Investigation 6

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Y/N POV: I took a look at the door in the A/V room, it looked a little different than the one I used to enter, is it perhaps connected to the hallway? I guess there's only one way to find out. I put my hand on the handle as I tried to test out what kind of door it was, it was a sliding door. With that thought out of the way I tried to open the door but all that came out of it was the door to stop moving after trying to open it. I tried again but with a little more force, and the same result only came out of it, the door only opens just enough for someone's arm to fit through, but I suppose that just depends on your body type. My eyes widened slightly as I saw the hallway in the little gap in between the door, so I guess this does connect to the door, it's a shame that I can't use it though. 

"No, no...if it was Gonta, it doesn't matter if the door was stuck. He's strong enough to throw that super heavy manhole earlier cover." Himiko reasoned, she wasn't wrong but that doesn't mean that she's necessary right either, even I could probably lift it, it would, however, come at the cost of my back and neck and maybe my arms though. "Yeah, he could eat this door for breakfast!" Kaito said. "Gonta not eat door for breakfast! Breakfast most important meal of any gentleman's day!" Gonta sweat dropped. The comment was so sudden that I felt a smile creep on my face as I wheezed out a laugh. My voice was never built for yelling or anything that could be considered as voice straining anyway. 

I felt everyone in the room look at me as I continued to chuckle and slightly wheeze at Gonta's slight charming naivety. "Aha...aha, haha, I agree. A-And I don't think Gonta could eat the door, o-or anything of that nature." I chuckled out, this was one of the very few times I smiled or let alone laughed in front of anyone, I only really laughed or smiled in front of my sister cause I could always count on the fact that she would never make fun of me. But these people weren't my sister, I felt my face turn red in pure embarrassment "...sorry." I mumbled out with my head hanging low, I heard Kaito chuckle at my embarrassment making my ears begin to burn at the tips. I looked at the door again as I tried to ignore what had happened, what I did notice however with my head hanging low I saw a pile of dust being collected at the bottom of the door, this indicated that the sliding door hadn't been moved in a while.

I was mumbling now, I guess Himiko heard my mindless ranting cause she went up next to me. "So then...he just forced his way through the gap." Himiko said. "No, no. That's not possible...there's maybe enough room for maybe a baseball bat to fit through. And I guess an arm could fit through if it were to be thin enough." I argued back. "So then...he probably used magic that makes you slim and keeps the fat off." Himiko continued on. I sighed in slight irritation, I obviously can't change her mind. But I guess I'll just have to try a little harder. "Gonta no can use magic!" Gonta yelled. "Oh! I can use magic!" Himiko yelled back...

It seems as if Himiko always has nothing important to say, magic this and magic that. I turned back to the sliding door and to just confirm with myself I peaked in through the gap. All that awaited from me was the rear entrance of the library. So this door and the rear entrance are located straight across from one another, but I don't know whether or not it matters, the thought however is a little concerning. I turned back to observe everything in the A/V room one more time, just to make sure that I haven't missed anything before I leave. Everything was cleared but right before I left I asked Gonta to kneel right to my line of height. The second he did that I whispered in his ear.

"___ _____ __ _____ ____ ____, __ ______ ____, ____?"

As Gonta stood back up he gave me a nod and a thankful look to come along with it making the corners of my mouth rise slightly before I slapped my hand over it. And just like that I was on my way out the door and into the hallway. I saw that Tenko was unfortunately the closest one to talk to. So with a little bit of hesitation I walked up to her. "Um, I wanted to ask you something, Tenko." I said. She was only able to confirm what Maki had told me and didn't provide any new information. "...right." I mumbled out. 

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