Survival 2

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Y/N POV: I mumbled to myself when I opened the exit to the Ultimate lab, Gofer Project...if that were true I never would've been here, under no circumstances would I agree to something that would take me away from my sister...and I know that she felt the same way, I would never make the conscious decision to leave her, they would've had to drag me here against my will, I'm sure. I walked down the staircase, clutching onto the wall for dear life, hoping that the little friction that I could gather with my weak hand could prevent me from losing my balance. Once I had made it down I continued to follow Shuichi to an extremely big door, however, the height of the door was the last thing on my mind as I began to feel ill yet again almost out of nowhere. I heard Shuichi get a key out and stick it into the keyhole, however the little click that you would usually hear when a door opens didn't come. "Huh? The key works....but it won't turn." Shuichi mumbled, it was then when my head perked up, hearing a ticking sound, I felt an uneasy feeling when the ticking slowly increased. "Gah!" Shuichi yelled in surprise when I quickly grabbed his arm and quickly dragged him away from the door. "Forgive my harshness, I remember that ticking sound." I told him, ignoring the pain in my abdomen as I walked a little quicker. Just like I had expected, not long after I had dragged Shuichi away from the door, it exploded, sending a few chunks of the wall flying. "That was dangerous..." I mumbled. "We could have really been hurt..." Shuichi pointed out to me. 

We walked forward to see an almost glowing red door, clearly an Ultimate lab. "We should check inside." Shuichi said, I kept my guard up when he grabbed the doorknob, turning it, however, it didn't budge. "Huh? It won't open..." Shuichi sweat dropped. I jumped when I heard Monokuma's voice behind me. "Oh, that research lab is closed because its owner it dead!" Monokuma yelled. "...The owner is dead?" Shuichi mumbled. "Per the rules, if a student dies before their Ultimate research lab is opened...then that lap will remain closed." Monokuma explained. "That's the first time I'm hearing this!" Shuichi yelled. "That's cuz this is the first time I've mentioned it." Monokuma shot back. "Is...this Rantaro's lab?" I asked Monokuma. "How disappointing. You'd know what his talent was if you went in his lab. Puhuhu... It'd be quite a dramatic development if you learned what his talent was right now!" Monokuma yelled. "Wh-What does that mean?" Shuichi asked him. "Yes, what does that mean? That sorta unexpected development can only happen in a real killing game like this one. Oh well, what a waste. I can't believe that idiot killed him." Monokuma mumbled in disappointment as he disappeared. "...We should continue onward." I told Shuichi, he just nodded as we both walked to the next place that this new area had to show us. I didn't know Rantaro very well, however, I guess one thing that I would've wanted to know about him is his talent, if it would've helped us escape quicker then of course, I would do anything to get out of here...however, for now, I will do my best to repent...that's all I can do now. 

I looked up to see a rather large metal door, slightly similar to the alleged exit. " you wanna see if I can open it with my bare hands? Or do you wanna unlock it with that spare key you have?" I chuckled lightly as I spoke with Shuichi, seems as if I overworked my body even a little too much, the pain would slowly creep in...what a shame, I can't even laugh till my lungs give out as I've always wanted to without feeling pain. I watched Shuichi as he ignored my statement and stuck a key into its respective key holder. I heard a loud rambling sound and then the door made a sort of clacking noise. I walked with Shuichi and a few of the others inside this mysterious-looking place. "I feel like I'm on the set of a sci-fi movie. A mecha could pop out at any moment..." Kiibo sweat dropped. "Are you perhaps just scared of your own kin-" "Let's just look around." Shuichi said, interrupting whatever poor joke I was about to say. The place was made out of metal, rather big too...almost like a maze. I walked with Gonta closely as we tried to find the center or anything important that this maze could show us, it was only a few minutes before we stumbled across a shutter, an extremely big one no less. "...It seems to be well forfeited. That electric barrier. We can't raise the shutter while it's active." Kiibo pointed out. "If they're protecting it this strongly, there must be some secret in there." Shuichi said. "That's a possibility. Let's investigate to see if we can get in." Kiibo said. "W-Wait...isn't going in dangerous?" Gonta questioned, he didn't get to finish speaking his concerns before Kiibo approached the shutter, and the loud red light started to blare. "Wh-What is this!?" Kiibo yelled in shock. "Kiibo, just step away from-" I wasn't all that surprised this time to see Monokuma pop up again, looking rather angry. 

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