Trial 2 Aftermath

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Y/N POV: We all went back to the trial room, no words being exchanged as the image of Kirumi dead on the floor was what most of us could think about. "...BLRGBLRBLRBLGHBRLRBLBLGH!" Monophanie yelled as she proceeded to puke on the floor. "Wh-Why Monodam...? Why did you kill Monosuke...? BLRGBLRBLRBLGHBLRBLGH!" Monotaro puked. "IF-YOU-NEED-TO-VOMIT...LET-IT-OUT. YOU-WILL-FEEL-MUCH-BETTER-AFTERWARD. MONOSUKE... HE-WAS-NO-DIFFERENT-FROM-MONOKID. HE-WAS-GETTING-IN-THE-WAY...OF-US-GETTING-ALONG. WE-DON'T-NEED-HIM." Monodam answered. "D-Don't need him...?" Monotaro sweat dropped. "WE-FEW-REMAINING-MONOKUBS...MUST-GET-ALONG. NOT-EVEN-FATHER-CAN-STOP-US-FROM-GETTING-ALONG. NOT-IF-HE-KNOWS-WHAT'S-GOOD-FOR-HIM." Monodam said. "Eh?" Monokuma hummed in response. "THIS-ACADEMY-BELONGS-TO-US... THE-AGE-OF-THE-MONOKUBS-BEGINS-NOW.... HA-HA-HA-HA." Monodam laughed as he left the trial room. Monophanie just continued to puke but left shortly after accompanied by Monotaro. 

"H-How dare you take that rebellious tone with me, young man... And yet, this angsty attitude of yours is just so cute! It's so cute how your little crew has shrunk by one member! Yep, shrunk! You're not getting any larger, y'know!? Ahhh... It's so unbearably cute... All this cuteness makes me feel like I'm about to sneeze... Ah...ah...ah... Ah-gly bitch!" Monokuma yelled, leaving the trial room right after. "Who you callin' an ugly bitch!?" Miu yelled at the bear. "It doesn't matter! Now's not the time for that!" Tsumugi screamed at Miu. "Ghhh... Kirumi!" Gonta yelled with gritted teeth. "I...I can't take this anymore... Even Kirumi was killed so brutally... WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! I DON'T WANNA DO THIS ANYMOOORE!!!!!" Kokichi wailed, his fake tears flowing like a river down his face. "A-Am I...gonna...end up like that too...?" Himiko questioned, even Himiko looked like she was going to cry. I didn't feel any signs that I was going to be crying, though I did feel like my own heart was in my mouth, threatening that if I talked I could potentially cry, I felt sad, just not broken. "I-I won't let that happen, Himiko! I'll protect you, no matter what! I'll protect you, no matter what... B-But...I don't wanna do this anymore either... Please...let's just stop the killing game... I don't care if we stay trapped here forever..." Tenko cried. "...Oh? Isn't that what Atua said? All desire, even your desire to escape this place, can corrupt you beyond redemption." Angie said whilst in a praying position. "It's Monokuma who is corrupt. He is the one who distributed the motive videos." Kiibo pointed out. "Those videos were more dangerous than we thought. To have driven Kirumi that far..." Kiyo said. "Th-Then, how come Y/N didn't kill anyone!? They received their own motive video too, didn't they?" Miu questioned. "...I-I didn't kill anyone because...the special person in my video wouldn't have wanted me to. Killing just isn't right." I answered. 

"What worries me is, as long as we're trapped here, we don't know what's true or false." Maki admitted. "That must be why Kirumi did not want to show the videos. She thought that if everyone felt the same murderous rage that she did...this killing game would be pure chaos. She...wanted to stop it." Shuichi concluded. "If that's the case, then we really shouldn't show the videos to each other!" Kokichi yelled. "That was our consensus from the beginning. Not including you, of course." Kiibo sweat dropped. "I had assumed Kokichi would try to show us our videos to...get under our skin. But that did not come to pass. What, I wonder, were his intentions...?" Kiyo questioned. "Huh? I'd never do anything like that. I'm still thinking about what Kirumi said." Kokichi said. "What Kirumi said...?" Shuichi sweat dropped.

"Everything you just saw was true, though I only remembered it upon watching that video." Kirumi admitted.

"What she said earlier, correct?" Shuichi questioned. "Huh? What about it?" Miu asked. "She said she remembered...and it didn't sound like a lie, either." Shuichi said. "Maybe the video had the properties of a Flashback Light if it made her remember." Angie chimed in. "Huh? The properties of a Flashback Light?" Tsumugi sweat dropped. " could Kirumi remember something she never could have forgotten? Serving the entire nation seems too important for her to just...forget." Shuichi pointed out. "Nyeh...that's true." Himiko mumbled. I'm unsure about that, I still have someone that I want to remember but just can't seem quite to put my finger on it. "Does that mean we have motives to kill that we'll remember by watching our videos?" Tenko questioned. "And if that's the case, maybe it's for the best that we don't watch the videos. As long as we don't see the videos, we won't know our motives." Shuichi explained. "Yeah, now I'm convinced. It's probably for the best. Those motive videos would mess us up, it's better if we just believe in each other." Kaito sweat dropped. "That's right! It's best that we not remember our motives, for everyone's sake! Same goes for you, Y/N!" Kokichi yelled. "...I-I get it, my motive wasn't really convincing to begin with, y-you have nothing to worry about." I said. "Hearing you speak of 'everyone's sake' is the least believable lie I've heard yet..." Kiyo admitted. "How rude. I'm always doing stuff for everyone's sake. I'm sure you won't believe me when I saw stuff like that, so I'll just keep lying... But maybe seeing Kirumi's final moments has made me change my views. She tried to escape until the very end... Running away to live...might not be a bad idea." Kokichi smiled. 

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