Escape 6

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Y/N POV: After walking away from Tenko I walked back into my dorm room to sleep for the night. I slept peacefully without any dreams, I was kind of disappointed when I woke up that I didn't get a dream about my sister to further motivate me to escape the killing game. But it cannot be helped I suppose, I still have to escape the killing game no matter what, just for my sister. Right before I left for the dining hall to see everyone I took a short shower and left my dorm room. It was only when I stood outside is when I figured out how dull everything looked, is this how everything was going to look when everyone is getting picked off one by one? I hope not. I also hope that I'm not the first one getting picked off, I won't let that happen, I refuse to die here.

My thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched voice yelling my way "Hiiiii, Y/N!" That person yelled, I turned my head only to see Angie waving at me as happily as ever. "Hey, hey! Have you decided how you wanna spend your final moments? wanna pray to Atua?" Angie said as she smiled widely. "N-No, certainly not that. Your smile doesn't complement your speech." I mumbled out, it was way too early to be talking about religion right now. "Nyahahaha! True, true! It's a shame, I hope that your kind energy rubs off on everyone in the dining hall." Angie said, she was almost like a little kid by the amount she talks, it would be almost annoying if nobody else was here in the academy, I'd lose my mind if I had to deal with her that whole time I was in here.

"What...are you talking about?" I asked as I yawned tiredly "Atua has spoken... In such dire times, why won't they stop fighting?" Angie said calmly, I swear I almost choked on air as I stumbled out my words. "E-Eh? F-Fighting?" I said, I tried not to panic too bad, the thing is. When people get desperate enough, they will do the rashest things to get the things they want, even if it were to kill someone. And because the time limit expires tonight, the chances are that someone must die if more people live. I can't escape with everyone. 

"Ummmm, they're fighting in the dining hall. Atua is really bummed out about it." Angie said as she made a face that was to be copying one that was to be thinking. "Y-You said they were fighting in the dining hall, right? Could you accompany me there?" I said, "Okie-dokie, we'll stop it together." Angie said smiling as I was preparing to defuse the situation as best as I could, not because I actually cared for anyone here, of course. I just...need to stop them.

I sped walked to the dining hall with Angie trailing behind me humming. They must be concerned about the time limit, it expires tonight. I...I don't wanna die yet. I still need to see her again. I was mumbling under my breath now as I swung the dining hall doors open almost tripping over my own feet in the process. "A-Ah, um..." I stood there awkwardly in the middle of the dining hall probably looking like a complete idiot "Good...morning...?" I said as I felt my entire face heat up, I never actually planned what I was actually going to say beforehand, I felt Angie hit my back slightly as she stopped humming and looked behind me to get a glance at the argument "Oh, Y/N. Perfect timing." Rantaro said as he sweat dropped at my sudden entry "I... really don't know what to do, Y/N. Ryoma started talking crazy..." Rantaro finished.

"All I was doing was making a suggestion. So that more people can survive... Even if it's just one more." Ryoma said. I gulped. I really wasn't sure what he was going to say, but if it was what I was thinking then... "What do you mean by that, Ryoma?" I asked as I held my hands in one another. Did the room just get colder by the second, or was it just me? "Don't you get it? If the time limit runs out like this, we'll all get annihilated, y'know? The only way to avoid that is to play along with this killing game." Ryoma said without any hesitance. 'Does he not know anything about stealth? If he was really going to plan a murder then he shouldn't speak his mind out loud.' I thought to myself as I was trying to block out what I was really thinking. He wouldn't. Would he?

"H-Hold on. Just think about this." I tried to reason, I tried to move Ryoma's mind into something less dark. But not even after a second. Ryoma closed his eyes as he gave me a calm expression as he said one of the scariest things to hear from someone, and even despite this he still had a stone face, one that I've never seen before on a human "Kill me." Ryoma said. When I said it I meant little to nothing but, when you hear it coming from someone else it's almost as if time slows down. I stood there in shock for a little while, I was unsure what to say. He can't die, but...why do I care so much about him? I don't even know Ryoma that well and yet. I just know that I have to convince him otherwise. But first, I need to hear his reasoning.

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