Escape 4

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Y/N POV: I ran for a little while trying to make sure Miu wouldn't catch up to me, which turned out well considering the fact that running was extremely easy for me despite the fact that I was just a librarian. As I ran effortlessly around the academy for Miu to lose track of where I was I heard the nighttime announcement go off. I began to walk back to my dorm room making sure not to run into Miu on the way there. Once I made it to my dorm room I heard the little ring of my door go off. I turned around hesitantly to face my door but shook off any negative thoughts coming my way as I swiftly opened my door only to be faced with Monokuma. "Wh-What do you want?" I asked without collecting my thoughts as to why Monokuma was actually in my dorm room "Hmph... It hurts my heart to be talked down to like that by such a young girl." Monokuma said as he looked down sadly "Oh! Sorry. Young boy."  Monokuma said making me shiver in fear. Of course, he knew about my proper gender. He was the alleged headmaster after all.

"C-Can I help you with anything?" I said as I went straight back to my meek, pushover self. "Ahh, I figured I'd come let you know that some of the research labs are open." Monokuma said much more relaxed than he once was before. "You mean the ultimate research labs? The ones that are for our ultimate talents...for all seventeen of us?" I asked after making sure my question helped clarify everything. "Uh-huh. Your lab will take a little more time preparing, so you better be patient!" Monokuma yelled slightly making me jump back in surprise slightly. A long pause awaited me to speak, one that I didn't take "So, um...are you gonna invite me inside for tea of what?" Monokuma asked much to my surprise "I-If you want...I could-" I tried to say without thinking. 

"Just kidding! Who would wanna hang out with a loser like you anyway?" Monokuma said as he left. Without anything to do I closed my door and lay down on my bed, exhausted for what was going to happen in the future to everyone here inside of the killing game, it was mentally exhausting knowing that the people that you're surrounded with will probably end up dying because of the selfishness of those around them. It almost feels like real life in some way. People can be so selfish to the point where they can stoop down to such a low level such as murder for some of the pettiest of reasons. Or maybe they have no reason at all and their only excuse is that they were bored.

Usually, the people that are outgoing and happy with their daily lives tend to be the ones that are picked off first. The people that don't seem to have much going for them personality-wise tend to be the emotionless monsters that kill first without a hint of regret in their actions. And maybe even some of the most boring of people are the ones to survive in the killing game. And honestly, I am in no right position to talk about boring considering the fact that my personality only really somewhat shines when people talk to me, which is rare it's usually people like Himiko, Shuichi, Tsumugi, and Rantaro. And I'm kinda hoping that Gonta survives too and maybe even Maki if she didn't have that sinister and scary aura surrounding her all the time. They would all probably end up surviving. I can't be sure about everyone else however, mostly everyone else always looked so cheerful and happy and...kind no matter what. In real life some of the most depressing things happen to the most undeserving people, in all the books I've read the character almost always goes through a tremendous loss in their life or they have a huge realization that kinda forms their personality into who they are by the end of the book or entire series.

But this was real life, and the chance of me surviving is still average, and it will only get lower when time passes when more people die when more motives are introduced. I have to get smarter, better, and stronger mentally. I can't keep thinking that there is no point in this life if I want to escape this killing game. I need to survive for her. I reached into my pocket pulling out a hand-sized photo with two people in it, one of those people being me way back in middle school, when I really started getting into the art of disguising the fact that I was a boy. And the other person is her, the light of my life. She was always so kind to me ever since I was born. She didn't treat me as if I was below her. She tried to fight off all my negative thoughts and replace them with new, positive ones as best as she could and the people that bulled me for being useless in their eyes  She was my best friend, my bodyguard, the person who taught me to protect myself and others if need be...

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