Investigation 3

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Y/N POV: "The blood on this sickle is fresh... This is it. this is the murder weapon!" Shuichi yelled. "This...came from my research lab." Maki pointed out. "I-It did?" I questioned. "A sickle can be used to assassinate a target. It can be thrown without losing any lethality, and you can hide it under your clothes, too." Maki explained. "If she was attacked with this, she wouldn't stand a chance. The blade is about six inches..." Shuichi pointed out. "And since Tenko was in the cage, she wouldn't have been able to defend herself." Shuichi said. "But even if this is our murder weapon..." Maki trailed off. "How did the culprit attack Tenko in the cage? The blade could fit through the gaps in the cage, but could it reach her neck?" Shuichi questioned. "The cage is three feet high... If you were to stab into it with a six-inch blade... Well, it would depend on Tenko's posture...but I don't think it's impossible. Hey... If the weapon is down here, the culprit must've thrown it away, right?" Maki questioned. "Perhaps after killing Tenko, the culprit threw the sickle under the floor in the dark. Or, they could have been under the floor the entire time. Either of those is possible." Shuichi said. 

The next most notable detail of the room was that some of the wall had been removed, so much so that you could look into the other room. "This is...the wall from the empty room, right? Looks like there's wood along the wall... This part has rotted away." Maki pointed out. "I-It looks like natural rot... I doubt this hole was made intentionally. But I can get into the next room through here." I said. "If I remember correctly, the room next door is also empty, right? Then the culprit could've gone from room to room by moving under here instead of using the hallway." Maki pointed out. "True, but it would have been difficult moving around under the floor. We did alright because we had a light. Without that, it'd be pitch-black. That might make it possible to move around in there." Shuichi pointed out. "Then they could've used a light, like we're doing right now." Maki said. "True..." Shuichi sweat dropped. 

On the top and bottom of the floorboard, there was another blood splatter, this one was quite far from Tenko's body and it was dried up, I assume that this is Angie's blood. "Hey, the back of this floorboard has blood on it, too." Maki pointed out for Shuichi. "You're right...there's a little bit of blood on the underside of this floorboard" Shuichi said. "Did Tenko's blood splatter here when she got killed?" Maki questioned. "I wonder... I can't really be sure yet. But these bloodstains here are completely dry." Shuichi said. 

As I watched the two take a closer look at the scene, the more my mind began to wonder. The way Kiyo did this, the murders both look complicated when one takes a look. Someone...couldn't have done this without having knowledge about murders, Kiyo is an anthropologist, I'm sure that he knows a thing or two about murders, I myself, know a lot about murders in general, true crime is one of my favorite subjects next to a lot of other ones. I know enough to know that for someone to be this crafty and creative for a murder...they had to have experience one way or Kiyo would never...kill someone without a good reason, he must just want to get out of here, I mean who wouldn't? Kiyo...would never kill for the reason of satisfaction...he's just not like that, but no matter what his motives are for doing this, I will continue to defend him. 

"Ah, look! Part of the crosspiece that supports the floorboard is cut off." Shuichi pointed out. "It's near the loose floorboard, and the portion missing is about the same width, too." Maki said. "And from what I can see of it... It wasn't broken off naturally. This was cut by someone. There should be some saws in the warehouse, so they could have used that... The question is, why?" Shuichi questioned. "Another crosspiece is supporting the floorboard, so it might not fall if this portion is missing... So what purpose did this serve?" Maki questioned. "H-Hey, perhaps...we should head back up." I told the duo. "Glad you asked... I was starting to get fed up with all this dust..." Maki said. Once all three of us crawled out from under the floor, I put the floorboard back. "...We've only been investigating this room. You sure that's wise?" Maki questioned. "...What do you mean?" Shuichi asked Maki. "If Angie and Tenko have different killers, then the blackened we need to vote for is..." Maki trailed off. "The culprit of the first murder. The culprit who killed Angie. That's what Monokuma said..." Shuichi said. "So instead of investigating Tenko's death, shouldn't we be investigating Angie's?" Maki questioned. "Y-Yes, of course... But this is bigger than the killing game. For the sake of the two who died... I need to reveal the truths of both their deaths." Shuichi explained. "Well, I understand why you feel that way... But...if you plan on investigating the other crime scene again, we should probably hurry." Maki said. 

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