Companionship is key

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Y/N POV: Shuichi and I walked to the bathroom where we last saw Kaito, however this wasn't really under the most fortunate circumstances that we would've liked it to be. "This is the place Kaito was imprisoned so he might have left some kind of clue here. Ah." Shuichi cut himself off. "Hm?" I hummed. "No...he didn't leave anything... He might not be dead." Shuichi corrected himself, I chuckled and opened the door for him. "After you." I told him. "You don't have to be so formal with me anymore, I think we've grown rather close." Shuichi said. "I don't see it as a formality anymore, if I can make your life a little more convenient then I will do what I can. Even if it's making sure you don't have to touch something that Kokichi most likely held." I told him in a sort of joking manner even if my intentions were beyond serious. I watched as Shuichi walked inside of the bathroom and I quickly followed in after him. I saw that there were a few things scattered on the floor along with small traces of blood. "What could this mean...?" Shuichi questioned, I crouched down to look at what seemed to be crossbow arrows, three in total along with a crossbow. The tips of the arrows were covered in blood. "What...happened here?" I muttered. "This crossbow is...the one in Maki's lab. Why is this here...?" Shuichi questioned. I took a look at the bottle that was sitting on the floor, my eyes widened as I saw the word 'poison' written. Of course this didn't look like the one I had consumed back then but then it raised the concern that this poison may have been a lot more lethal than the one I took. "...I feel like I've seen this before. The label has blood all over it so I can't read it completely but it obviously says poison. And if it's poison, this bottle must be...taken from my lab." Shuichi concluded. "Do you have any idea who might've brought it here?" I asked him. "No, I don't know who brought it but it definitely has something to do with this case." Shuichi pointed out. 

A little further away from the crossbow was a black case. "I think this is the black case from before." Shuichi told me. "Case from before...?" I muttered, a little confused. "Oh, an attempt for Kaito and I to get along again Maki invited us to her lab." Shuichi explained that Kaito learned how to assemble a crossbow by Maki and showed a lot more interest in the weapons in her lab due to his previous plan to fight Monokuma. "Why wasn't I invited? I have to admit that I'm a little hurt." I said sarcastically, to be honest I really didn't care if I was invited or not, I probably would've made some excuse as to why I couldn't go anyway. "It wasn't personal or anything Maki just thought that if she was trying to make Kaito and I make up then having you there would just remind Kaito as to why he was upset with me in the first place." Shuichi explained. After a stared blankly at Shuichi for a few seconds he decided to elaborate. " badly injured after your execution and I guess Kaito didn't like the fact that I trusted Kokichi over him and almost led you to your death, Gonta was just an added reason." Shuichi explained. "But you don't blame yourself...right? You have no reason to, I'm not mad by any means, I don't think I have ever been angry with you before or after all of this." I admitted to Shuichi. "It was a little hard not to at first, though with how much you changed and bounced right back it became pretty contagious." Shuichi said. "That's good...I'm glad, we should continue investigating though." I reminded Shuichi. "Ah! Right." Shuichi said. 

I took a look at the window where Shuichi saw Kaito, examining it. It was obviously a small window and didn't open all the way, I don't think anyone could fit through here, especially Kaito...however, an object is a different story. "I don't think there's much more to investigate here, shall we investigate somewhere else?" I asked Shuichi however I didn't say much more when I saw Shuichi observing the things we investigated with a complex expression. "There's still so much we don't know... This case looks like it's going to be tricky." Shuichi said. "I'm sure everything will come together as we discuss it, I'll help you whenever you need it." I told him, Shuichi thanked me before we left the bathroom. I walked up to Himiko to ask her about how her investigation was coming along to reassure myself that we weren't the only ones that thought the investigation was a little difficult. "Hey, Himiko." I greeted the girl. "Wh-What? I...don't want to talk to your right now, okay? The way you and Shuichi are right two might start accusing people cuz you can't believe Kaito's death..." Himiko muttered sadly. "I...really doubt that-" "I don't wanna hear your excuses! Or anything else! Just don't talk to me! If you keep bugging me... I'll give you afro hair with my magic!" Himiko yelled at me. To be completely honest I was a little taken aback by Himiko's stubborn attitude all of a sudden, she never talked to me like this even back then. Is...she that suspicious of everyone? I shook off the slight shock and went to talk to Tsumugi with Shuichi. "The Monokuma File this time...barely has any information in it at all." Tsumugi pointed out. "Yeah, it won't be of much use to us." Shuichi said. "It's so useless, he probably shouldn't have even gone out of his way to give it to us..." Tsumugi sweat dropped and as if on cue, the very thing Tsumugi was talking about popped out nowhere. "It's fine, it's fine." Monokuma began, this time nothing could stop me from yelping in surprise, and jumping back a little. "A Mascot's appearance at a murder scene brings a sense of relief and peace of mind." Monokuma said joyfully. "Wah! He popped out!" Tsumugi shrieked. "What an attention hog..." Himiko muttered. "Of course I want attention! I'm the mascot for cryin' out loud... And yet, I've appeared fewer times than that Plain Jain Tsumugi over there. It'd be false advertising if I didn't appear as often as I can, y'know?" Monokuma spat at us angrily before leaving in a huff. "A-Advertising? What advertising?" Tsumugi questioned, sweat dropping. "...Ignore it. Let's just focus on the investigation." Shuichi said. "Y-Yeah..." Tsumugi agreed. I quickly turned to Shuichi. "We should probably look somewhere else, how about we look around the hangar?" I asked the detective, Shuichi only nodded and we quickly made our way outside. 

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