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Normal : POV        

You woke up in a cold sweat, you shivered at the cold air surrounding you, that's what probably woke you up, but putting that aside you quickly come back to your senses and jolted upwards as you started to kick at the door. You were stronger than most would judge you for, so therefor pushing the door open wasn't very difficult, you stumbled out almost face first, you quickly put you hands out to stop yourself from falling on your face, once you got up you started to freak out.

You were in a classroom with seemingly no people, you looked down at yourself to see if anything was changed or added about you at all but no, not from what you could see, you checked your uniform pockets, just to make sure nothing was different only to find nothing. You looked around to check if there was anything note worthy of the room you were in, but no nothing about the room screamed appealing and or "suited for a school environment" but a thing that you did notice however was the vegetation growing out of the cracks on the walls and the dust being collected on the desk. 

Something was off but you just couldn't put your finger on it, you tried your best to retrace your steps but it proved useless as all you could remember was being stuffed in a van by some random people, it honestly gave you chills thinking of what they could've done to you whilst in your unconscious state.

You shook off any negative thoughts that could enter your mind in the heat of the moment and also simply not wanting to think about the worst as you were already in a pretty stressful situation, you sighed because obviously you weren't going to get any more information out of staying in this classroom. So with that in mind you gathered up all of your courage and opened the front door to the classroom that connected to the long and narrow hallway soon as you had opened it... 

"Hell yeah! Found you!"

You weren't quite sure what you were seeing to be quite honest, you must've stopped breathing because you feel your face go blue and with a terrified scream you turn the other way and began to run away from the massive robot-looking monstrosity, choking on your breath and almost trampling over your own feet and with a constant pump of adrenaline you turned your head and saw the massive robot looking thing running towards you yelling something that you couldn't quite get a hold of so in a state of panic you screeched on the top of your lungs.

"G-GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" You almost had tears in your eyes from fear and just the plain absurdity of the situation you were in but whipping your head back to face ahead, you saw a big set of doors so speeding up your pace you launched yourself at the doors, falling over in the process.

You heard a few gasps in the room surrounding you, you were shaking but with shaky legs and arms you did your best to pick yourself up, your breath was uneven and shaky, your face was bright red from running and your throat was sore, you did your best to set these things aside, for the time being as you tried to stay as calm as possible and tried to stay as calm as you could. You slowly lifting up your head you see 16 people, most of them you assumed to be high school students, you stared with awe as the one of the girls spoke.

 "Ohhh... Another person has arrived."

 You did your best to keep a good posture and straight face but the looks of everyone seemingly starring you down was almost to much too handle, you held your breath as another spoke.

 "Did you get chased by that monster, too!?"

 A long pause awaited you, you were the center of the attention and you didn't like it one bit to perhaps stop the pit in your stomach from growing any further you muttered out a rather meekly... "Mhm."

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