A New Hope

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Y/N POV: I walked with Maki to the dormitories, it felt rather awkward being how I did try to get out of getting everyone out of their dorms with the rather poor excuse of 'I'm cleaning' couldn't I have thought of something better? How sad for me. "Alright, we're here...did you remember to bring the work you've done over the past two days? Or have you been playing dress-up the entire time?" Maki asked me. "...I didn't have to do this, Maki." I reminded her as I held up the small stack of papers, though, despite my words sounding rather sure I knew deep down that if it came down to it and no matter who asked me, I would've done this and more to help everyone. 

I'll knock on Himiko and Kiibo's dorms, you'll do Tsumugi and Shuichi, okay?" Maki instructed me. "Mhm." I hummed, I was right outside of Tsumugi's dorm when I knocked, it would be rather rude to just barge in after all. After a few seconds when I didn't hear anything I began to feel a little nervous, that was when I rang the doorbell and knocked profusely, if she didn't answer soon I thought my nerves were going to force me to break the door down! That was until I saw the door slowly begin to open "Y/N...?" I heard the weak voice of Tsumugi speak, I felt bad now, was that too brash? I observed Tsumugi for a little, she didn't look like the optimistic Tsumugi that I met back then, is this what I looked like to everyone back then? Tsumugi had looked like she hadn't slept for days, let alone even taken care of herself. "Tsumugi...how are you doing?" I asked her, I immediately after wanted to punch myself for asking something so dumb, she obviously doesn't look fine. "Why are...you here?" Tsumugi questioned, her expression not changing in the slightest. "U-Uhm... Maki wants everyone to meet up in the dining hall, do you think you could do that? I-I-I don't wanna force you or anything!" I told her as I sweat dropped. "...Give me a minute." Tsumugi told me however right before she closed the door in my face I took a small step towards her, keeping the door open with my hand. "You'll be there... won't you?" I asked her, Tsumugi only hummed a small 'sure' she seemed more willing to head to the dining hall when I mentioned Maki, perhaps it's because of...that

I sighed to myself but never the less I walked to Shuichi's dorm however before I rang the doorbell I fixed up my hair and rubbed my eyes to make it seem like I hadn't woken up so soon, this may be a little awkward. With a few seconds to think things through and what to say I rung the doorbell and waited, my fists shaking slightly, what if he didn't answer? What if...what if he-! Once the door slowly began to open I instantly pushed myself in the room, not caring much about formalities when the scary thought of Shuichi potentially being dead was in my mind, my thoughts were eased once I stared at the very much alive Shuichi Saihara, though I'm pretty sure if he wasn't standing upright I would mistake him for a corpse, he looked deathly exhausted and that was very concerning to me. "A-Are you okay!? Do you need anything at all? I'm so so sorry for not checking up on you sooner b-but I have a good reason I swear! If there's anything you need...anything at all! I'll be more than happy to apply it to you! Tea? Some water?" I asked Shuichi as I held his hands, it didn't make me feel any better when I felt the cold skin that clamped between my rather warm ones. "Y-Y/N." Shuichi mumbled, not expecting such a sudden reaction out of me, and quite frankly I was rather surprised myself...this wasn't anything like me, I let go of Shuichi's hands and took a small step away from the detective. "S-Sorry! I don't mean to drop all this onto you, y-you're probably tired...do you want me to leave?" I asked him even though the objective here wasn't for me to leave halfway through the conversation, get it together Y/N! "N-No...it's fine." Shuichi told me, I stopped dead in my tracks, almost as if I was incapable of moving. "You...don't look well." I pointed out to him, rude may it have been however it was nothing but the truth, his hair looked quite disheveled which was more than enough to tell me that he most likely hadn't been out of bed in quite some time, not like I blame him though, the effects of learning the truth to the outside world just looked so much more serious after looking at them face to face, I did know that it would've been bad but not this bad. Think Y/N! What would your sister say to you if you looked like you hadn't climbed out of bed for days! "U-Uhm... Go take a shower or something, even washing it would be fine, anything to help your face." I told him. "...Is there something you need?" Shuichi asked me, he didn't even look surprised that I had said something like that. "O-Oh... Maki wants everyone to meet up in the dining hall, everyone else should be there." I answered him. "Everyone?" Shuichi questioned. "...Take as much time as you need, I would be very happy if you came though, it's...nice to see you alive and all." I admitted to Shuichi as I gently patted his shoulder with my hand twice before waving a small and awkward goodbye before leaving his dorm and closing the door behind me. 

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