Investigation 1

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Y/N POV: I don't really care who joins the long as it's not another girl. "Fiiiine, then Kee-boy can come, too." Kokichi said. "I guess we can't be picky..." Himiko said, looking down at the ground sadly. "Why am I being forced to participate AND being treated like a burden!?" Kiibo yelled. "So then, we need a place to preform the seance... Where shall we do it?" Kiyo asked. "How about your lab?" Kokichi questioned. " order for The Caged Child to succeed, the room must be as dark as possible. My lab has windows, so turning the lights off won't make it quite dark enough." Kiyo admitted. " about the empty rooms?" Himiko said. My hands clenched...the other part of Kiyo's plan is starting, Himiko is going to be the main suspect, if she doesn't die during the seance, once again, Himiko...I'm sorry. 

"Empty rooms? The ones on the 4th floor?" Shuichi said. "There aren't any windows there, so if we blow out the candles, it should be pitch dark." Himiko pointed out. "Sure, I'm fine with that." Kokichi said. "I agree with Himiko!" Tenko yelled. "However...there are three empty rooms. Which one shall we use?" Kiyo asked. "Um...the middle room. The middle room's always best for stuff like this." Himiko said. "Very well. I shall begin the preparations at once. I shall have you four help as well. Let us carry the necessary equipment from my lab." Kiyo said. "A-Are you really going to do this?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "This is for our investigation. I said as much, did I not? Kehehe... We need to use all our efforts to discover the culprit, lest our lives be lost." Kiyo said as he led Kiibo, Himiko and Tenko out of the room. "Are they really serious about this stupid seance?" Maki asked. "Perhaps that's just part of the investigation in their eyes... We should go with it." Shuichi said. I stepped a little closer to Angie's body, it felt weird to look at it again after what happened, though it's oddly comforting to know that it wasn't touched since Kiyo killed her, that lets me know that no one saw it ahead of time...not like anyone could. 

"...Are you going to take a closer look?" Maki asked me. "U-Um, I was...planning to." I stammered out. "Then let's hurry up and do it. We can't afford to waste any time here." Maki said, she didn't hesitate as she stepped right past to observe to body. "The killing blow was a single stab to the back of the neck... A sneak attack, most likely." Maki said. "Then what do you make of this wound on her forehead?" Shuichi asked. "Maybe the culprit hit her in the head before stabbing her from behind." Maki said. "But her two wounds are substantially different. Did the culprit change weapons mid-attack? I suppose that would be unnecessary..." Maki said, biting her thumbnail. "Also...the wound on her forehead looks deep, but it's not bleeding much." Shuichi said. The more they talked the more sick I began to feel, some people here aren't that smart, meaning that they're the easiest to fool. People like Maki and Shuichi are the ones I'm scared of, they're both skeptical and smart in their own ways. I shouldn't think about it though, I have to try, this isn't about if I think I can't do it, either way, I'm going to do it so I have to make the best of it...otherwise he'll die, the stakes are higher then I'd like them to be, but...I shouldn't be too worried, I already got rid of one piece of evidence. 

The next thing to look at was the katana that was stabbed into Kaede's effigy, I'm assuming that Shuichi didn't like it, considering the visibly disturbed expression he had on his face. "Who did this...? And why?" Shuichi questioned. "...Let me see." Maki said as she nudged Shuichi aside, then gripped the katana and tried to pull it out of the effigy, however, was only able to tug out a bit of it. "What the..." Maki muttered, sounding confused. C-Crap! "Ah, wait! This is a crime scene, you can't-" "You wanted to check the katana, right? Well, you can't do that if you don't pull it out." Maki said, interrupting Shuichi. "Y-Yes, true, but we have to preserve the scene..." Shuichi said. Maki, however, paid no mind to Shuichi's protest and tried to pull out the katana again. "I-Is there something wrong?" I asked Maki. "It's just...whoever stabbed the katana into the effigy, clearly had the intention of keeping it there, someone without the proper arm strength wouldn't be able to do this." Maki said and with one last tug, she was able to pull the katana out of the effigy and began to stare at it for a while. "It's a real katana, but there's gold leaf on it..." Maki pointed out. "Y-Yeah...I believe it's the one that was on display in the Ultimate Anthropologists lab." Shuichi said. I think I can help Kiyo play it off, anyone could've gone into his lab and taken it, that sounds believable enough. "...Hm, is that so? We can probably assume this is the murder weapon, judging from the bloodstains on the tip. The edge is too rusty to cut well...but it would be enough to stab." Maki said. "But why would they go through the effort of using this as the murder weapon?" Shuichi asked. "Good question. They could've gone to my lab and grabbed a more suitable weapon..." Maki pointed out. "Perhaps it's because Kiyo's lab is on the same floor. They just grabbed something close by...? They may have been in a hurry." Shuichi said. "Or maybe they needed a long weapon like this." Maki pointed out. "A long weapon?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "My lab doesn't contain swords, or any other weapons of this length." Maki admitted. "A-Ah...really?" I asked. "I'm not sure how Monokuma found out, but he must know that I don't use swords for work. When I first started working, I botched a mission using a katana... I haven't used a sword since. Which is fine, because they're a hassle to carry. Anyway...the gold leaf on this katana flakes off easily. It's all over my hand now." Maki said. 

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