Investigation 5

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Y/N POV: I began to walk to the back door after taking a mental note of what Maki had said. Never trust anyone, or I'll lose. Is that really true? I have trusted people before and that...didn't really end well. I don't know much about Korekiyo and the others, I don't know what their hiding, I don't know what they truly think of me, they must be thinking about how idiotic I can be, how I can be so dramatic in some of the worst times. That's probably what their thinking, Y/N. Do not get your hopes up for even the slightest chance of friends that will probably end up exploiting you for your information and test cheat answers and squeeze you of all your mental health that you don't even think yourself that you have any bit of that left. And when you have nothing else to offer them anymore they chose to use you for their personal enjoyment and their entertainment-

"Wait! Gonta not murder anyone!" 

"H-Huh? Wha-" I questioned, I felt my blank vision return to normal as I saw, Gonta looking quite frightened as he began yelling about something about him not being the culprit for this case. "I told you...we're not saying you did. We just want to talk-" Kaito tried to explain. "No...It's him alright. He's got the face of a killer." Himiko argued. "H-Hey, what's going o-on-" I tried to speak. "N-No judge Gonta by his outside. On inside, Gonta gentleman." Gonta mumbled sadly, he was looking quite hurt by how Himiko was insisting that he was the culprit. "H-Hold on, what's going on?" I asked even though I had a pretty good idea of what was going on. "Oh, hey there, Y/N. We're just trying to ask him-" Kaito tried to explain. 

"Nyeeeh...just tell us whilst we're asking nicely. Are you or are you not the culprit? Or...are you not not the culprit? Or are you not not not the culprit?" Himiko asked in one of the most confusing ways one could ask another human. "Gonta not not no...u-uhhhh..." Gonta trailed of, his brain was probably trying to comprehend what Himiko said.

"It's just been this over and over. We can't move forward at all." Kaito said. "I-It's probably because of the questions you're asking him, I-I just need to collect alibies and some further information on the c-case." I said. "Then I'll change you question. Timmy buys five strawberries for 50 cents each and one apple..." Himiko trailed off slightly. "W-With what I'm hearing in the moment the answer is 250 cents, but that's besides the point, do your own math homework next time." I turned my head to face Gonta, or rather I looked up. "Hey, Gonta, I, Um...talked to Maki earlier. You were in the basement A/V room alone the whole time, right? Wh-What were you doing alone?" I asked. "Gonta happy to be invited to meeting. But Gonta think he not much help, cuz he not smart... So Gonta in here alone, watching bug movie!" Gonta smiled at me. 

I guess different people require different coping mechanisms, I get that. "A-Ah, mind telling me why you did that, n-not like it's any of my business-" "Bug movie fill Gonta with fight! Make Gonta ready to fight Monokuma!" Gonta yelled. I jumped back in surprise at Gonta's sudden determined energy. "A-Ah um, okay. You do what's best for you." I mumbled in response, Gonta's positive emotions proved contagious as I felt myself feel something, I don't think I can explain it all too well, I haven't felt much emotion throughout the very little time I've spent in the killing game, heck. I don't even think I've smiled very much at all if at all, for once I feel happy? I've felt happiness before with my sister and all, but this was different. I feel like I just got  electrocuted with a shot of happiness, but in the best way possible. 

Am I exhilarated, maybe? Am I feeling like this just because someone apart from my own sister smiled at me? That...sounds more depressing when it's in my head.

"But...why is it locked?" Kaito asked. "Wh-What is locked?" I asked. I felt my brain still recovering from that sudden positive emotion, at least I think it was positive anyway. "If you don't answer honestly...I'll change you into a girl with my magic." Himiko, threatened? "Huh? Gonta no can become girl-Gonta! Then Gonta never become gentleman!" Gonta yelled. "D-Don't worry, you could still become a gentle-woman, Gonta." I said in my poor attempt to cheer Gonta up. "H-Himiko, could you just stop talking, please? Gonta, can you tell me what happened?" I asked. "Gonta...just need focus. If Gonta no focus... Gonta no can fill up with fight. That it, really! Gonta just wanna protect everyone! guys not believe Gonta, huh!? Cuz Gonta so big and scary- looking, huh!?" Gonta yelled. 

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