Escape 3

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Y/N POV: I shivered slightly in fear nothing about this situation was funny or even charming this was an entirely different experience than I've ever experienced before "H-How...did you know?" I asked with my lower lip trembling slightly, Korekiyo laughed as he backed his face away a bit "Kehehe...even despite the feminine appearance you even had me fooled for a little while it was only when you answered to Gonta is when your true colors started to bloom. And it will only be a matter of time before the others start to catch on as well." Korekiyo said as he took a step back from my face, I guess it was no surprise that he found out so quickly, he's an anthropologist, after all, Korekiyo's ultimate was that he practically studies how humans function. "But, Y/N. You still have not answered my question first." Korekiyo pointed out. I felt my heart sink at that, was he really going to make me tell him? 

"A-Ah," I stuttered out in my last attempt to I guess guilt-trip him into finding out that I wasn't comfortable, but I guess Korekiyo was dead set on getting his answer, why did I need to answer him again? It's not like people will target me if they find out if I'm a boy, I mean sure Tenko might hate me afterward but It's still not something to cry over. "I sense you are uncomfortable?" Korekiyo said in real oblivion which made me rather angry, with Korekiyo saying that it was just ignoring how I was feeling. 

Saying that I was uncomfortable would most certainly be an understatement, was he getting a kick out of this? Did he enjoy the sense of power that one can only gain with the displeasure of others? "I-I can't tell you...I can't." I said tried to say but my words were starting to get fussy in my head, the words that I tried to think out were starting to become a giant blur, I couldn't think anymore. Korekiyo noticed this, however "Is your throat getting all chocked up, Y/N?" Korekiyo asked as he took a step toward me. To which I took a step back. "S-Stop it." I tried to plead.

"Are you scared that people will hate you?" Korekiyo asked again taking another step forward "I-I-I said...stop." I was begging now, my lip trembling as I felt my body shake, but not from the cold room "Are you scared about what people will do to you if they found out the truth?" Korekiyo asked and with another step forward from him and another step backward from me I felt my back gently hit against the wall and as I looked up I saw Korekiyo hovering over me "Please tell me, I am intrigued by your overwhelmingly infinite beauty..." Korekiyo said as he looked down at me, where was that kind person that comforted me back in the gym? Is he going to kill me? Am I that disgusting? I miss his kind hands, those kind hands were replaced with a much more darker aura than the kind and comforting aura that they were once surrounded with, and his eyes no longer had a soft, caring look but were now replaced with a sharp and almost cat-like irises, he had such scary eyes...those eyes, they remind me of that time? On that day? Those disgusting people? Why do those eyes remind me of when...

"But if you do not feel as if it's necessary then you do not need to tell me. Why do you act that way." Korekiyo said as he looked away from me and returned back to his place in the middle of the room leaving me shocked, I felt my legs tremble and I felt my eyes grow glossy, why did he...why? I have always been one for despair but with was a different feeling completely. "Please know that I mean no harm in what I did, I apologize if I pushed you too far," Korekiyo said as he apologized in his own way if you can really call it an apology at all. 

I felt my chest rise and fall as I tried to continue to keep my cool and to keep myself from not completely breaking down from the stress of the situation in front of Korekiyo. "S-Should I leave?" I spoke no louder than a whisper, my words were quiet but the room was quieter, Korekiyo looked at me with much softer eyes than when he looked at me before making me feel slightly more at ease.

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