New day 1

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Y/N POV: I woke up hunched over on my desk with a pile of papers underneath. I rubbed my eyes as I lifted myself up, a sharp pain shooting down my back making me gasp. I guess being away from her hasn't been good. She always reminded me to do the little things, like taking showers, sleeping at reasonable hours, and...sleeping on a bed. Maybe I should've just simply taken her advice. I got up from my chair and went to the bathroom to prepare myself for the day ahead. Once I got out I walked out of my dorm room and began to make my way to the dining hall. I heard two pairs of footsteps behind me but didn't make much of an effort to conclude who they were. I don't think I've been eating very much ever since I got her as I noticed that my movements were much slower than they would usually be. I guess I have to make more of an effort to eat when the chances present themselves. Once I opened the doors to the dining hall I quietly made my way over to Kiyo. "Writing...?" Kiibo questioned. "Yeah! Like someone try to hide writing in grass! Weird, right!?" Gonta said. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion as I was a little puzzled about what the topic of this conversation was but chose not to make an issue by speaking up about it. 

"Hmmmm... Atua says it's just graffiti. Nyahahahaha! Now we don't gotta worry about it anymore!" Angie smiled happily. "Atua? That's even more suspicious." Himiko mumbled. "Oh? Are you saying Atua is suspicious? How sad." Angie said. "That's none of your business." Himiko said. "What's up with you guys? Are you still talking about that graffiti? Whatever...I brought Shuichi, so let's start breakfast, already." Kaito said. As he said that everyone's gaze quickly fell upon Shuichi. I turned my head as well to greet him but my mouth stood slightly agape as my eyes immediately fell on Shuichi's head. Shuichi had no hat on and there on his head stood an ahoge. "Ah..." Tsumugi gasped "Nyeh?" Himiko mumbled. "Good morning..." Shuichi greeted, a small smile on his face. "Ah... Good morning..." Tsumugi mumbled. 

"Oh, Shuichi... Um..." Gonta stammered out. "You finally got rid of the weird emo hat! Is it cuz Kaede died or whatever?" Kokichi sneered. "Quiet, you male! Learn some manners, why don't you!?" Tenko scolded. "Oh, huh, you're not wearing your hat. I didn't even notice." Kaito said. "And you could stand to learn some manners too, you insensitive jerk!" Tenko yelled. "N-No, I just...felt like it was getting in the way is all. You don't have to stare... I just took off my hat, it's not a big deal..." Shuichi mumbled. "You are right. My apologies." Kirumi apologized. "I like it. I think you look more handsome with your hat off." Angie smiled. "Sh-She's right, you look nice." I complemented. It wasn't like me to complement someone vocally if I didn't know them very well, but I guess Kiyo and Shuichi are the only exceptions. "Ah...thank you." Shuichi smiled. 

"Keh, how nice for you. Unlike plain Jane over there, who turns invisible as soon as her glasses come off." Miu said. "I am plain...but it's the other way round. Taking off my glasses reveals my true form. Hmhmhm...didn't you know? Those who see my true form pay a terrible price." Tsumugi said. "Anyway, don't be late anymore Shuichi. We already decided we're eating breakfast together." Kaito grinned. I have a lot of trouble thinking that everyone agreed to eating breakfast together. I didn't even eat breakfast with my own parent. "...You decided that on your own." Maki said, running her fingers through her long hair. "Yes, yes. I prepared breakfast for everyone." Kirumi smiled. I felt my stomach quietly growl at the thought of eating, ever since I got here I don't think I've eaten very much, if at all. So eating does sound amazing. "Really? You did?" Shuichi asked. "Indeed. It was no trouble at all. I have prepared an Italian omelet, buttermilk pancakes, smoked salmon galette... And for those who prefer Japanese cuisine, I have prepared rice balls and miso soup." Kirumi explained. "Kirumi, be my mum!" Kokichi said. "Gonta want you to be his mum, too!" Gonta yelled.

A/N: Sorry to my readers that pronounce mum as mom, but over here where I live we pronounce it as just bare with me.

"...What are you even saying?" Kiibo sweat dropped. "Oh, yeah! I'll show you guys something real neat! Look, look! When Himiko eats, she makes the cutest face! Awww! She's like a small animal!" Tenko squealed. "Stop're making it hard for me to eat." Himiko mumbled. As Kirumi brought out more food all I could do was stare at it as my stomach growled. Self-restraint, Y/N. What...if it was poisoned? You cannot trust everyo- "Gonta not mean to flatter, but...all this food so yummy!" Gonta yelled. I felt myself sweat a little. "Mmm, it's so delicious, it makes me want to cut off my tongue." Kiyo said, he may have been wearing a mask but it doesn't take a genius to figure out that he was smiling. The temptation was even stronger now , if Kiyo was saying the food was good really must be. But, to eat the food that Kirumi prepared for us...was it really okay for me to eat it...? Shouldn't someone tell me to before I do it? Is this really okay? "Mm-hm... The rice balls aren't just ordinary ol' rice balls, either! The outside is packed tightly so it won't fall apart, but the inside is nice and soft! And cuz the rice wasn't crushed, you can taste every sweet, sticky grain, even when it's cold!" Tenko said. I began to bite my lower lip a little. The way Tenko described the food, it does sound very...lovely. But... "Y/N, are you not going to eat?" Kiyo asked. 

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