Survival 3

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Y/N POV: I slowly opened my eyes, still feeling rather ill, I felt more than two eyes on me, I slowly began to walk ahead, all traces of my dorm being removed, the atmosphere felt tenser now, not as calming as the other dreams had once been. I quickly looked around, trying to look for any sign of my sister, my expression grew calm once I finally saw her, however, she didn't look like the confident person I had known, instead of a look of fear. "I don't know for how long I can talk to you for this time, Y/N." She began to talk, the room grew so quiet that I could hear her swallow thickly, trying to shove down her nerves. " you mean?" I asked her. "Don't get me wrong, I'm elated to see you alive, truly I am...however you can feel it too, can't you? That something isn't right?" She said almost frantically. "What is it with you? You were never this observant before." I pointed out to her, growing a little more paranoid by the second. "Yes! Yes, trust me I know! I don't know what's going to happen next and I don't like it." She mumbled. "You're not actually my sister." I told her, but she didn't seem to react to my words. "...I know." She mumbled sadly. "You are simply just a figment of my imagination, my consciousness...the only reason I started getting dreams like this was due to my own fears, that's why your personality changes sometimes, because of my fears...however you seem to be acting more like my sister this time round." I explained to her, as if she didn't know it already. "I'm the only reason you're alive though, you would' would've done it if you didn't know exactly how much I cared about you." She argued with me, stating her importance, she isn't wrong though, I would have most definitely ended my own life within the killing game if it weren't for these dreams...but some part of me still doesn't want to just think they're dreams. 

"What did you mean before? Saying that something wasn't right?" I asked her, ignoring her last statement which seemed to hurt her, however, despite wanting to apologize, I kept it down. "You're peer, the one with purple hair, the one you seem to dislike so much...he's up to something." She told me. "I know that much, everyone knows that." I replied. "...You have to find him, you said you wanted to, didn't you? What if someone else dies tonight?" She asked me, stating every possible outcome. "I don't think Kokichi would kill anyone, it would be too obvious, no one would defend him if it came down to him being the culprit." I argued with her. I could tell she was getting a little more frustrated, however not at me...she could never get mad at me. "You don't get you?" She asked me, hesitance in her voice. "What are you talking about?" I asked her. "You've stated it multiple times...'Kokichi is unpredictable' he's planning something...something big." She told me. "...Wh...Wha-" I stammered, I wanted to say something, much as I want to do what she's telling me...something in me hesitated, I cant hesitate, not unless I want to survive. "...What do you need me to do?" I asked her, she smiled happily, her eyes a little watery, she quickly walked over to me, her signature little walk where she would lift her heel every few steps, when she was only a foot away from me, she hugged me, her hand on my back. "Y/N...Your sister loves you very much, I hope you know that." She told me, my breathing grew still, almost scared to move. "I know." I told her, she tried to laugh however it only came out as a sigh. "Go outside." She whispered to me, I raised my arms, ready to embrace her however when I tried, my arms only came into contact with a cold breeze, I woke up in a cold sweat, almost shivering, the now uncomfortable feeling of my shoes on me only got worse when I moved around, the pain in my abdomen had now gotten a little more bearable, I slowly lifted myself up, walking into my bathroom and washing my face, I paused when I looked myself in the mirror...I looked different, not because of the bandage wrapped around my head, but...facial wise, my eyes had a different look to them than before, my eyes now holding a sense of importance, just like the one my sister always had every day. 

Snapping out of my mind, I almost jolted from where I was standing, remembering that I had to go find Kokichi, he would probably be expecting everyone to be asleep, it was about two hours before the morning announcement after all. I quietly walked outside my dorm, not seeing anyone in sight, much to my relief. It was rather dark outside for 'morning' I guess it is technically morning, really early in the morning in fact. I walked outside the dormitories as quietly as I could, making sure my shoes interacted with the ground beneath me gently enough to not make as much as a leaf crumble. I looked ahead of me, trying to see if I could find any form of movement, the air was cold against my skin, I could almost feel my own heartbeat in my ears. Along with my slow breathing and my own heart beat I saw a semi far ways ahead of me...movement, almost like an animal I slowly crept up upon the movement, I didn't care that I was making my position more obvious by the second, the second I saw his signature hair poking outwards I ran, not caring about my injuries nor the thumping in my head, I didn't care, I needed to get to him, to make him pay for what he did, to- before my thoughts could come into contact with my actions I found myself quickly taking off my coat as I ran, or as quickly as I could with one none injured hand, Kokichi quickly turned his head however couldn't react in time by the time he could actually register what was happening I lunged myself onto Kokichi's back, the intense impact made him come tumbling down, before he could yell out I put my coat over his mouth weakly, intense pain rushed through my bone as I did my best myself not to yell out in pain, my mind mostly just being focused on muffling out any screams that he may have or didn't make. "I got you!" I yelled out in a form of childish victory. 

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