Meeting 3

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Y/N POV: I was still confused, surely there would be a good ending right? Almost every book ended with one, I have begun to walk around for a little bit trying to find anything noteworthy, in doing so I was able to find a tall purple-haired male. I took a deep breath and walked up to him.

"Geez, How'd they even make this big-ass wall?" I looked the other way as I spoke to him. "A-Ah, well um...I don't know either, it is kind of odd. I do however wonder how this will go, cause we're kind of trapped here-" The male interrupted me. "What, are you complaining?" I gulped. "Eh?" He didn't let me collect my thoughts as he began to talk. "Quit complaining and grumbling, or it'll turn into a habit, besides, this cage is nothing compared to the vastness of the universe!" The guy exclaimed. I flinched slightly to his unneeded yelling, I guess I spoke with my eyes as I asked him to continue. "Oops, I haven't introduced myself yet. My bad. I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut!" Kaito yelled. I should've known, he has such a confident look to him, he looks like the definition of the 'Ultimate Astronaut' I guess Kaito must've felt awkward because of my long pause and took the duty of continuing the conversation.

"How bout it!? I'm an astronaut! Isn't that cool!?" Kaito yelled. I flinched again, he does love his yelling, doesn't he? He would be considered the Ultimate Disturbance in a library-like setting. "I-I suppose it's cool, I did read a lot about space when I was younger but I guess it was thought to be a dead topic so I stopped researching," I said.

Kaito looked down slightly. "That's fair...I suppose but the thing about being an astronaut, but...I'm still in training." Kaito admitted. I nodded my head, I mean- I could've probably guessed, he looked way too young to be even thinking about going to space. "But I'm the first teenager to ever pass the exam! I mean, normally you need a college degree to even take the exam." Kaito exclaimed rather loudly. "Th-Then how were you able to take the exam?" I questioned. "I had a friend who was pretty crafty...So I had him forge some stuff for me." Kaito admitted. My eyes widened slightly as I sweat dropped. "B-But...Isn't that illegal? Like...against the law?" I questioned. Kaito smiled at me. "Yeah, I ended up getting caught. I was in some pretty deep shit!" Kaito yelled. I frowned slightly at his vulgar language but listened intently to his story. "But the people on top decided they liked me and let me in any way. 'Course, I aced the exam too." Kaito said.

I shook my head slightly "I-It doesn't change anything, it's still reckless." I said. Kaito only smiled and drew his fist up making me take a hasty step back. "Sometimes you gotta be a little reckless to make your dreams a reality! No way I can wait till after college! I wanna get to space as fast as I can!" Kaito yelled, his voice full of determination. I bit my fingernails and looked to my left.

"...Ah, um. You sure have a lot of energy." I pointed out. I could feel my heart in my throat, it was getting slightly harder to talk. "Yeah, everyone told me it was impossible, but I never gave up! Not for a moment! That's because...limits don't exist unless you set them yourself!" Kaito exclaimed. My hands were shaking now, Kaito...the way he talked and exaggerated some of the little things, it reminded me of her, the way he smiled was just like hers.

"There are no walls you can't get over! The same goes for that o- Woah!" With my shaking body and a flushed face, I wrapped my arms around him, I could feel Kaito's chest against the side of my head, the way Kaito talked made me want to see her again so badly it almost hurt. My thoughts were brushed away as I felt Kaito pat one hand on my back awkwardly, which made me gasp feeling another persons touch, and threw myself off of him whilst throwing out apologies over and over. "I-I-I'm so sorry, I-I don't know what came over me y-you just remind me of someone an-" Kaito's voice overlapped mine. "It's all good! Whatever makes you stop apologizing." I nodded slightly, I really am an idiot, there is no way some astronaut trainee can compare to her.

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