Flashy, flashy... Flashy!

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Y/N POV: I walked around in the confinements of my Ultimate lab for a little while, mapping out my steps and what do to next, I was admittedly rather tired and hungry as well, I could feel the strength in my limbs fading away over time, it didn't help that the next few days were most likely going to be not as eventful as I would've liked them to be, though this is a good opportunity to better myself, once the others see me...I want to be completely different, I don't want to hide who I was any longer from people, I want to dress differently and I want to act differently in the way I present myself. Becoming depressed and staying in your room are the things I would still be doing without the memory of my sister, and I will treasure that for the rest of my life, no matter the circumstances of the outside world. As I walked in between the rows of books I browsed for a little while, blowing the dust off books and simply just taking a breather from everything, everything had to be kept maintained, if I don't maintain my pride and joy then It'll show. My rather blissful thinking was interrupted however by the sound of something heavy moving, like...from up above. I quickly shot my head upward to see a book tilting dangerously to the side, toppling over, I quickly moved out of the way and caught it seconds before it had hit my head, did Monokuma plan that, too? The book was heavy and didn't seem weird in any way until I began to flip through it, quickly finding that in between the pages was a bookmark...that took the shape of a very familiar photo. It was a yearbook photo of one of my most recent ones, I knew them all off by heart since these years were one of the most traumatizing for me. 

The photo was one of all my classmates, me including, some of whom hated me and some didn't mind me all that much, point is that there was always a certain someone in these photos, how Monokuma was able to acquire them I have no clue...the girl, the girl whom I never say her name due to reasons I never told anyone, the photo of the damned girl who put me through a hell that I will never be able to describe was circled in red ink profusely as if pointing out to me that she existed and she was in my life like 'hey! Is this who hurt you? Is this who you begged to leave you alone for years? Is this who made your very soul tremble in fear?' it felt like the photo was taunting me, and that pissed me off. "What...kind of sick joke is this?" I murmured out loud to whoever may be listening. "D-Do you think you can slow me down with a photo of the damned!?" I yelled out to the bookshelf that the book had fallen from, there was a deafening silence that worked as a reply to my yell, I was seriously pissed now, the killing game had truly sunken so low, taking the joy and hope of people and swapping it out with dark despair. "...Fuck you." I spat at the bookshelf and I clenched onto the photo in my hand, amidst the sound of paper crinkling in my hand I also heard the familiar sound of something metal in the distance as if something metal was...being unsheathed, I immediately ducked down on the floor as I heard the sharp object fly past and hit the wall in front of me, I hesitantly got up and walked away from the bookshelves, putting the book that first held the photo away to its respective place, my knees shaking a little as I did so. These traps set up by Monokuma were beginning to become more deadly over time, I don't think my body could take another fatal blow, I'm thankful that Gonta was able to stop me in time, otherwise, my ending wouldn't be too far off from Kaito's, just perhaps a little bloodier, I looked down at the hand I was clenching the photo with. 

It was at that moment when I looked up and I was in Shuichi's Ultimate lab right in front of the fireplace that crackled with life, when I looked down at the crinkled piece of paper...at their faces for hopefully the last time...I threw the paper into the fire, I watched intently as it ignited and quickly burned away into ash much to my pleasure, I hope I don't have to see that photo anymore, it was sick of Monokuma to show me that, as if it was going to force me into a similar state of depression-like how the others are suffering now, though I doubt I'll ever know his intentions, not like I mind all that much. I will not falter though, I refuse to turn out like how I was before, the way I acted before, running away from my problems was nothing more than a pitiful mistake, something that was not going to be repeated again for my sake and the sake of the others that stand alive in the killing game, Monokuma will not win, he may think that he had due to how things played out, however, he will have to know through us that we will get the good ending, the ending where none of us fall to his games, the ending where everything turned out okay. This killing game is just unfortunate, however, it's not as if it cannot be turned around, only issue that stands before us and our road to hope is Monokuma and the Mastermind that refuses to let us out of this god-forsaken place. Kokichi may try his hardest to pretend like he's the mastermind and he very well may be, however until solid evidence has been presented, I cannot drive myself to a conclusion completely on my hatred for Kokichi, Maki has done that multiple times and who's to say that she won't jump to jump to conclusions just to disadvantage Kokichi even a little bit, as foolish as that may seem it is a very logical thing to think about.

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