saying. You're gonna be out in round one anyway, because you're no good. You hear that? I'll make sure you lose this thing." she growled at me. I just raised an eyebrow.
"Sure. Whatever. Knock yourself out."
"I'm going to fucking demolish you!"
"Uh-huh. You done yet?" I asked her. She had been threatening me so many times, it wasn't even that novel anymore. I had gotten used to her hating me and being a horrible person in general. I was just wondering what had changed. A long time ago we had gotten on perfectly fine.
But now she was shoving me into Maiko, as she was passing by and stomped off angrily. I had no idea how Hideko was still putting up with her. Maiko was looking at me in awe, as if I had just done something absolutely incredible. Maybe standing up to Yuki was incredible to her, who knew.
"(F/N)-chan, being with Aizawa-kun really gave you a confidence boost, huh?" she wanted to know. I just shrugged.
"I guess so. You okay? That was a pretty hard shove." I asked her. She nodded quickly and continued putting on her shoes.
"I'm fine. I just don't get what Yuki's problem is. I get that she wants to look tough and all, but if she's being like that, no one will hire her. No one will want to work with her. It's ridiculous, she's basically sabotaging herself." Maiko observed, shaking her head. I sighed, as I watched Yuki walk away and talk to Hideko.
"Yeah, well, that's up to her, I suppose. I don't know what's gotten into her lately." I told her, scratching my head.
"I heard she's been hanging out with Sensoji a good bit. Heard they've been training together." Maiko said with a wink. I looked back at her. Yuki and Sensoji? That was interesting...
"Really? Maybe that's why she's getting cocky... she's had a crush on him for ages." I replied. Maiko giggled.
"Well, that's understandable. Sensoji-kun is really handsome. And he's so strong!" Maiko replied.
"Meh. Not really my type."

All I Have Is All You Gave To Me [Young!Aizawa x Reader]
Fanfiction[Young!Aizawa x Reader] (Y/N) starts her first year at U.A. High School and quickly finds out that maybe her middle school friends aren't such great friends. Fortunately she's taken in by three of her classmates who are struggling with all the norma...