Investigation 1

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Y/N POV: "Hey Shuichi, Y/N, you got a sec?" Kaito asked both of us. "Hm? What's wrong?" Shuichi asked Kaito. "Before we start the investigation, there's something I gotta tell you... You both are my sidekicks from now on!" Kaito yelled, I felt rather confused at that and Shuichi didn't look any different, isn't a sidekick supposed to be someone below? How come a person that didn't even do all their training gets to make that decision? "...Y-Your sidekicks?" I sweat dropped. "I'm more of a scientist kinda guy, so I'm not really cut out for investigations. Plus, the only stage fit for Kaito Momota, Luminary of the stars, is the universe itself. So I'll leave the details to both of you. Pave the path for my success!" Kaito yelled. 

"Ah, but, I don't know what to do as a sidekick..." Shuichi sweat dropped. "Don't worry about it. I'll make all the tough calls, you just gotta do what I say. So.. I'll take full responsibility. Since your both my sidekicks, there's nothing to worry about." Kaito reassured, nothing to worry about...? But, there's always things to worry about, especially in a killing game. "Huh?" Shuichi sweat dropped, he looked just as confused as I did. "Alright, let's get started! First, we gotta check the Monokuma File!" Kaito yelled. At least we're getting on track, I am still against working with others though. "Y-Yes, right." Shuichi mumbled, it's rather odd, Kaito making us his sidekicks like that, not even second-guessing it, is this his way of trying to help us? I was always the one helping others when it came to school, no ones ever needed to teach me before, apart from...him. "Hey, what's the matter? Let's check the Monokuma File already." Kaito said, shaking me out of my slight daze. "Ah, right." Shuichi said, opening the Monokuma File. I did the same.

The victim is Ryoma Hoshi, the Ultimate Tennis Pro... The body was discovered in the gym. The cause of death was drowning. His body was consumed until only the bones remained. No other injuries can be confirmed at this time.

The Monokuma File only notably wrote down the stuff we already knew, nothing that we didn't know was written down. "What? There's less written here than before. I've got a bad feeling about this..." Kaito sweat dropped. "the time of death isn't written here..." Shuichi pointed out. "Hm?" Kaito hummed. "The previous Monokuma File indicated Rantaro's time of death, correct? But the Monokuma File doesn't indicate a time of death." Shuichi explained. "Did Monokuma mess up!?" Kaito yelled. "I-I doubt it...I'm sure that this was intentional. M-Monokuma told us that he wouldn't give us any information that would reveal the culprit. Though, thinking about it that implies that the information would be damning evidence for the culprit." I said, growing a little quiet at the end. "So that means the key to this case is the time of death! Hah, there you go! I knew I picked good sidekicks!" Kaito said. I fell silent at those words, the cause of death was drowning, I suppose more evidence can decide when he died and exactly how everything happened. "Alright. Now that we're done with the Monokuma File, we can get started on the investigation. My first command to my new sidekicks is...Investigate everywhere and find clues that will lead us to the culprit!" Kaito yelled, as expected I suppose Shuichi and I will be the ones to do most of the work. 

I mindlessly followed along with Shuichi and Kaito as we walked to the top of the tank despite the want to talk with Kiyo first. "You were helping set up the show, right, Kirumi? Did you hear anything about the trick?" Shuichi asked Kirumi, the trick itself isn't difficult to understand, if I were to be investigating on my own then I could probably learn how the trick worked. "No, I did not hear a word. Furthermore, my help consisted of sewing the banner and curtains. So I do not know the details of the trick." Kirumi admitted. "I see..." Shuichi sweat dropped. "Hey, Y/N. Do you know anything?" Kaito asked me. "I-I cannot say anything that I don't know as fact." I responded. Kaito shrugged it off, I lifted my head a little to look at the tank holding the piranhas, notably, it had no lid, the front is made out of glass and the others are made out of wood. "Oh yeah. That tank was from Himiko's research lab." Kaito said. "Hey, Kaito, you helped carry the supplies for the show, right?" Shuichi questioned. "Yeah. Me, Kiibo, Himiko and Angie. It was a lot of work. But...I just helped carry it. I wonder how they hung it from there. It was a heavy tank full of water and piranhas. It couldn't have been easy to lift." Kaito sweat dropped. "It seems this is where the lighting batten for the gym is attached." Kirumi said. "Ah, Kirumi." Shuichi mumbled. "The control panel on the side of the stage allows you to raise and lower the batten. It seems they lowered the batten, attached the piranha tank to it, then raised it again." Kirumi explained. "Hmm, I never knew lighting battens were sturdy enough to lift the tank like that." Kaito admitted. "Since it was built to lift heavy objects, it is probably quite sturdy." Kirumi said. I lifted my head just a little more to look at the curtain behind the tank, there should be a window behind that. 

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