Trial 3 Aftermath

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Y/N POV: Now that I was in a more comfortable space, I felt Kiyo's words of admiration towards his sister sink in. I know Kiyo cared about me...I...know he did, he must've... But even hurts, the face he made before he died...I can still see it. I...hate it...I hate that face of agony and betrayal he had, why did he have to kill for someone out of his reach when I was right there...? Was I not forward enough? Maybe...I should've died instead. I should've died in place of's not like I have a future anymore. We all say that we'll reach a brighter hope in the end...but...Kiyo was my only hope...without him I very useless. I had so many opportunities to stop Kiyo from killing Angie and Tenko...why didn't I stop him? Why didn't I save Angie? I had so many opportunities to do why didn't I? I...was probably too much of a coward. I...was too weak. I walked to my personalized bookshelf, books were neatly placed on the shelves and it had books of all kinds. I picked one of the shelf and giving it a certain look I lifted up my arm, and putting all my strength in it...and threw it against the wall, causing a deafening thud across the room. I've been working hard all my life and for what? There is no future for me anymore without the both of them. There is no hope for me, I'm going to die a useless death. 

Was it so selfish of me to want a friend? Was it so selfish of me to have desires of my own apart from work...? Angie believed in Atua more than anything...but little did she know that in the Ultimate Academy...there is no god, we all die and we can't do anything about it, no god is watching over us just like Kiyo isn't watching over us, he's dead, his soul got destroyed along with his physical body and I couldn't stop it. I hate that, I...despise what his sister made him think, no sibling nor lover would ever make their other half feel as if they owed them anything like that to them. I hate how even Kiyo did all he could to please his sister...she still killed him, she killed him with a smile. Why do...the good people in my life always suffer? Was that my fault  too? What did I do that was so awful to deserve this? I begun to feel more blood trickle down my nose, however the pain had almost numbed itself by now. However, more anger bubbled up from inside me. Almost unconsciously I grabbed another book and threw it, what was the point of my Ultimate? I'm as useless as a newborn infant, but even then at least an infant has a future. "DAMN IT...D-DAMN IT ALL!" I yelled angrily as I grabbed the bookshelf by its side and with using my entire body and arm strength...threw it to its side, books scattered on the floor and a loud crash filled the room, making my ears ring for a few seconds. In mere minutes, seconds or Ultimate lab was almost unrecognizable, books were all over the floor and one of the many bookshelves had a shelf torn off, pens were bleeding ink onto the floor...similar to Angie and Tenko's corpses, all my documents of the academy and notes on all the students had become all black and stained with ink. Little pieces of the wall were beginning to break off because of all the books that were thrown at it, never before have I been so angry and sad, I destroyed book after book, not caring enough to even hesitate, not caring if they were important to me or not. 

If I ever find the mastermind of this killing game...if I ever find the one that lead Kiyo to his death...I will be sure to beat them within an inch of their life. I will never forgive them. I looked down at the destruction of my Ultimate lab, I never wanted my Ultimate anyway, I can live without it. My sister had more of a future then me despite me being smarter, she got the good looks and good personality, I don't have either of those, even I can admit that. I supposed to live with myself now...? Am I...just supposed to continue living? I...can't do that, I simply wont be able to...why am I thinking like this? What...made me so insecure about my very being? What...had me so paranoid for my entire life? Oh...wait...

I remember... I've always known... I just never wanted to think about it.

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