Investigation before truth? 3

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Y/N POV: In one of the first times in a long time my legs couldn't keep up with me for long, perhaps it was because of the snow or how my strength had decreased significantly, I'm sure Kiyo would've loved it here, sure he didn't really like Miu enough to complement her directly however he would've probably commented on his surroundings and say how beautiful it was, just assuming that the 'humanity is beautiful' thing wasn't a lie too, however, I trust Kiyo, even in death, I know that he had his reasons to keep the...sister thing a secret, if anyone found out about the life he was given and stuck with...he would be an immediate outcast, the way I assume life was like for him outside of the academy walls, but even when he didn't tell us anything people still saw him as creepy, I wish things could've been different, I really do. 

I slowly walked myself to the spot I had come from and shook off some bits of snow that had stuck to my clothes and walked forward to where presumingly Shuichi and Kiibo ran off to... However, I found myself walking forward to look around the corner of the building just out of plain curiosity and desperation to find a clue being how all I was able to find a piece of the outside world in the form of a Flashback Light which I myself don't know if there truly a reliable source, even so...I can understand why they're easy to believe, it's just...too real. Once I looked around the corner of the building I saw that there was a roll of toilet paper. "O-Oh?" I mumbled as I kneeled down next to it, I grazed my hand along the material and not much to my surprise there was marks of the toilet paper being gripped hard, harder then you would normally grip it if you were just to be carrying it around normally, Shuichi and Kiibo have probably investigated this, so... I picked up the roll of toilet paper and took out some of it, once I had unrolled enough I grabbed the toilet paper on opposite ends, lifted it on my level and tugged hard, or at least as hard as I could at this time, and alas it didn't tear, I guess this could be a potential murder weapon, Miu was chocking on something before I had came to find her so I guess it should've sufficed as rope, It's a real shame...she wasn't supposed to die, however even if I did drink the poison before Miu died I wouldn't have been alive to prevent it so she would've still died and the other culprit would've been executed, my death would've just been more time consuming rather than useful, because Kaito doesn't have a proper alibi he would've probably been accused of my death. In the end, my plan was destined to fail the second Miu started choking. I'm a real idiot, I couldn't even stay true to my word that I would do it. 

I put down the toilet paper and walked down the staircase and across the small snowy field, it was tranquil in some way, similar to how the academy was when everyone was in the Virtual World. I saw that there was a small stream coming up ahead with a board across it acting as a bridge with the words Miraihills on it, I shrugged it off and carefully walked across it. It made me feel a little uneasy about how everything was so quiet. I feel like my mood has decreased drastically since Kiyo's death, I just...really don't think there's much point dragging my life along pointlessly just for the reality that I'll most likely never get out of here sneaking up on me, I want the others to escape though, I want them to live, even if it looks as if I don't care about them...I really do, I do trust them, I just didn't want to be alone again, if the killing game is so cruel that it can kill people like Kiyo off as if it was nothing then to hell with it, I hate myself for playing it and I hate me for not trying harder to get out, I hate myself for not being able to prevent anything, I hate myself for the things I did, I hate myself for not being able to defy Monokuma's wants...I'll be damned if I couldn't make Monokuma or the mastermind feel the same pain then everyone else who had to suffer because of the killing game did, whoever is watching this I hope they very kindly proceed to shove this pathetic excuse for entertainment up there- oh, is this supposed to be...? 

I looked ahead of me to see Miu's body and a few items sprawled around the area, I guess the others are a little further ahead. I tilted my head down slightly as I took a proper look at the scene before me, Miu's avatar was laying down on the floor with a piece of lattice next to her and a hammer a few feet away, I kneeled down next to Miu's body and observed her neck and the back of her head where the stab wound was placed, but there were no signs of injury, I guess a dead body stays in the Virtual World but a logged out one doesn't, however, I guess that would make sense, if there wasn't a body to investigate then there's no need for an investigation, I guess if no one else is going to be investigating then I guess I could... I lifted Miu's body by her sides and propped her up on the wall of the building next to her, even in death she still looks pretty, if I didn't know that she was dead in the real world then I wouldn't even know that she was dead, I kinda wish I got to go on that date with her even though she wasn't Kiyo, no matter what might've happened that led up to her death she didn't deserve to die, no less by me or the other potential culprit, she had a promising future, I wish...I wish I could've done something better, if I had gone to the Virtual World then...maybe...

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