A night to remember

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Y/N POV: Once I heard the nighttime announcement go off I got up from my couch and began to walk to the computer room, I wonder what's going to happen to me. If Miu is the one asking me to go there alone at night then obviously it's going to be something weird. I didn't think this was how my life was going to end. Before I had realized I was already walking inside of the computer room, Miu instantly turned her head around to look at me. "Hah-hahaha! Good to see that you actually showed up." Miu laughed. "...U-Um...why am I here again?" I asked Miu. "Usually I would have people pay to hang out with me, but since you've been actin' all sluggish recently. I have decided out of the kindness of my rich heart to willingly hang out with you instead!" Miu said. I begun to grow a little confused, wouldn't it just be easier for her to kill me instead? "S-So basically this is y-your way of apologizing?" I questioned. "Don't go acting like I owe you something just cuz I said something mea

 to you, the only reason I'm doing this is cuz if this guilty feeling in my stomach stays then my work will get effected, and then the whole world would be effected and will never recover!" Miu pointed out. "R-Right...so what do people do to hang out?" I asked Miu. "Just follow me." Miu instructed as she walked out of the computer room, I quickly begun to follow behind her quietly as I grew more nervous. I followed her outside to the courtyard and instantly sped walked by her side, what if Kaito, Maki and Shuichi see me? It may be farfetched with how dark it is but still...I don't wanna accidently run into them, although some part of me would like to think that they wouldn't care enough. However I was relived to see that we had quickly made it to her lab, I guess this wasn't surprising, I really hope that what she plans to do isn't going to be like what she did to Kiibo... 

"Ta-da! Here we are-Miu Iruma's research lab!" Miu yelled. Maybe I should give her a present, perhaps that'll brighten her mood a little. As I walked behind Miu to walk into her Ultimate lab I dug into my pocket and grabbed a pair of Bondage...Boots? Why do I even have this? I handed the pair of boots to Miu who begun to blush and play with her hair. I assume that she would like these kinds of things. "Wh-What? How did you know I've wanted this? D-Don't tell me...you're that into me... Well, I guess a perma-virgin like you can't help but think about all day long! Alright, Y/N! You ready?" Miu asked me. "R-Ready?" I mumbled in confusion. "Huh? Don't look at me like I just blew up a dove with a rocket launcher! After all, I, Miu Iruma, the gorgeous girl genius, am gonna devote my time to you! And you'll entertain me in return, right? You'll leave me 100% satisfied, right?" Miu asked. I guess I'll be paying her by entertaining her then. "I-I don't know about all that..." I mumbled. "Typical... When men see the heat I'm packin', they get all nervous and stiff. But since you got me in a good mood... Alright, I'll show you my inventions to start us off! Now, the first invention I'll show ya is this!" Miu yelled as she showed me a sort of device. "Wh-What is this? A sensor?" I questioned. "Wow, you actually figured out it's a sensor! But can you guess what kinda sensor!?" Miu yelled. "...N-No clue." I admitted. "That's what I thought! I call this baby the 'Hookup Counter'!" Miu said. "H-Hookup...counter?" I sweat dropped. I don't like where this is going. "It counts how many people you've fucked! Or how many people have fucked you!" Miu explained as she pointed it at me. "H-Heeee! D-Don't point that at me!" I yelled at Miu. "Too late! Let's see the result, shall we? HAH-HAHAHAHA! No fuckin' way! You kiddin' me!?" Miu laughed. I felt my face grow a red hue, I just want to go home, I thought I was here out of the kindness out of Miu's heart, not to get made fun of about my...nonexistent count. 

"Now, on to the next invention!" Miu yelled as she brought out a machine that looked like an arm with a boxing glove attached to the fist. "...Wh-What is this?" I asked Miu. "'Auto-Puncher that Punches You for Telling Terrible Dirty Jokes'!" Miu explained. "Wh-Why is the name so literal?" I asked Miu. "Who cares? Sometimes I'm too lazy to think of names. I'm constantly crankin' out new inventions! You cant expect me to name 'em all! I mean, do you name each of your little dudes after you blast 'em into a tissue?" Miu asked me which resulted in the machine activating and punching Miu's stomach. "Grgh!" Miu yelped at the impact. "A-Ah! Are you okay?" I asked Miu who didn't look all that bothered. "Sh-Sheesh... That was sudden... Still, though...that was a good punch..." Miu said as she began to blush. I guess she's okay then. "Hehehehehe... Alright, I got one more invention to show you!" Miu said. "...Wh-What is it this time?" I sweat dropped. As Miu brought out something that looks like a ray gun from a science fiction movie or book. "This baby'll teleport underwear in a flash! I call it the 'Goin' Commando' gun!" Miu presented. "...E-Excuse me?" I mumbled. "Just point this light at a pair of underwear, and you can send it anywhere you want! Whaddaya think!? Cool shit, right!?" Miu asked me. "E-Eh? You can teleport objects?" I questioned. "Not all objects! Just underwear!" Miu corrected me. Just underwear? She's really wasting this incredible technology on just underwear? "Hah-hahahaha! Whaddaya think!? Bow before my formidable talent!" Miu yelled. "...I-I don't know what to say. This is...all very odd to me." I told Miu. "Wh-What...? D-Don't...look at me like that... With those...cold eyes... I just...wanted to show this stuff to you..." Miu stammered out. Did I upset her? I didn't mean to. "I-I just grew up without being exposed to this kind of stuff so I-I apologize if I don't understand it, however I think it's really c-creative! R-Really good stuff." I lied. "Really?" Miu questioned.

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