Trial 3 three

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Y/N POV: I was becoming confused, why would Kiyo give up just like that? Perhaps he has faith in me that I'll be able to take the blame once he gets blamed for Angie's murder considering the fact that Tenko's murderer won't receive punishment but Angie's one will. "It's correct...? Then why don't you give up already!?" Kaito yelled. "Kehehe... The trick I put so much work into is just wasted effort now. Alas." Kiyo said. " was you? You killed Tenko!?" Himiko yelled. "Let me guess, you'll never forgive me. Himiko, you must hate me so very much. Maybe you'd feel better if I was executed by Monokuma... But unfortunately for you, that won't happen! Because if you vote for me, every spotless, including myself, will die." Kiyo reminded everyone. "Whatchoo talkin' 'bout, Kiyo?" Miu questioned. "Kehehe... You still don't understand? I killed Tenko. That is the truth. But it is meaningless in this class trial." Kiyo said. "Meaningless!?" Himiko yelled. "You mean Monokuma's extra rule, right?" Kokichi questioned. "You see...I killed Tenko, but not Angie... For us, Tenko's death is nothing but a trivial issue... Because the blackened in this trial  is the culprit who killed Angie." Kiyo explained. "A...trivial issue? No...that's gotta be a lie. You probably killed Angie, too!" Himiko yelled. "Y-You must remember that Kiyo couldn't have entered Angie's lab, he simply couldn't have killed Angie." I told Himiko. "Oh... Only student council members and Kokichi could enter research lab..." Gonta said. "How could I have possibly killed Angie when I couldn't even enter her lab?" Kiyo questioned. 

"We...can figure that out. No one else could've done it besides you. If you're the one who killed Tenko, you gotta be the one who killed Angie!" Himiko yelled. "D-Don't accuse him of something like that." I told Himiko, I could feel myself getting a little more irritated, Kiyo can't die here. "I understand how you feel, Himiko. But maybe we can discuss this rationally and calmly. There is a none-zero possibility that Kiyo is telling the truth." Kiibo said. "So you understand how she feels. I see... Wait! Robots can understand human feelings!?" Kokichi yelled in disbelief. "O-Of course I understand! I work...really hard to understand!" Kiibo yelled. "Hey... Why're you gettin' all worked up, Kiibo? Chill dude." Kaito said. "That's enough! It's Voting Time! I'm gonna vote for him!" Himiko yelled. Why is she being so difficult? I get that she's mad, but still. "Kehehe... Voting for me will only help the one who murdered Angie." Kiyo pointed out. "Isn't...Kiyo culprit?" Gonta questioned. "Of course I'm not... This case was an error on my part. Monokuma added that rule after both bodies were found, yes? How was I to know that the trial would only be for Angie's killer? Had I known, I certainly wouldn't have killed Tenko." Kiyo said. "Y-You're lying! You killed Tenko and Angie!" Himiko yelled at Kiyo. Why won't she just keep quiet? She just needs to shut up already.

"Now hold on, jumping to conclusions here is dangerous." Shuichi said. "Mm-hm, we should talk it out more. This case might have some juicy plot twists waiting to happen!" Kokichi yelled. "E-Either way, I don't believe Kiyo killed Angie, but we should still discuss this a bit more, so we can reach a conclusion e-everyone can agree on." I said. "Nuts to that! Any way you look at this case, Kiyo is obviously the culprit!" Miu yelled angrily. "Yeah... There's sorta no other way to look at it!" Tsumugi said. "No, it's too dangerous to vote before we arrive at a logical decision!" Kiibo argued. "Wowee! This argument is getting intense! At times like this..." Monokuma trailed off. "The Ultimate Academy is proud to present its very own morphenomenal trial grounds!" The Monokubs yelled in unison. "Yippee! I've been waiting for this!" Kokichi yelled. "Why were you waiting for it?" Kaito questioned. So...Kiyo confessed that he killed Tenko but not Angie, I doubt everyone will forgive Kiyo either way, the real question is if they will believe me if I say that I killed Angie, even if it's a lie, I need them to believe it. 

I watched as Monokuma put a key into a machine in front of him, making all our podiums rise up into the air and making them split into two groups. Himiko, Maki, Kaito, Tsumugi, Miu, and Gonta were on one side whilst Shuichi, Kokichi, Kiibo, Kiyo and I were on the other. The topic is whether or not we should vote Kiyo off, I'm hopeful that we can debate our way out of this. "Kiyo killed Tenko and Angie!" Himiko yelled. "W-We don't know for certain that Kiyo actually did kill Angie." I argued. "He forced his way into Angie's research lab and killer her!" Miu yelled. "But he couldn't get into Angie's research lab..." Shuichi said. "The katana was found in Kiyo's lab!" Kaito pointed out. "Anyone could have entered my lab." Kiyo said. "So Kiyo did kill Tenko, but he not blackened?" Gonta questioned. "Perhaps there's a second blackened we need to find." Kokichi said. "He was planning to use the new rule to protect himself all along." Maki said. "Not possible. That rule was added after both murders." Kiyo reminded. "We solved the mystery of Tenko's death... Can't we vote now?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "Not yet! There's still another mystery to solve!" Shuichi yelled. And just like that, we had won the debate, it was a little too easy for my liking and that makes me feel nervous. As I felt my podium begin to lower I held onto it tightly, I watched as all of our podiums lowered onto the floor. And that's when I truly began to grow nervous, we're probably going to be talking about Angie's case now, the rest of the trial is going to be rather messy by the sounds of it. 

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