A Ruse

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Y/N POV: I stared at the Monokuma head, not knowing what to say...did it really tell me that the killing game will continue forever? The nerve of this thing. 

"Are you...Monokuma!?" Shuichi asked it. "Of course. But I'm not just any Monokuma. I'm the overseer of the killing game, and the source of all Monokumas... So I've been given a special name... Motherkuma!" The thing yelled. Motherkuma? What a dumb name. 

"So...a machine that makes spare Monokumas in this academy..." I muttered just close enough for it to hear. "Oh, that's me. You see this amazing machine behind me? It creates spare Monokumas! All I gotta do is copy over my thoughts and... Presto! I give birth to myself!" It explained. "Huh? A spare Monokuma? Can they be made that easily? I thought they were advanced robots..." Tsumugi admitted. "...Uh, yeah, that's why I'm so amazing." It said. "No, that might be a lie. It's trying to trick us with fake information." Himiko concluded. "Anyone can see this thing is giving too much information for too conveniently." Maki pointed out. "Huuuh? But it's not a lie. I can make spares really easily." It argued. "...Can you do it right now?" I asked it. "Yeah! Try make new Monokuma!" Gonta yelled at it. A few seconds passed without a new Monokuma popping out magically like I was expecting. "Huh?" Gonta mumbled. "I can't give birth for someone who doesn't love me. What about after it's born, huh!? Did you think about that!? Take some responsibility!" It yelled. "Whatever, just give birth to a Monokuma!" Himiko ordered it. "No! I won't do it! I'm not gonna birth one for someone I don't like just cuz they tell me to!" It argued. "Hurry up and give birth to a Monokuma." Maki commanded. "...Are you listening? We said to give birth to a new Monokuma." Shuichi told it. Still nothing, I could see that everyone was getting a little irritated now. "Please birth new Monokuma." Gonta asked it. Even with the magic 'please' being added it still didn't do anything. "Are you dense? Is your lack of ears affecting your cooperation? Make a new Monokuma!" I yelled at it angrily. "..." Nothing. I then heard Tsumugi sigh. 

"It's totally ignoring us. I wonder if the thing about spares...was a lie after all." Tsumugi mumbled. Lie? There's no reason to lie about something like that, though. Lying about being able to magically give birth to another Monokuma is dumb. "Hey, enough with this Monokuma. Let's hurry and search this room." Maki said. "You're right! The mastermind is hiding in here somewhere! Shuichi, Y/N, don't just stand around! Look for the mastermind!" Himiko told us. "Y-Yeah..." Shuichi sweat dropped. I guess with this massive head it kinda made my mind drift away from our original goal. There has to be something else here. I looked around the room to find something out of the ordinary, my eyes widened when I made contact with a bloody Monopad, Shuichi and I walked up to the table it was sitting on to inspect it closer. "Whose Monopad is this? And why is there a bloodstain on it?" Maki asked. "I don't know... But we should inspect it closely." Shuichi said. If this is a student handbook then the name of the owner should come up on the screen when you turn it on. 

I watched Shuichi as he started up the Monopad, and I saw the words 'Survivor Perk' on the screen...looks like we got Rantaro's Handbook. "This Monopad...is the Survivor Perk!?" Shuichi yelled. This means that in addition to the video, Rantaro's Survivor Perk...was this other Monopad. Soon enough a map appeared on the screen. "This...is probably a map of the academy." I said. Looking a bit closer, the places that open with the mysterious objects on them are labeled too... As well as the hidden room. This...isn't just any map, this is a complete map of the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles. "So Rantaro was given this map as part of his Survivor Perk... That's why he knew about the hidden door. Hm? What's this...?" Shuichi mumbled before tapping the screen...which caused a series of words to come up. 

A clue to end the killing game

 "A...clue to end the killing game?" I sweat dropped. A bigger chunk of words then came up on the screen.

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