Trial 5 three

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Y/N POV: "...Y/N? okay? You seem different." Tsumugi sweat dropped. I turned my head and looked towards her, my expression unchanging. "I'm fine, just feeling a little ill is all, everything is fine and...I think we should continue with the class trial." I spoke. "Ignore everything I've said up until now, it doesn't matter." I told everyone. I felt my mouth lift up into a small reassuring kind of smile, one that you would find when you're being promised something by your dear friend or parental figure, but in an instant I dropped the smile and directed my attention towards Maki. "Maki, I apologize for ignoring the truth, I was simply just in denial." I admitted, my voice sounding sad. "...Whatever, as long as you truly believe that Kaito was the one who died then I guess it's fine." Maki admitted. "Then...we must now realize who our enemy is, the mastermind of this killing game, Kokichi Oma." I said. "Y/N." Shuichi muttered. "Yes?" I hummed. "You...sound different, you sound a lot louder than doesn't sound natural." Shuichi pointed out. "Haha! How ridiculous you sound right now! I sound exactly the same as how I sounded when we first met." I laughed off. "Th-Then...what about blood on podium?" Gonta asked me, looking unsure. "Simply just a result in me recovering, there is nothing weird about coughing out blood unless you're actually ill, I have truly never felt better." I spoke, my words not meeting my eyes which had no glint in them whatsoever, my own body didn't actually feel like my own, my limps, blood, and bones felt like they were moving on their own, similar to random body spasms, the only difference being is that this is more long-lasting. "Are you you think you're in good condition to continue with the trial?" Shuichi asked me. "Of course I am! I promise on my own life that I won't interrupt the trial anymore." I promised. 

Like a reflex of some sort I could feel my consciousness slowly returning, it felt like I was physically shoved into my own body, my feelings and the control of my limbs returning all so suddenly I felt like I was going to pass out, I broke out into a cold sweat and along with trying to keep my composure and trying to get used to using my own body properly again, I felt my lips move on their own yet again. "Now, who am I truly speaking to?" I asked the Exisal, my neck felt like someone was holding it, I could feel my bones direct my head towards the Exisal, it was a weird feeling, however, it didn't hurt so much that I was scared about me crying out in pain. What...was even happening? I sucked in a quick breath and did my very best to stop the shaking in my limbs as I quickly got used to the feeling of standing. I was also a little relieved to feel the slight pressure on my neck go away as the time quickly passed. "Heh, looks like I messed around too much." Kaito's voice muttered from within the Exisal. I watched in shock as the Exisal jumped from behind Kaito's frame to Kokichi's, expectantly Kokichi's voice was quick to boom across the trial room. "Soooorry! That was just a little joke!" Kokichi yelled. "Wh-What a sick joke!" Himiko yelled. "You're still an asshole..." Maki muttered. "...True, and I can't forgive him...but we still need to stay calm, be rational. Because we need to get to the truth of Kaito's death." Shuichi said. "Y-Y-Y-Yeah! Just keep calm and carry on!" Monokuma was profusely sweat-dropping and didn't look at all to be the calm and collected thing that we had come to know. In some way I appreciated it, as long as the attention gets put on Monokuma and not me then everything will be fine, it gives me more time to regain my composure...and give me more time to think about what is going on with me. 

"Why are you saying that!? And what part of that was calm!?" Himiko yelled at the bear. "Getting back on topic... Why don't we examine the crossbow a little more closely? I think we need to get all the facts straight so we don't fall for any more lies." Kiibo explained. "I agree, but... What do you think, Maki?" Tsumugi asked her. We waited for a response for a few seconds before the silence was suddenly broken. "...Fine." Maki muttered. "O-kay! Let's discuss that then!" Kokichi yelled. "I...don't understand, I...don't understand anything at all." I muttered. "Y/N?" Gonta called out. "A-Ah, I really don't know what's going on with me today, I'm just a up is all, I'll recover soon." I reassured Gonta or rather I was just trying to reassure myself. I can't comprehend what's going on with me, the way I reacted before doesn't seem like it's symptoms of any kind of sickness that I know, I have no history of acting erratically long as we're not counting those times where I could physically and mentally feel myself getting extremely attached to cats or good literature. I don't really have enough information to go off by to help me reach a conclusion as to why I'm acting strangely, however, if I just don't try to figure it out at all it'll start to bother me. How troublesome, though I don't think I can think about anything clearly if I try to reach this conclusion at the same time. I just need to gulp it down and deal with the irritation for now, after the trial...I'll tell Shuichi about my worries and just hope that he can use his words of wisdom to put my mind at ease yet again. "So, if we assume that Kaito and I shot each other with the crossbow...then the most efficient way to solve this is to set up a timeline of events!" Kokichi yelled. "Hey!!! Why do you think you can just-" "Alrighty then! Let the debate begiiiin!" Kokichi yelled loudly, interrupting me. 

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