Trial 5 four

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Y/N POV: I lowered my head, not knowing what to say to such a lengthy timeline of events. Whilst I personally don't agree with the fact that Kokichi is the mastermind I know that everyone else does, it'll be close to impossible to somehow sway their minds without conclusive evidence, especially Maki's. I know for a fact that my little episode earlier is going to affect things, no one is going to believe me if I tell them now that I don't think Kokichi is the mastermind, even if I try to tell them all that will come out of it is just a sore throat and more physical strain, I'm just going to have to deal with the anxious feeling in my stomach, I'm sure that when the time comes I'll be able to say it. Say that... Kokichi Oma maybe isn't the mastermind that we are all so desperate to find and Kaito may very well be alive. But...either way, I can't help but... 

"So...that's what happened..." Tsumugi muttered. "Then Kokichi, knowing what he knew, still helped Maki cover up her crime?" Kiibo questioned. "Was that why you smushed Kaito in the hydraulic press?" Himiko asked him. "Kaito wanted Maki to be spotless. As his friend, I felt obliged to help him." Kokichi said. Get incredibly angry whenever Kokichi mentions his name. "Are you...trying to make fun of him? To say that you were his friend even after all of the things you've done to him and should be ashamed...! You said it yourself! You said you enjoyed watching us suffer! That's what you said, isn't that right!? How dare you say in full confidence that you were his friend!? I should rip your tongue off right now, you...fucking scum!" I yelled at Kokichi as I stared up at the Exisal, getting ready for anything that may come my way, despite how physically small I was compared to the Exisal I didn't feel like it, it felt like I was untouchable even though with one swift motion the Exisal could easily sweep me off my feet and crush me. 

"...Awww Y/N, you're starting to hurt my feelings. What would your dear Kaito think if he saw you speak so violently? How out of character for you!" Kokichi mocked me. "..." I didn't answer his stupid mockery and only continued to stare up enraged at the Exisal, not taking my eyes off of it for a second, however even as I continued to stare, I could feel Maki's intense aura latch itself onto the Exisal as well, I knew that Maki was just as angry as me, but that doesn't change anything, I'm open to all possibilities, that's why even if there's the slimmest chance of Kokichi being the mastermind I'll make sure that I'm the first person to break all of his bones on the spot, their wont be a single spot untouched. However, if he isn't the mastermind then all he has to worry about is an extremely pissed-off Maki. "Nee-heehee, pretty sure Maki and Y/N would've killed me if I was out here in the flesh." Kokichi admitted. As much as I don't want hate to consume my very soul and drive me to murder...I just can't help but hate people like him. People that lie and don't own up to their actions in the right way. People who...take advantage of the weak, so therefore It's up to the people born with great strength to protect people who aren't as fortunate, I remember being told that as a child, that...I need to hold the people that are dear to me close and protect them from the bad people in this world, people like Kokichi that may be the root of all of our suffering and sorrow. 

"So...what are everyone's plans now? With the truth out in the open, who are you guys gonna vote for? You can vote for me, but if you do we'll all die together. Or vote for Maki, and live. Welp, choose whichever you want. I don't care either way." Kokichi said. "Why... Kokichi so calm?" Gonta questioned. "Who cares? Just choose already. C'mon, who are you gonna vote for?" Kokichi asked us. "No, we can't vote yet. We don't have the whole truth. This case isn't over!" Shuichi yelled. "...Huh?" Kokichi hummed. "Thank you for telling us everything, Maki. Thanks to you, I finally understand... There's another hidden truth within your testimony." Shuichi pointed out. "...A hidden truth?" Maki sweat dropped. "Yes, I'm positive. Because there's something wrong with the testimony you've given us. Maki said she used a knife to try to break the control panel and enter the hangar... But that doesn't make sense, because there is an alarm system on the shutter." Shuichi said. "Oh yeah! The alarm should've gone off if someone got close to the shutter!" Tsumugi yelled. "I was too focused to notice at the time. But now that you mention it, it is odd." Maki pointed out. "Maybe the sensor just missed her?" Himiko questioned. "Nah, the security sensor there isn't that sloppy. If a shady person got near the shutter, the alarm would've gone off without question." Monokuma said. "Then why didn't the alarm go off...?" Maki muttered. "Like I told you, this isn't over. There's still a hidden truth to find." Shuichi said. There's a reason for everything, all Shuichi and I have to do is find it. "I did attempt to enter the hangar...and I tried to destroy the control panel. At the time, the alarm system didn't go off." Maki said. "But, if you had approached the shutter...the alarm would have activated, with 100% certainty." Kiibo concluded. "No, I'm sure that if you wanted to disable the alarm system an Electrobomb would suffice." I pointed out. "But Maki only had one bomb, and she used it during the raid this morning..." Kiibo said. "Then...only person who could use it is Kokichi!" Gonta yelled. "Huuuh? Why would I use an Electrobomb? I had no reason to shut off the alarm, right? I'd be at a disadvantage if I did that." Kokichi argued. "I guess so... I can't come up with a reason why Kokichi would wanna cut the alarm." Himiko admitted.

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