Meeting 1

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Y/N POV: I woke up in a cold sweat, and my first reaction was to freak out, I kicked at the door that was keeping me inside of whatever I was in and with one good kick the door flew of it's hinges and I was immediately blinded by a bright light, I let my eyes adjust to the newfound light as I stepped out of the locker I was in.

I took a good look around the room just to see if there was anything note worthy of the room I was in but no, nothing about the room screamed 'appealing' or 'suited for a school environment'. I subconsciously glared at the room and every little detail I could take in, I stopped for a moment however to analyse who I was and what situation this could lead to. "My name is Y/N L/N, the Ultimate Librarian." I whispered to no one in particular, I guess that was my way of comforting myself... at least that's what she told me to do. 

It seemed to work however as I felt my nerves wash away a little, but not even a moment to spare as I felt one, no. Five different voices behind me. "Rise and shine ursine!" I quickly whipped my head around getting ready to defend myself but quickly gasped with confusion as I saw five different color robots. I felt myself awkwardly chuckle as my nerves completely washed away, why was there a reason to be scared of little teddy bears? My eyes betrayed me however as they showed worry and fear.

"Your looking at us like you know who we are, have you...?" The pink one spoke up to which I shook my head and proceeding to look the other way. "You don't talk much do you?" The red one asked, I shook my head again refusing to look at them, they all looked at each other and let out a cry. "Yayyyy it worked!" I flinched at the sudden noise now making full eye contact with them. "Phew, had me worried there for a second!" "A-Ah, worried about what? You have to be more specific, no good book becomes successful without describing what's happening." I mumbled. "alright now, let's tackle one issue at a time!" 

"You're so damn reliable, Monotaro!" Yelled Monokid "He's like a sixth grader helpin' out a fifth grader!" Praised Monophanie "which means we should keep our expectations reasonable." warned Monosuke. "Well? What's your question?" asked Monotaro. "A-Ah! Um well, I have a few, but I guess I could start with, well um, where am I? From just simple observation this looks like a school." I said. "Okay, so this place is called the ultimate academy for gifted juveniles." I took a long while, processing this as quick as my brain could manage. "I-I've never actually heard of something like that before." I admitted, my lips quivered as I spoke, my legs were shaking was my eyes were darting to random sides of the room.

"Of coarse you haven't. This school was made for seventeen of you cretins." Monophanie said, I made to make a mental note of that number. "So therefor there is seventeen Ultimate's in this school." Monosuke stated. "U-Ultimate's!?" I was baffled, yes I've heard of the word 'Ultimate' after all I am one but I was awed at the fact that seventeen talented people are in this school together.

"You know what Ultimate's are right? The government scouts 'em through this program called the Ultimate initiative." Monosuke said to which led to Monophanie chiming in. "'Ultimate' basically means you're particularly prodigious in a particular talent." "Basically, the Ultimate initiative exists to cultivate talent throughout the country, promising students are eligible the receive all kinds of special handouts!" Monokid explained.

"Like free school tuition, voting privilege's, eligibility to run for elected office... They even get grant money too, right?" Monotaro went on having Monosuke take over for him. "Students chosen by the ultimate initiative are known as Ultimate's." They explained.  "I-I knew that" I mumbled under my breath, a little irritated that I was being talked under like this.

"Hell yeah! Students would do anything for the honor of bein' chosen Ultimate!" Monokid yelled. "Which means you gotta remember this time. So don't forget anymore." Monosuke said "Yeah! Forgetting your ultimate talent is such a waste!" Monotaro exclaimed. "W-What do mean specifically by forgetting?" I questioned "Shut up! Quit yappin' and get started already!" Monokid screeched at me, making me back up a little with widened eyes. "Y-You have to be more specific with me, what exactly do you want me to do?" I tried to yell but it only came out as an incoherent mumble making my cheeks flush with embarrassment, turning my head, I heard Monotaro speak. "Why, exploring this academy, of coarse." My heart sank at that sentence. " should introduce yourself to the other Ultimate's...cause you guys are all going to do an activity together later." Monosuke explained.  "Awesome! I've got a rager right now! Well then..." Monokid unfortunately added.

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