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Y/N POV: The new motive was settling itself in, the weight of what the Monokubs said weighed in the air. "A t-transfer student...?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. "We can...resurrect someone?" Kaito questioned. "The instructions for the resurrection ritual are written in the Necronomicon. By performing the ritual as written, you can resurrect one deceased victim." Monotaro explained. "But only one of the four who have died so far can become the transfer student. Whoever you choose, that person will be considered part of the killing game semester." Monophanie said. "So technically, you can kill 'em again as soon as they're resurrected. Y'know...if you wanted to use it like that." Monotaro said. "THIS-MOTIVE...IS-SUPPOSED-TO-BRING-THEM-CLOSER-TOGETHER." Monodam pointed out as he starred at Monotaro menacingly. "O-Oh...s-s-sorry! Old habits and such..." Monotaro sweat dropped. "Monodam...let's forgive Monotaro. Forgiving is what friends do, y'know." Monophanie pointed out. That would make sense, the thought of being forgiven by a close friend sounds nice, I almost can't wait to experience it. "MONOPHANIE...YOU'RE NICE. BUT...THERE-IS-MORE-TO-FRIENDSHIP-THAN-BEING-NICE. FRIENDS-ALSO-PUNISH-EACH-OTHER-WHEN-THEY-DO-SOMETHING-WRONG. THAT'S-WHY...I'LL-HAVE-YOU-PUNISH-MONOTARO." Monodam said. "...What!? Me!?" Monophanie yelled in shock. "Please, no! Not Monophanie! I'm always mocking her when she's not looking! I don't wanna be punished by her!" Monotaro yelled. "Fine, I'll do it!" Monophanie said.

"So long! Bear-Well!" The Monokubs yelled in unison as they left the gym, leaving us all standing there dumbfounded. 

Now that I think about it this situation is kind of like the hunger games, you get selected against your will and you get put into an arena to fight to the death with people from different selections, Katniss was a good protagonist. However, the book was rather entertaining, unlike this killing game. "T-Transfer student...? R-Resurrecting the dead...?" Kiibo mumbled in confusion. "D-Don't say such a stupid thing! There's no way resurrecting the dead is possible! I-It just can't happen..." Kaito said as he began to sweat drop bullets, looking rather scared for a so-called hero. "Sh-Sheesh... Wh-Who the fuck would believe that load of unscientific bullshit?" Miu questioned. "Disbelief due to a lack of scientific simply the hubris of a scientific society. This ritual...or rather, resurrection ceremony, stems from funeral ceremonies the world over. See? They are similar, yes? The act of sending the dead to the next world is a sort of ritual. Through rumors or legends, that ritual twisted into a way to return the dead to this world." Kiyo explained. My mind wandered to what I saw in the Flashback Light, ritual... "Since you keep rambling about it, I'm guessing you really believe all that stuff, huh, Kiyo?" Kokichi asked. "Kehehe... What are you saying? There is no way the dead can be resurrected." Kiyo pointed out. "...What?" Shuichi mumbled in confusion. "Without a doubt, the souls of the dead exist, but they cannot be brought back to life... Dead flesh cannot be restored, just as broken glass cannot be mended..." Kiyo said. 

"So you believe in souls, but you don't believe those souls can be resurrected?" Kokichi questioned the anthropologist as he put his arms at the back of his head. "That seems confusing, but I know if we ask, this conversation will just go on forever..." Tsumugi pointed out. "I-If not even Kiyo believes it, then...there's no such thing as resurrecting the dead." Kaito sweat dropped. "And if this idealistic degenerate can't believe it, no reasonable girl would believe it, either!" Tenko yelled. "Hmmm, you think so? I don't think it's strange for the dead to come back to life." Angie admitted. "Hah-hahaha! The kooky bitch is finally talkin'! But too bad! No one's interested in your bullshit cult!" Miu yelled. "No...wait. Let's hear what Angie has to say." Kiibo said. "Yes, Angie is free to speak." Tenko agreed. "Nyahahaha, can I say it? Yaaaay! Okay, I'm gonna say it. Cuz...that's what Atua desires." Angie said. I...don't think Atua is reliable enough to make decisions in a killing game. " believe you can...revive the dead, Angie?" Shuichi asked the girl. "Umm...I don't think the resurrection ritual can really bring the dead back to life. It's probably more like...returning the dead to us." Angie corrected herself. "...What do you mean?" Maki questioned. "Y'know how the bodies of all the victims have been cleaned up? So clean, it's like there was never a dead body, to begin with? So maybe... They were never dead, to begin with?" Angie said. I felt confused upon hearing that. "No, that's not possible. We inspected all of the bodies ourselves-" but before Shuichi could finish talking Angie had already proved that she wasn't going to back down. "But, but it might've been a very accurate imitation!" Angie yelled. "An imitation?" Shuichi sweat dropped. "Monokuma and the Exisals are evidence of ridiculous scientific advancements... So it may be possible for them to create extremely convincing imitations." Kiibo said. "If that's what Angie says... Then I'm starting to plainly agree." Tsumugi said with a determined look on her face. "I've always supported Angie..." Himiko pointed out. "Yayyy! Thank you, everyone!" Angie yelled happily. 

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