23 Dreams - Fleetwood Mac

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It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams

And have you any dreams you'd like to sell?

We didn't get up to anything the next few days. After our adventure at the lake, we had gotten back to the camp. All of us were shivering cold, wet and completely exhausted. I had barely managed to crawl back through the window and when I had done that I was greeted by all the girls staring at me, as I plopped down onto my nightstand. It was almost comical, really.

The funny thing about that was that I had apparently gained some sort of respect through my delinquent behaviour. Yuki still wasn't talking to me, but when she wasn't around Hideko and I would have a few chats with each other. It was a little awkward at times, but I was really glad we were talking again.

None of the girls had snitched to our teacher and I had obviously not said a thing about them hanging out in the boys' room. That late night swimming had left the four of us incredibly exhausted and the next two days we were just taking naps any opportunity we'd get. We hadn't gotten much sleep that night and we had to get up early again and train the entire day until it got dark.

The same happened with rinse and repeat the next day. We had stamina training, quirk training, strength training and combat training. I regularly got my ass handed to me by my friends, because they were just too familiar with my quirk by now. It was almost frustrating. We usually just hung out during lunch and dinner hours and after dinner, we went straight to bed.

The first one to recover from all of this was Hizashi. It took him about half a day to be back to his cheerful self and he constantly kept nagging us to hang out, stay up late and 'partey'. Whatever he meant by that, because none of us was in the mood for any partying whatsoever.

The next one to recover was Oboro and that was the evening of the second day after we went swimming. It seemed a little annoying to Shouta and me at first, but it turned out to be a good thing, because he was able to keep Hizashi occupied. The two of them could just goof off by themselves and they were leaving Shouta and me alone. We were still hanging out, but mostly we were just sitting around in silence. Sometimes one of us would fall asleep and that was okay, too.

It was honestly nice to just have someone to sit with and be quiet with. Don't get me wrong - I absolutely loved and adored Hizashi and Oboro and I loved doing the weirdest shit with them, but I did enjoy some quiet time. Especially since I got to enjoy it together with Shouta, who was literally the best at vibing.

Right now we were just sitting on a bench outside the accommodation together and were just vibing. One of us would say something from time to time, but there was no pressure to make conversation or anything.

"You know they got hot springs here?" Shouta asked out of the blue. I looked over to him, feeling sleepy yet again.

"Yeah, I think I heard some of the girls talking about it. Have you been?" I wanted to know. He shook his head.

"Maybe I should go. Might help with this... this." he replied and gestured broadly at himself. I knew what he meant. The hot springs seemed like a good idea, honestly. Maybe it would help to relax and actually get some refreshing sleep.

"Sounds like a good idea, to be honest. I haven't been at any hot springs since... forever. I could do with some relaxation." I agreed. I heard him chuckle a little next to me. It was unusual for him to do that without anything prompting it. I glanced over at him. It was rare to see him laughing. Even now he was hiding his smile behind his hand, but I was still glad to at least see it in his eyes.

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